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Junior Loiola

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Everything posted by Junior Loiola

  1. Hi Francisco This pic who gave me was Dan Ikeda when he worded on Tiffen. I think you would email Joe at jwilbur@tiffen.com and ask him about this pdf, he should help you better... So the gimbal is super simple to unbuilt and build again the top is more complicated and I’ve never opened that... Ask him about it and share with us... Thanks, good luck... Enviado do meu iPhone usando Tapatalk
  2. I’ve never put more than 22lb camera package on my Zephyr but I have one of that pin on my tool box... Enviado do meu iPhone usando Tapatalk
  3. What I know about that, you need to take care your gimbal, it’s usually the main center pin break when you overload the sled, so that you should have one more to replace if shit happen in the field... see the pic to ask the replace part... Enviado do meu iPhone usando Tapatalk
  4. Very nice Scott, I like it... I will try to buy this from his, but he doesn’t mentioned he can shipping to Brazil, If not I’ll try to do a similarly here... Thanks for the picture and the link... Best Enviado do meu iPhone usando Tapatalk
  5. Hi Dominik, as Dan Ikeda had explain me the Aero 30 is a lighter Zephyr because this both use the same arm, the A30 carryover around 13kg and the Zephyr 10,4kg of payload. In my opinion A30 is a bigger Pilot and I think they don’t sell them very well, so that they keeping selling the Zephyr that for me is the better intermediary rig they ever made... Take care of your choice... Good Luck!! Junior Loiola Enviado do meu iPhone usando Tapatalk
  6. Hi folks, I’d like to see some pictures of the monitor yolk for the Zephyr, I’ve never seen that and I’ll try to building here in Brasil for mine... About the conversation, I’ve flying a lot of Alexa Mini and Amira on my rig, and using anamorphic and spheric lenses, some heavy like Cookes anamorphic lens or Master Prime spherical lens and It’s ok for that, the weight is around 9/10kg and I power the camera from the sled and I did a homemade second battery plate that works great because it is lighter then the original Tiffen and I can put the other battery to shorter the post, so that I believe the lens like the Optimo short zoom like 15-40mm, 30-76mm and 45-120mm won’t be problem to fly on... Lisa or Scott I have the same Marshall monitor, send me a pic from the monitor yolk please... Many thanks for that... Good luck for all... Junior Loiola from Brazil Enviado do meu iPhone usando Tapatalk

  8. O melhor foi Anderson convidando o cara, pra um churrasco na casa dele... Meu heroi...

  9. Job na madruga hj e depois bem cedo Indo pro RJ, gravar uma semana, saudade da cidade maravilhosa e se der rever os amigos... Ate a volta...


  11. Curta acabado, depois de 9 diarias mais um no HD, rsrsrsrs, que venham os proximos...bom dia vietna....

  12. Sim acordado ate agora estudando e me preparando mentalmente pra começar um curta pela Moviart chamado DES. Boa sorte a todos da equipe e os envolvidos e que a boa convivencia empere nesses quase 10 dias de convivencia, Vamo que vamo, agora vou descansar pra ter um otimo primeiro dia de filmagem, 80% do filme no steadi, muito trabalho pela frente... Bom dia Vietnã!!!!

  13. Simplesmente maravilhoso, Steavie Wonderfull, awesome... Esse eu queria muito ta lá...Mas assistir do sofá foi muito bom tambem.... rsrss

  14. Caraca olha a bateria dos caras do Sleepnot, isso sim é rock ´n roll...

  15. Corinthiano grita : "Aqui é Corintia mano !"Palmeirense grita : "Aqui é Parmera belo !"Santista grita : "Aqui é Peixe vagabundo ! "São Paulino grita : " Aaaaaai como eu tô bandida ! "AHUAHAUHAUAHUAHUAHUAHAUHAHAUAHAUHAU

  16. No Santos tem o MATADORNo Palmeiras o GLADIADORNo Corinthians o IMPERADORE No Sao Paulo o MAQUIADOR!!!

  17. Cuide bem do seu CU!O governo federal está criando um novo documento o CU (cadastro único), nele estará todos os seus documentos: CPF, RG, CNH, TÍTULO ELEITORAL, entre outros. Por exemplo, se você for abrir uma ficha numa loja você dá o CU pro vendedor, se você for abordado pela polícia, mostra o CU pra eles. Mas cuidado! Se você NÃO PAGAR SUAS CONTAS EM DIA o pessoal pode colocar seu CU NO PAU e você poderá ficar com o CU sujo!by dani brinks

  18. Hi Jerry, i was at yellow spring workshop 2010. I was so sad when you can not had been in the last day and in the Jay´s house, but i´m really happy to met you and i hope meeting you again and i will ask you to sign my book as all instructors made. Thanks to be part of my live.


  19. Hi Guy, i´m new here and i´m so gled to be part of this quenstions, my name is Junior Loiola from Brazil, so i have some to ask you. I had a problem with the Artemis Cine, that have 3 IDX v-mount batteries by steadicam and i had powered the Bartech, the CamWave hd transmitter, the Arri Alexa and the Astor Monitor, but the monitor were burned i don´t know why... Have you listened something like this? What is wrong with this? The sled was made to power more than two acessories plus the camera with the same batteries, right? I wish someone would help me with this. Thanks Best
  20. Bom dia... Começando o dia em Arraial do cabo... bora filma...ai

  21. Repassando...Um canil em SP faliu, e a dona entregou o imóvel ao proprietário. Os cachorros não tinham onde ficar, e foram alojados temporariamente. Se não acharem donos URGENTEMENTE, serão sacrificados. São 50 cachorros, sendo 47 Cocker Americano, 1 Chow chow, 1 pastor suíço e 1 Collie. DOAÇÃO. Telefone de contato: 11-4241-5502 11-4241-5502 , 9959-1609 com Cibele, ou 4704-6335 com Lígia.COPIE E COLE NO SEU MURAL...AJUDEM A SALVAR VIDAS!!! DIVULGUEM

  22. Amanha todos os programas de esporte vão estourar o tempo pra mostrar tanto gol nessa rodada em poucos jogos...

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