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Omar Sawalha

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Posts posted by Omar Sawalha

  1. ,Hi everyone,

    I am currently on a shooting a series that is 55 days long, I am operating as A cam and Steadicam cam  and we are around 3 weeks in and they keep using the steadicam as a tripod quite often since it takes around 15 minutes to switch from steadicam to tripod and it's starting to affect my back. Has anyone had an experience like this before and how did you handle it.




  2. Hi Janice,


    There was a reckless driver that ran over my vest and the front side plastic is now slightly twisted and torn. Its a Zephyr vest and was wondering if it can be repaired and if not where can I get replacement parts.


    Kind Regards




  3. Hi,

    I 've been practicing on the zephyr for a few months now and have tried operating in low mode with out the f bracket and clamp and am finding it very difficult in keeping the camera frame steady does anyone have any advice as to how i can achieve a smoother movement or any techniques to shooting in low mode? or do i need to purchase a low mode kit to achieve this?

    Kind Regards


  4. Hi,


    I 've been practicing on the zephyr for a few months now and tried operating in low mode and am finding it very difficult in keeping the camera frame steady does anyone have any advice as to how i can achieve a smoother movement or any techniques to shooting in low mode?



    Kind Regards


  5. Hi,


    I am a beginner and just acquired the Steadicam Zepher, im using a fs700 camera stripped down however i have a weight plate to compensate the weight for the arm.


    I know that i need to balance the camera on an edge and find the balance point but was curious as to how this is done with a weight plate since my weight plate goes right underneath the camera and how i center the dove plate on afterwards?





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