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Fabrice Maurel

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Everything posted by Fabrice Maurel

  1. Steadicam Flyer (base model). This is the second generation Flyer (black Arm). It was bought last December new from Peter Abraham. The unit is still under warranty. Condition is like new, it saw very little use which is the reason I am selling it. It comes with with 2 batteries, almost new as well, (Sony V-mount style) and a quick charger. Price is $6600 + shipping. If you need picts, please pm me.
  2. I like the presets ability, that's a nice plus. I also like the limiter. You are right the focus marking ring should be easy enought to add. It definatly looks nice and compact. Can't wait to give it a try. Will you have a booth at NAB?
  3. Yes, it seems that quite a few companies are going to be coming out with cheaper remote follow focus solutions by NAB... The red rock looks promessing on paper. I took a look at yours, and found two drawback: first it doesn't have any focus marking ring??? Furthermore you seem to use geardear hardware to hold the motor in place which in my short experience with their product (matte box) is a mistake for everyday use, it's very cheap plastic and a no-no for porfessional use.
  4. I don't know Brad...Maybe he was in that 1% Charles mentioned, and really meant what he said. :lol:
  5. Thanks Erwin - you have eliminated the competition for me so The Flyer it shall be! Regards, Andrew You won't regret it. it really is a wonderfull rig. I have had mine for about 3 month now and this thing keeps amazing me. Just keep in mind that you'll have to practice a lot before getting good result. But once you start getting it, the potential is amazing. Start exercising your back... :)
  6. I use Walter P. Dolle as well, nice people (Tonya), an easy to read and understand contract, and price is very good. Unfortunatly I wish they would offer Liability insurance as well.
  7. With all the talk after the Oscar's, of Hollywood not being "green" enough... Well it's green.LOL
  8. Personally, as an M2 owner, I find the extra weight handy. I always have to add weight to any of the prosumer cameras I've used. I generally need a camera weight in the 10 to 15 lb. range to balance properly. When getting the Brevis, I would also get the rod mount and the Brevis-to-rails mount. Just me, but I wouldn't trust the weight of a lens on the plastic threads of most cameras. This puts the price dead even with the M2 Indie Bundle. Also, could someone tell me the movement method for the Brevis imaging element? From its size, I'm guessing oscillating. Brett P.S. I'm a bit biased. I started with a home built Micro35. I now use the M2 and I administer the Redrock forums. (For free, I just like these guys!) Hi Brett, Yes it is the oscillating kind. I agree with you about getting the Brevis to rail mount, I would also suggest as a base plate the "Zacuto"'s first generation, it quite heavy and very solid. It also adjust on all axises and is all aluminium... On another note, I'll like to say that I do like Redrock, I do think that the M2 is a good product and I do visit their forum from time to time, not to say that I am a bit curious about their $500 Wireless follow focus... But I do think that Brevis came up with a better design... It's a growing industry and I am sure that in the next few years we will see many improvments made...
  9. It took 3mn for all the movies to load, most people won't wait that long. I think it's a mistake to put the 3 reels on one page. You should create 1 page for each reel. Also I dont think having 3 reels is an advantage, actually quite the opposite. Waiting that long doesn't put me in a hiring mood... :angry: However I did watch the reels, some nice stuff. :)
  10. I agree with Jean-Nicolas, watch out of for the Horizon "the boat effect". A workshop is needed. Congrat on your new toy. :)
  11. Andrew, you'll do fine. I got my Flyer (after taking Peter's class) last December. So many things to remember, so many new skills to learn...It takes a while to get used to it. My first job didn't go very well and I couldn't feel my back by the end of the day, but I kept practicing, and the last job was almost a surreal experience, it didn't go well, it went great... I guess after some time, you don't think about it, it becomes automatic, all you have to do is lead the camera, almost like dancing with it if you ask me. Of course I have still much to learn, but after 2-3 month I am starting to get it and see the incredible potential, and most of all, I am starting to relax and my back is getting better and stronger. Also you start learning how to manage your strenght better. As soon as I am not needed until the next shot, I take all the hardware off, including my vest. Also I'll let the director know how I am feeling, if my back start hurting. It does get better with time.
  12. I have insurance to protect my equipment, but I don't have liability insurance which I feel I should have. I would like to know if most of you have one, and if you have it, could you recomend anyone I could get it from. cheers.
