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Found 3 results

  1. 4 x Codex 512gb Capture Drives for sale ($3200 per drive) + USB 3 Capture Dock (Single) ($900) Perfect condition.
  2. Hey guys and girls, I have an ULB music video shoot Friday night (September 25) and just found out that we're sub-renting a camera package from another production which includes the Alexa XT, Hawk Anamorphics (potentially V-Lite), a remote focus and Teradek Bolt. Though in the past two years I've been able to push my Flyer LE to it's maximum and then some without any problems, this setup is several to ten pounds over the weight capacity of my system. Does anybody have a rig more commensurate to this camera package that you could rent out for the night? Any advice is also appreciated. Best, Greg Arch
  3. Hey, I got a shooting coming up in 5 days with the Alexa XT, it's my first time to fly an Alexa XT on my zephyr and I'm a bit worried. I will receive the 2nd battery hanger, the steady-Alexa plate and the 24V cable in a couple of days. The setup will include the camera, an Arri Master Prime Lens and a bartech wireless follow focus. Anyone has a previous experience with this cam on this rig? Will I be able to fly it in Low mode (hips level) or no chance? I'm planning to power up the Bartech from the sled also. Any advice is much appreciated. Many Thanks, Christopher
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