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Daniel Battley

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Everything posted by Daniel Battley

  1. Thanks Louis, I am going to check out the remote focus and get to a workshop as soon as I can. Would love to get to S.M.P.T.E later in the year, hopefully circumstanced will allow. Thanks for your help


    Daniel Battley

  2. Thanks James, Will check out the flyer you mentioned and check out a suitable workshop event, I know a workshop is a must do and I will certainly benefit from the expert knowledge. I am going to look into completing one in the near future. Thanks for the response. Regards Daniel Battley
  3. G'day Mark Workshop is a must and will do very soon, until then will take your advice and look at all the available instructional resources you suggested. Thanks mate
  4. Thanks Pete, I am going to look into on of these workshops in the near future, I bought the Zyphyr from Lemac Brisbane so will hit them up for all the guff. Thanks for your response Daniel Battley
  5. Hey Crew, Thanks for such a quick and refined response to my post, I can tell this community is passionate about their craft and willing to share knowledge, (fantastic) Thanks for the contact info and the info about the workshops. I am very keen to get down and complete one in the near future. I bought the Zephyr from Lemac (Brisbane) so will hit Scott up about costs dates etc. In the meantime will fill my head with everything "Zephyr" from the DVD, Zyphyr Manual, Steadicam operators handbook and posts on this forum. Once again thanks for the response. Regards Daniel Battley
  6. gday dan love your work

  7. G'day All, Just purchased a steadicam Zephyr system in the hope to expand and enhance the production value of TVCs (Television Commercials) and corporate videos in my region of North Queensland, Australia. I have been shooting and editing for over 16 years and I am very excited about getting the camera off the sticks and open up a world of shot posibilities, but I have never even attempted the use of a steadicam ever before. The purpose of this post is to ask the steadicam world community any advice on technique, function and gerneral do's and dont's to a help a complete green horn attempt to look like a seasoned professional. Thanks to all for any insight and I guarantee any helpful responce will be well received.
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