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Shannon Zawartka

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Everything posted by Shannon Zawartka

  1. Did you try contacting Tiffen? I see the Pilot dock is for sale on B&H, so Tiffen must have the Zephyr for sale as well. If not I could make one by copying my own Zephyr dock.
  2. Wow cool, I didn't know this was a thing that you could buy! I thought the operator-controlled focus controllers were always homemade contraptions. If you end up using this on the Zephyr, please let us know how it goes! I have a Zephyr and would be quite interested in the feedback!
  3. hey, i am new to steadicam as well, and also new to video editing, and one of the ways I am trying to learn is by examining others videos quite closely. these are my thoughts on your video -- - the trimming could be done a little more carefully on all of the shots, for instance in the opening shot, this is a very long shot and i do like it, but i would cut it exactly when the dad finishes the thumbs-up: in the video we see him reach forward before the transition, i would trim that off - the second clip, with the girl running, we just had a really long shot, and this one isnt very informative, i would have the first shot of her running, cut the next two showing the feet (i think this shot might have worked better if it was from a different angle, or zoomed closer to the feet), include the staircase run, and then cut the zoomed-out run - the shot at 0:37 is my absolute favourite of the entire clip, it's very beautiful imo, and I actually think it got trimmed off a little too soon, I was interested in seeing what was happening when she started bending down. - 0:49 I like this shot but i wanted you to go in the house, why didnt you go in :( - i like the ladder shot at 1:01 - a couple of the shots just seem to be flying around with no real purpose. in the two shots i mentioned earlier, there is clear purpose: a woman is walking forward through a hallway with some air freshener in her hand, a server is grabbing a mug off a ladder. but then at 1:11 there's a dude walking, then we see a motorcycle, then we see a rocking chair, then it goes back to the guy, and without any other context none of it computes, so the shot is basically just saying to me, "hey i have a steadicam. neat." - some of the clips are longer than they really need to be, the sign shot at 0:58 i like, it's nice and it gives context to the following shot, but it doesn't need to be 4 seconds long, it would work fine at 2 seconds - 2:03 i like this shot - and i really like the one that came before it - but his mouth moving looks weird, i would either write the audio back in, back up the shot so we don't see him talking, or cut it altogether - i dont mind your ending clip, but i don't think it's appropriate for the end... i would nominate the two shots at 1:39 for the end: guy on the beach, and guy walking on the bridge. i think i like the reverse order better too, so it would go bridge>beach.
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