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David Fleming

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  1. I am a stabilizer hobbyist and I happened into by accident. I have always been fascinated by the Stedicam, but until recently never had I opportunity to experiment with one first had. Recently a new friend invited my over to try out is Glidcam V8 and then sent it home with me saying his back could not handle using it all. I am trying to fly my XL1 for which is seems to have designed around. The troubles I am having are getting the camera level as it rotates vertically around the post. I am suspicious that this could be a bearing issue, but I am interested in advice. I can balance the rig with the camera pointed in a direction (say lens point north) and then when I rotate lens (say pointing north east) the post leans slightly. If I rotate the lens back to north it will level up again. I know the V8 is an entry level kit at best, but since it on loan to me I would like to learn as much as I can from it. If anyone has any suggestions about the balance issue, I would greatly appreciate the feedback. I am also having trouble keeping the frame level to the horizon especially when turning slightly. I am certain this is operator inexperience, but if anyone can provide any tips to remedy this, it would be helpful. I try and practice regularly, but I don?t know anything specifically to do except walk around and shoot video. I have seen the posts about Antlers and I am curios if they would help me maintain horizon. I was also curious if adding a lightweight 3? dowel on the sled as a visual horizon indicator (like training wheels) might be helpful.
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