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Jon Smith

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Everything posted by Jon Smith

  1. Glad to know that it is acceptable to speak up about things I might think are dangerous, I was asked for a shoot the other day to run full speed with an actor down a muddy hill and had reservations about it but didn't say anything, I ended up falling but saved myself and the rig. As far as the sweating issue is concerned, I have noticed that it is an issue, I will start to pack a bag with some extra shirts before shoots. I will call up and double check the camera, but I believe it will be either a Red Epic, or a Red Scarlet. I am going to try to get access to the Scarlet that my school has to get used to the interface and practice different movements before I need to do them on set. Thanks for the advice!
  2. I have been working with the Steadicam Pilot that my school purchased fairly consistently for a few months now and one of my professors has recommended me to a colleague who is producing a film. I have only ever worked on student film sets and my training was fairly rudimentary so I have some anxiety about being on a professional set as an operator. I was wondering if anyone out there had some suggestions for the questions I need to ask before filming, preparations that I need to make with my rig before filming and while on set, good workflow for when I am on set, any faux pas to avoid, and a good workflow for breaking down my rig after filming has wrapped? any suggestions will be greatly appreciated! -Vertullo
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