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Christian Ramirez-Coll

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About Christian Ramirez-Coll

  • Birthday 02/16/1982

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  • Rig
    GPI-PROII, Master Series Arm, Wave1

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  1. Do you think this will fit other stands, I have an America Steadi Stand.
  2. Preston Starter kit for anyone looking for a solid FF system. It has been my back up but I need to invest in other gear, so letting it go. It has an MDR2 with the G4 board to upgrade to an MRD3. The board itself is very hard to find. It includes an older hand unit, a DMX2, extra hand unit batteries focus wheels and cables for run stop, SONY F55, Red Epic, and Arriflex. I will ship the item at the buyer's expense. Thank you.
  3. Hello, For sale is an XCS ergo handle for PRO arm posts and Regular operators. The rubber lining has come off, but it still works great. Selling because I switched rigs and does not fit the new one. Asking price $750, buyer pays shipping. Thank you.
  4. Looking to buy a master series arm as a back up to my G70X Thank you
  5. Hey Peter, I wanted to pick your brain a bit more about the micro-panning Kevin wrote about. I sometimes feel I have that problem. I realized it happens most when I put a lot of weight down the middle of the sled instead of spreading the weight between the monitor and the battery side. Also, if it was a hardware issue, is it something in the centering of the gimbal? And how would I fix it? Thanks in advance.
  6. I was going to do that, and it would have worked great I am sure, but I am planning on switching systems altogether. I have added some pictures of my PRO electronics and how the Battery Rack GEN IV does not fit. Some people have asked why I am selling, and why it did not fit. I bought the system used, so I am not sure if this is the original 12-24V switch, which is quite large in size.
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