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Greg Child

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  1. M1 with volt.

    HI josh is this still for sale? Sorry to ask but I haven't used this forum to buy although looked for many years. I assume that if it has not got sol it is but thought i would touch base from Aus and ask as you may have split things up.

    Regards, Greg

    1. Josh Kugler

      Josh Kugler

      Hey Greg,

      I have a buyer lined up, and the transfer is supposed to be initiated Tuesday. Once payment is confirmed, I will be updating the post to indicate it's sold, however I don't want to do that until money is in my account. If for some reason that doesn't happen, I'll let you know.


  2. Hi John just checking. Is your Gimbal sold? The 3a?

    Cheers Greg


  3. Hey just curious, is that US$
  4. Pete, I saw Jason and Damiens, then Steve Cahill and myself bought one. We had to send them back but there was no problem doing it and I'm pretty happy. Best thing I've bought. Steve I believe has sent his back to get the Focus ratio changed. I had a little creeping which i sorted but the Focus is sweet! If you get a chance to spend a little, I hope you enjoy. Cheers, Greg
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