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  1. Hey Guys n Gals, I was on a shoot up in Gunnedah for a few weeks and during the down time I watched a bunch of BTS stuff from films. One of the films that cought my attention was the BTS for GIJoe Retaliation. Check out the clip at 14:10 Hes holding the mattebox. You can see him doing it a whole buch through the video. So, have you guys seen the technique of the steadicam op in the fight scenes? Is this sort of thing common? Do you Guys n Gals have any interesting techniques like this that are part of your bag of tools? I thought it was super interesting and very counter intuitive to what I previously thought about steadicam. I figured putting my hands anywhere but the grip was totally off limits but I guess if it gets the shot, it gets the shot. Anyway, thought it was interesting and thought I'd share :) Nat J
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