  13. Actually I have some of those Zacuto's focus ring and they are very good. The piece holding the rubber piece together is made of machined aluminum which is expensive to make. In this business, you always end up getting what you pay for... Get the good stuff, in the long run it will save you money and headaches.
  14. I ordered the bundle, which basically is the 35mm adaptor with an achromatic lens. I am also getting the Cinefuse 3 , the Brevis to rail mount and the 82 to 72 step down ring for my HVX. cheers.
  15. Lukas, you can check out their website: http://www.cinevate.com It's made in Canada, but they will ship anywhere in the world.
  16. I owned an M2, sold it a month ago. I should mentioned that I sold it because I didn't use it/need it that much. As it turns out, I have 2 upcoming projects that require one, so I got back in the market. Many new adapters since I last bought the M2... I ordered the Brevis.... Here is why: 1/ The setup time is 30sec or less, you just screw it to the lens with its achromat if needed and you are ready to shoot. The M2 took a good 1/2 hour. The Sgpro is probably very similar than the M2 in this regard... 2/ The brevis is very, very light. The M2 is very heavy. The sgpro is less heavy but still pretty heavy. 3/ The smart thing that Dennis, the maker of the brevis did, is the ability to change to different ground glass/diffuser, which he calls "cinefuse" and will give you different shooting style. It is almost like changing film stock. For instance the "Cinefuse 3" will give you more dynamic range in the mid-tones and suppress some of the "blown out" highlights common to 35mm adaptors, however it will require more light...The Cinefuse 1 on the other hand will work very well in low light situations... In fact, the brevis is the best 35mm for low light by at least 1 full stop... 4/ the Brevis is modular. They are actually building a flip module for it, as well as future add-ons... 5/ Last, from what I have read, as the Brevis gets better, the older one are upgradable, again another plus... You can read more in this 35mm shootout by Phil Bloom: http://www.philipbloom.net/ The good thing with this shootout is it has a very "neutral tone" it doesn't tell you which is best, you decide. Also Phil is a working pro as oppose to a film student... A lot of his remarks are based on "in the field" situations..." Phil owns both the M2 and The Brevis, and met up with the guy that build the SGpro for the shootout. It's a good read. good luck.
  17. I actually had a M2 for a few month and ended up selling it. I thought it was very heavy and a pain to set-up. The quality was good but the Brevis and the SGpro offer as good of a quality with a better designed setup. However both are a bit more expensive than the M2, the only downside...
  18. I like the Brevis and I am thinking of getting one myself. It is very light and has a very modular design since you can change the ground glass. I am not sure I 'll use it on a flyer though... I actually just answered a similar post on DVXusers, I am suspecting it might be you as well... Using a 35mm with a Flyer can be an expensive proposition, it can be done and has been done succesfully, but you'll need a wireless follow focus and someone to pull focus for you.
  19. the whole point of using the HVX200 as oppose to other prosumer HD cameras is the 4:2:2 color space. Seems that way... :) My point about 4:2:2 is what happen to your video if you manipulate in post... You can capture it at whatever codec or bit depth you want, it will still breakdown the same, it will actually be worst since by going to analog you are loosing even more info... You can't make up what is not there in the first place. That said, I can totally believe that capturing analog may give you an interesting look and feel.
  20. From the post production point of view (My day job...), the whole point of using the HVX200 as oppose to other prosumer HD cameras is the 4:2:2 color space. I agree that other cameras look as good (whatever good means), but if you want to add color grading later on, or digitally manipulate your video, anything less than 4:2:2 will break down very quickly. Furthermore there isn't any magic cameras, I have seen incredible things done with dv cam. The magic usually comes from the one using it... I do believe that in the right hands, any cameras can be great. Enough of always blaiming the equipment for poor results!
  21. Salut Jean Nicolas, First I would say: avoid putting your reel on Myspace and/or YouTube. The video compression they use is so bad, it makes anything you see a bad experience (in my view). You want to showcase your work in the best condition possible, and at the highest quality possible. I like your music, some people wont... It is for you to decide how important that is. A reel should have a universal apeal, but at the same time it should show a bit of your personality. I have always liked that kind of transitions, but not on a reel. Keep it simple. I like the work, but I would get rid of the very dark scene that's in the middle of your reel. You just can't see anything (too dark), it seems pointless and break up the rythm of the reel. my 2c. cheers.
  22. Both the Flyer 24 and 24SE can handle both 12V and 24V cameras, the regular Flyer can only handle 12V. The difference between the 24 and the 24SE is the Monitor. One is HD, the other one is not.
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