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Emmanuel Dinh

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Posts posted by Emmanuel Dinh

  1. As Carl said, the most important thing is which camera you want to do the job, they are so different ; for example, if you want continuous, long shootings from far to close to your characters while keeping them in focus, then you should be interested in the brilliant XF300 Autofocus mode. That could be a strong reason to go for the XF300, which is NOT a heavy camera. Actually, XF300 & Pilot are working very well together (you may only check if your AA-bottom is not too light). In an other hand, if you want the 7D' look for very short cuts such as travellings, slow moves, or even play with focus, then of course the 7D is yours, and it will be far more easier to fly it with a Pilot rather than with a Merlin, if asked to work for 3 to 4 hours long.

  2. It was OK, thank you :) My rig is not so heavy, with just a PMW-200 + steadicam weight I have added to have more inertia. Last but least, the band gave me much energy... It was very motivating indeed. Next time I will think about bananas, thanks to Peter :)
    Here is a picture at time 0:42 ; there are non-aesthetics plastic bags around the rig, due to uncertain weather.

  3. Again a very interesting thread :) Thanks to you all, I have ordered this RCA converter for my Pilot SD. Hope it will works.
    Nevertheless I had to go for shooting a few days later, so I was looking for another solution. Surely not the cheapest one, but I finally had my Pilot's monitor replaced by my Samurai Blade, connected through a BNC cable. Not the more elegant solution, but it worked pretty well. And I also recorded on the Blade's hard drive, as we ran out of CF for our C300...

  4. Hi everybody,

    I am discovering this thread a little bit late as I have myself just finished my first live concert broadcasted for french TV. Thank you all here, and also those on this other thread : http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=2243&hl=%2Blive+%2Bconcert&do=findComment&comment=12816

    I was asking to work for a first concert (one hour), then to spend one hour with a TV presenter in the crowd, then "the" 2 hours-long concert, the most important one. Following previous live TV experience, the director was kind enough to let me have a rest during the first concert to save energy for the second, and to use me only for moves, and not as a mobile tripod.

    I don't have tally on my Archer2, nor a second monitor to control others cameras, so the director have to told me when he wanted me to go on or off. Only a few times I did not hear him telling off... Due to music ! Six others cameras were available so that the finished result was very good and I only appeared in some shots for a few seconds. Nevertheless, without an available zoom as Johan explained it in the other thread, I could not avoid some shadows... Including a big, big one on the crowd ! (see in the video's last seconds)

    Thanks to the Teradek Bolt Pro I did not have any cable and the signal was OK both in the crowd and on the stage, without changing receiver's place. Operating a Sony PMW-200, the focus was set once for the entire concert, but it worked pretty well.

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