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Everything posted by Stuie

  1. I purchased a Basson Bumble Bee 800 about six months ago for a feature I am in the middle of shooting. As a low-budget filmmaker and a mechanical designer for Lockheed Missiles in my paying job, I checked out the prices and what you got and what you can fly on the different systems. The Basson was less expensive and more versitile in my opinion (ability to fly a good range of different cameras). If I had 10K+ to spend, a different brand may have been an option but, that's half the budget on this flick and Basson cut me a deal on a unit in their mid-range model. For anyone budget conscious I would recommend one. I have not seen the "bottom of the line" version and can't speak of its quality or durability, but the Bumble Bee is built well. I am sure there are better models out there, but in the position of "needing" quite a few street and walking shots for a film and being on a limited budget, it fits my needs and budget to a tee. I am flying a Sony HVR-Z1U (I always shoot PAL by choice for better color depth and resolution) and as the Basson doesn't come with a monitor (additional cost), I rigged a 7" LCD from my local car stereo store for about $100.00 (PAL compatible). The setup stand from Basson was pretty pricey but the rig comes with the budget clip. A trip to Lowes for a small section of brass pipe to join the Basson clip and a cheap chinese C-stand ($70.00) found online and the set-up stand was solved in a cost effective manner. In every instance of online posting about something breaking on a Basson from the owner of the rig, it was made clear that replacement parts were sent out with no problems. From a worldwide market and a company in South America and no one complained about Basson screwing them over for parts. That seems like VERY good customer service to me and convinced me I could trust the company for support. If Basson has been making rigs for 5 years now and most of the breakages were in the earlier models, look at it this way. If you were buying a car, generally the first year model will have the most problems. Customer feedback drives model improvements on the subsequent years and I am sure the same holds true for Basson and even the other steadi cam companies. Sitting the first year models next to the last year models it would most likely be a different product in any case if the company was dedicated to improving their product. Basson seems to support their customers (info from steadicam forums) and seem to improve their models (mine seems pretty tough). If a part continues to break and good customer support is practiced (it appears to be the case with Basson), it's not cost effective to continue to send out replacement parts driving up their costs and taking profits down. I imagine the welds are either larger or have better penetration now to prevent the arms breaking like previous years models. There are a few things that are negative issues and the weight is one. Being I have not used a different setup before I can't compare it to another rig but the DP on my last flick had the 10K model Steaicam w/XL-1 and he complained about being in the rig too long as well, so I assume they are all pretty heavy. It would be cool if they had or come up with a case for their system which it could be shipped in and worked out of. Transportation of the components to site is a little tricky as the parts are fairly large. I could disassemble the arm after each use to fit in a smaller, cheaper case, but would rather keep the unit together as there is enough to do on set or a shoot to break down the equipment more than is nessesary. The positives are: I have been able to get many great shots with the rig so far. Maybe I balanced it right the first time and have a natural knack for using the rig but it seems to work flawlessly. Any shots I blew were my fault (movement or sway). I am flying the Sony HDV now, but I know I could make a whole range of cameras work on this specific rig if I chose to. I am sure there are higher end bearings for the gimbal out there but as of yet, I have had no problems with bearings sticking or not moving smoothly. I am a director/DP at times/grip/ sound guy when crew is short and have done most every job on set which is nessesary on low budget flicks sometimes, and I wouldn't trade this system for another as it has served me well thus far and stayed within my limited budget. Having it "on demand" in my equipment arsenal has been great, rather than extra mental work to rent or hire and dealing with more logistical problems associated with shoot planning. For the cash involved in renting or hiring during the duration of a feature which may not have a locked in shooting schedule, when it's going to be used for many scenes, I bought it, now I can use it on subsequent productions knocking down the expense later and adding the steady shot to a budgetless production. I am not trying to promote Basson or cause anyone out there for hire to lose money, but some films like the ones I make, just don't have enough budget to "hire" a professional or rent equipment on a repeated basis. Seeing many posts about what a P*OF S* the Basson is compelled me to post my thoughts on the product. My advice is buy what you can afford and be creative. If you have a camera on a stick with a counter weight , you can probably get a cool shot different than just handheld. If money is no object to you, buy a steadi with a gyro! Either way, have fun and good luck with whatever you end up with! Stuart www.antstuie.com
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