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Orlando Duguay

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Posts posted by Orlando Duguay

  1. Got this call as well. Apparently it works by attaching a small RFID chip or something similar to the actor which the focus driver then hones in on and keeps the focus locked on that particular person or object. This concept seems to make more sense than the Easyfocus which I have never seen work well in practice. I don't see it as being particularly useful for steadicam, but it could be helpful for extremely long lens action shots on cranes etc, where focus is critical and there isn't room for multiple takes.

  2. Can anyone provide a firsthand account of flying the F55? One of my friends over at Panavision mentioned to me that some people are having issues with the form factor of the camera in terms of mounting points, brackets, rods, etc. (maybe they're just having an issue with the panavision rod system?). I also heard of issues with sony's new external recorder.


    Can anyone corroborate any of this? A good friend of mine is on the verge of buying one, so I'd love to hear some impressions from a fellow steadicam op.



  3. Here is Jack's response to this issue on Facebook, I'm assuming in response to an inquiry from Alec Jarnagin:


    Hello Alec,



    Thank you very much my friend for the heads up!


    We will get the info for the carts sorted out for you. Thanks for sending the link on the forum. We have had many meetings here at Pro about operators using the gray canisters in the Titan arm. I have decided against selling them for use in the Titan for several reasons, which I have listed below.


    All steadicam equipment was designed from the beginning to be flown on the human body and add a totally new dynamic to film making, this was Garrets vision. Since the invention by Garret Brown, operators have pushed the edges of the technology to its limits, as they should. In today’s world, film makers strap our inventions onto anything that moves, i.e. automobile’s, ATV’s, camels, horses etc., etc. When something breaks it seems it is always the manufacturer who is held accountable; no matter what the scenario.


    Yes, we came out at Cinegear and let operators fly 92 lbs. because it could. That doesn’t mean you should. Remember at Cinegear we said this was a onetime thing, never to be repeated. The human spine is not built to take that kind of weight over the long term, extended away from your body. We do not wish any harm to come to our customers and friends, that might very well end their career forever, just because we gave them the ability.


    I hope that all of the operators around the world understand our decision and go out there and make GREAT films as they always have, with a 72 lb. weight limit. Yes, operators will go and borrow gray canisters from Atlas owners to use in the Titan, they do this at great risk to themselves and their equipment.


    Our equipment has always been capable of monumental tasks, the gray canisters combined with the Titan ask too much from the operator to fly safely.


    Please feel free to share with anyone you would like via e-mail, phone or steadicam forum.


    Jack Bridges




  4. I have very nice setup for sale that Wolf Seeberg makes. It consists of a 7" monitor mounted in a braket with handles and an AB plate on the back. In addition it has BNC input for A and B camera if you wish to hardwire 2 cameras and switch between the 2. Included are the receiver mount for a c-stand, neckstrap, hoodman, remote for monitor, AC adapter, Wolf Seeberg antenna and a Pelican 1520 case. It is basically new since I have a dual version as well that I use most of the time. I can email photos if you like.


    Jason Garcia



    Is this still for sale?

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