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  1. here is something I posted on facebook last week ( April 4th) while still recovering from a sudden blood clot in my right lung ( Pulmonary Embolism) "Hi folks, sorry I've been lost and out of touch here for a few days. I'm currently cooped up in the hospital since Sunday with a pulmonary embolism and slight collapse of a portion of my right lung ( from the blood clot). I am on lovenox and coumadin to thin out my blood to a level where its safe for me to be discharged and I can then continue to administer the medication myself. The great thing is, when I am discharged I will be able to return to work and just be careful not to cut myself (which is rare in my line of work) during the time I am on the blood thinning medication. Now to the timeline of the symptoms so that it may help someone recognize them in the future and have them take the necessary actions which would save their life. I returned from Italy March 1st, worked several jobs over the following days and weeks..on Sunday the 24th I did a bit of steady and had a few days off, on Wednesday I felt some discomfort under my right collar bone, like a sore muscle pain, thought nothing of it, on Thursday I felt the pain under the collar bone and a slight bit under my right rib cage, by Friday at work (steady on LaVoz kids) I felt pain when I took in a deep breath, but nothing I did at work made it better or worse, Friday night at home there was no more pain under the collar bone just under the rib cage when I breathe in. Saturday started with the same symptoms, went to work, and the pain all of a sudden went away and I was feeling better. Went home and the pain came back and got worse, so bad, I could not sleep laying down, whenever my breathing pattern took a deep breath it jolted me out bed with pain, I thought someone had kicked me in the right rib cage, but no bruise, or redness. I took 2 ibuprophen 200mg and 30 minutes later was finaly able to fall asleep sideways, I could not lay on my back without bad pain, Sunday was better, I would find out it was better cause I woke up, got out of bed and didn't lay back down at all, so the pain wasn't that bad, later in the evening while sitting at home watching TV., the pain started to increase and this time it did not matter if I was breathing deeply or not. I decided to drive myself to Memorial Miramar ( Hospital), they were so great with Annette and Vaughn when he was born, I drove the distance to that hospital. Triage, EKG, chest x rays, blood work, then wait, blood work showed something that Dr. V in the ER ordered a Cat Scan. The scan showed I had a blood clot in my right lung. That started the whole process of getting some Lovenox injection in me and monitoring, they moved me upstairs and into a room. In the coming days I've had full ultra sounds of both legs which should no other clots anywhere. So Dr. Moya who is taking charge of me while admitted is thinking that I very well may have gotten a DVT (deep vein trombosis) during my return flight from Italy, which could have formed in my leg, and even a few weeks later have traveled towards my shoulder, then down into the lung where it was lodged, a deadly situation but one that when treated leads to a scare and not a life altering change. So.....moral of the story.... stay hydrated, and get in the habit of stretching well before any long periods of sitting still, whether on a plane or even at home or on a set while sitting on a dolly. Get up, walk around, get blood flowing, and stay healthy, get check ups, DVT and PE (pulmonary embolism) both cause death in rare cases with strokes, heart attacks and embolisms but their possibilities of happening can be prevented or reduced greatly by just being pro active and not being sedentary. I hope to be home soon. Stay healthy friends, there are too few of us good ones left!" I am home.. Got discharged last Thursday late in the evening, continued to inject myself in the stomach twice a day and on Monday the INR level in my blood finally went up to 2.2 where I was able to stop taking the injections and just stay on the coumadin pills, which I'll be taking for the next 6 months, with blood work every 2 days now and hopefully next week I start every week, then every month.. I can already go back to work full time. and am now a few days later 100% strengthwise. Laying in a bed even for a few days, only getting up to sretch and go to the restroom can have pretty drastic results on your muscles. All better now... Fly safe.
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