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jef medici

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  1. Hey Luke Hope things are good with your rig, Im intrigued as to what monitor and battery pack you have used as I too am flying the 6000 rig and want to discover where to purchase and how to do this perhaps you can let me know. Regards Jef :)
  2. Ok thanks Michael for the link I have registered and will take a look at your mods I will keep you posted on the issue and let you know how I get on Regards Jef :)
  3. Hi Jef, I'll try to answer your questions as best I can. 1) Best size is probably 5" to 7" diagonal. 2) You can use any monitor indoors. For outdoor shots, a very bright LCD with an anti-reflective coating works best. The number of nits is the important specification. The number of pixels doesn't matter as much for steadicam. 3) In general, you'll use composite video. The cables for this have the yellow RCA cable ends or BNC cable ends. 4) Yes, you will need a 12-volt power source. See below for details. If you don't have much money, you can pick up a 7" LCD TV off of eBay for less than $100 shipped, like this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...E:B:BCA:US:1123 Just make sure it has A/V inputs and a 12v DC power input. This won't be great outdoors, but if you make a hood out of plastic, cardboard, or coroplast, it should be usable. For a cheap 12v battery, you can use 10 AA NiMH rechargeable batteries and a 10-AA battery holder like the one shown here: http://www.oselectronics.com/ose_p104.htm (part number BH107). You'll also want a BH9V6 to connect to the holder. You can get 4 of each for around $21 shipped. These are the same battery holders used on the Steadicam Pilot-AA model, but since the Flycam 6000 doesn't have a 10-AA battery holder housing, you'll probably just have to gaff tape the battery pack to the bottom rear of the sled. You'll also need some electrical tape to make your own power cables. You'll probably want to get a couple spare sets of 10 AA NiMH batteries and enough chargers to charge 10 at once. For example, you can buy 3 of these http://thomasdistributing.com/shop/la-cros...uibrncr5pp3fr15 and 3 of these http://thomasdistributing.com/shop/duracel...uibrncr5pp3fr15 for around $180 shipped. Together with the battery holders, thats makes three 12v 2.6aH battery packs (enough for a full day's shoot) and a charger solution all for around $200. You can also spend more and get a pro battery package, like this: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/3981...7S_Starter.html That's two 4.8aH batteries and charger for around $1000. In this case, you'll also need a v-lock plate. Hope this helps. Hi Dave Thanks for such an elaborate and informative reply It has helped me a lot I will keep you posted on this and let you know my progress Regards Jef
  4. Hi I am film student and have bought the Flycam 6000 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vgZJLCcl-kg and now want to use a monitor for it same as these guys, I would like some advice on the following: 1) Best size? 3 /5 ? 2) Can I use any LCD monitor ? 3) What will the monitor have to have to connect to my XL2? 4) Will I need a battery pack ? if so where do i get one ? Thanks in anticipation of your replies Jef
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