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dash adamson

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    baltimore MD

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  1. Thanks everyone for their input and help, I have a line on a fix! -dash
  2. Tis the tiffen way... :P I could take the whole thing apart, Which I would not have a problem doing but I cant get anyone to respond to me at all... even some non-tiffen sources. -dash
  3. I am a eastcoast Op, baltimore to be more precise. -dash
  4. Hi guys and gals! My clipper 2 is in need of some Gimbal servicing and cleaning and I am looking for an alternative to sending it back to tiffen. Anyone have some suggestions on who to contact?
  5. I have a call into them, I would like to know if anyone has done a topstage swap or if anyone has some input on it. -dash
  6. Hi Guys and Gals, I own a clipper 2 and would like to run the larger top stage from the Ultra 2 line, mainly for the Larger standard dovetail plate as that works with more accessories than the thinner Clipper plate. Anyone have any ideas on how or even if this swap could be done? -dash
  7. I liked it a lot when I had the chance to test it out for a bit. I liked the added control I felt I gained by smoothing out the height of the socket block when moving slooooooow. I Did have some bruising from the lower pads but I think that could be easily remedied with a layer of different padding. but in the purchase phase it has proven to be a bit of a unicorn.
  8. Been thinking about the same thing, how I would lower the socket block on a pro vest my self. hmmmm making that vest seem more attractive now.. -dash
  9. Steve, We have had our scout 42 for a while now and it is quite the work horse. Inovativ builds a hell of a product we often have several hundred pounds of stuff on it and it rolls far easier than any magliner I have ever used. It works so well in fact we ordered a Ranger for our dedicated steadicam cart. Expensive, YES but I looked at it this way... every time I am on set my gear is on a cart of some kind and I want what makes my life easy whether I am pushing it across the national mall or in a vacant buildings loading dock ramps it makes life (mine at least) easier than any other cart I have owned. -dash www.productionpit.com
  10. I am in kinda the same boat Danny, I am also looking to move out of my current vest do to some discomfort and wanting to operate longer with less fatigue. I have settled on either the EXO or PRO but at this point I have not had much response form Tiffen with wanting to take my money..... so its looking like I may be in a PRO suit.
  11. Kyle, What are you using as the end weights? any links to what they are? -dash
  12. Steadicam and basket ball, Oh the memories.... I was on that same Fox sports show it was a lot of fun and even more exhausting :). The only way steadicam worked for the game is being able to be in the court and not have to worry about the live audience. (I got knocked around and almost got run over a few times.) Now for the "show" Steadicam was very useful for the opens, transitions and closers, But i would have to say if you are covering a real game... Go hand held. -Dash
  13. I will be at NAB this year hope to see you all around the show/Ops night!
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