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Tony Deemer

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Status Updates posted by Tony Deemer

  1. Need a make up artist PM me with your details if Kristin Short doesn't take this gig.

  2. Excuse me ... Can you come close to my trunk and tell me does this smell like chloroform to you?

  3. Argh! Damn fire ants!I forgot they are in Texas, no more sitting in the grass.

  4. Arghhh, tomorrow is my Monday. It starts with a local shoot, then off to Dallas for a week. Maybe I can see my friend Brian Knorr and Jennifer Carrasco Whitaker or Marisa Trevino Vergara while I am in the Big D.

  5. Ben DoubleDag Bacharach-White you live in the same area as Anthony Faust who is also a Director/Editor. Would make a great networking opportunity if the two of you get in touch.

  6. Merle is such a jerk!#walkingdead #talkingdead

  7. So I successfully surprised her! Off to Paris!

  8. So I had ORIGINALLY planned on taking my family to Paris, scratch that! Weather is dictating we go west - Maui in the morning!

  9. Well,... MTV just called. Looks like I am off to Reno then LA for a new reality shoot. LmL but #nofreetime

  10. Longest intro ever, Go Rick!#walkingdead

  11. Super Bowl XVLII - Take 2.....and action!

  12. Hitting a wall - need some editing help using .r3d /RED FOOTAGE - any takers to volunteer?

  13. Woke up during an amazing dream. I was ripping and shredding it up on some vert. Had put together a vintage Lance Mountain "Primal Urges" with some Indy 151's with some swiss bearings inside a proto type set of Powell Peralta wheels. - what happened to me. Time to get fit and put together a stick for real.

  14. Good Morning Campers!It's COLD out there.It's cold out there everyday.Grab your bootiesBecause its GROUNDHOGS DAY!

  15. Anyone available in the Cincy area, perhaps someone who went to school with me, available to give me an After Effects refresher?

  16. Off to Palo Alto via San Francisco

  17. Canon after party #imageusa

  18. Hello HOT-lanta, took an aerial incase I saw any "walkers" until then I will have to wait for the return of THE WALKING DEAD

  19. It starts now... Imaging USA - here I come.

  20. Lingerie Football League practice, me and Hanford Dixon (credited for naming the Cleveland Browns the "Dawg Pound")

  21. For today I venture to the LFL, shooting hot girls in lingerie playing football. If there in lingerie on the field, I can't wait to do the post game interviews in the locker room!

  22. Anyone of my RED friends have a RED touch monitor, batteries and/or SSD mags I can use. My local rental house has them booked and I have a big gig in San Fran I have to cover using my Scarlet-X.

  23. What came first, the CHICKEN salad or the EGG salad?

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