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Jason Tan

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Jason Tan last won the day on April 25 2020

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  1. Also if you have an original G50 you should get the G50X modification.
  2. For Alexa I always need to run at 24V, at 12V it tries to draw too much amperage for the sled to handle. This is using the MK-V V2 boxes. The cable is different for 12V and 24V in that you have to use pin 3 for +24V, pin 2 is for +12V, pin 1 is always GND. All your 12/24V ports will still put out +12V if your accessory cables are wired positive to Pin 2.
  3. Hi Tomas, If your V2 gimbal is only a little out of balance like mine was (I only noticed it when using a really long drop time) you may be able to adjust it quite simply with an allen wrench. Read this topic... http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=9684 And also I have precisely the same issues as you with those Motorola walkies knocking out the signal (we are using much of the same equipment - Transvideo/Boxx) I spoke to Howard a couple months ago at NAB and he acknowledged the problem to me but has not offered a solution yet. The saving grace so far is that because the base of the sled is designed to pass any type of cable down the post I was able to run another bnc cable for HDSDI which bypasses all the electronics. It works, but I agree it's a little sloppy.
  4. I think the thing that is maybe not clear is that the side drop test will get you into DB no matter the height of the monitor, so long as both conditions are met at the same time. (ie. the sidedrop balance and static balance). This is what happens to me. After making battery adjustments to the balance your sideways drop, you obviously have to counteract that adjustment with the top stage to get back in static balance. BUT this will definitely throw off the sidedrop test slightly, so now so you have to do it once more, and then again tweak out the top stage. It shouldn't take more than two or three times back and forth to get into DB. Each time the adjustment to the batteries should be smaller and smaller, if it starts getting bigger you've overshot the sweet spot. Another tip I like is to deliberately decide to only make adjustments your battery since you usually want the monitor in your fav spot. This helps reduce the variables. In a nutshell, I think both conditions must be met at the same time. It's not unlike setting the back focus of an ENG lens where you have two variables to adjust and two conditions to satisfy.
  5. In my experience, play in the yoke bearing is often the source of misalignment along the x-axis. On my gimbal the tolerance is so tight on the yoke arms that there's no possibility or need for adjustment there. I don't know whether the yoke bearing was designed to be asymmetrical (probably not) or if it's just the result of wear and tear but it does work for me, because even a few thousands of a mm at that location has a dramatic effect. It's possible this is specific to my gimbal, but it's a simple thing to try if anyone is having issues.
  6. I just adjusted mine. It can pretty easy to adjust depending on which axis is off. Here is a diagram if it's the x-axis, it's a very simple adjustment.
  7. Measured it with a digital caliper 28.12 mm / 1.107 in cheers
  8. Not offended. I provoked it anyway. Damn you interwebs.
  9. I know I was speaking out of turn, should have known better. Geez 4 posts in and I'm already starting to flame up.
  10. I don't know anything about the private details of Mk-V's corporate restructuring, but I think it should be acknowledged that walking away from bad debt is increasingly common and should really not be judged on a personal level. If banks can do it while paying their execs millions of dollars in bonuses I think the little guy deserves to protect themselves in a similar fashion. Don't forget corporate debt is different than personal debt and involves different types of collateral, insurance, everything. edit: Just read the follow up post. It is unfortunate to hear that some of the creditors are individuals and possibly even employees. This is none of my business but it's probably in everyone's interest to finish your settlement before continuing to post further details.
  11. FWIW, I bought a complete Genesis V2 Lite system in February for a RED feature. The gear is superb and support has been top notch. All shipping is two day fedex, no customs problems. Couldn't be happier with my decision.
  12. Problem solved. Silicone spray did the trick and I also put a few dabs of white lithium grease... smooth as silk again. :D
  13. My G50 is only 3 weeks old and has started creaking. The diagram seems to be missing now. Is there an update to this issue? Jason
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