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Michael Fuchs

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Posts posted by Michael Fuchs

  1. Hi--Looking for a Betz TopStage for a pro rig if anyone happens to have one lying around.  Tried to order through Camadeus and I can't get one for at least a month.  Was hoping for as soon as possible.  Such is life.  Any help would be appreciated---even if I used it for a month and change and returned it to you after buying a new one.  Not even sure that makes sense but would consider all options.  Text call or email please.

    Thank you!

    914-552-1955 mbfuchs@gmail.com

  2. Wondering if anyone has flown Alexa 65 and had a plate that could still clip in to the back of the cam. Seems like the bottom of camera is different from regular Alexa's as well as the Studio. Couldn't get the precision plate to line up- lines up with "studio" screws but need a longer screw to clip into back. The spacer block connects with the back of cam in a bad way so that didn't seem to work either.




  3. G4 Blue Dot Preston MDR-2 + Cables and Pro Steadi Bracket

    - Preston Cinema MDR-2 G4 SN 2402
    - Pro DB3 MDR2 Steadicam bracket
    Power Cables:
    - MDR2 to 3-pin Lemo Power (x2)
    - MDR2 to Panavision 2-pin Power(x2)
    - MDR2 to P-tap Power (x2)
    - MDR2 to Pro 4-pin "vid/pwr"
    - MDR2 to Pro 3-pin "cam pwr"
    - MDR2 to Pro 4-pin "focus" jack pwr
    Run Cables
    - MDR2 to Epic Run cable (female bnc version)
    - MDR2 to Arri 3-pin Lemo Run Cable
    - MDR2 to Panavision 10-pin run Cable
    - MDR2 to Red One run cable
    - MDR2 Cinetape Interface Cable-
    Please email mbfuchs@gmail.com if interested. Also selling a Bartech "Buzz" unit for gimbal zoom control.


  4. Anyone have a scout 37 travel case in the New York City area? Not sure if anyone is comfortable lending it out for a week but thought Id check in case. Multi week delivery delay from Inovativ and traveling next week. Should have bought this when I bought the cart originally. Gah!



  5. The nightmare is already starting I think. Been in conversations with a upm about an episodic project (first season, 6 episode show for cable network) for "A" camera. Steadi is out the window now completely--they don't have the money, Movi is what's happening.


    They're looking to bring in an A op who is a Movi op and tech at this point. He even claimed that a local rental house was prepared to "throw in" the Movi if it meant that rental house could have their business. In that case the DP's buddy was maybe going to get trained on the Movi so he, the B cam op, could take care of the Movi responsibilities. The project is not going to pay anyone above scale-- another issue as well so the A operator or whoever the hell operates the Movi would be making operator scale rate and nothing more. The Movi gear rental for the 9 week show is going to be something around $10,000 total last I heard.


    Some quotes from my friend who is the upm:


    This movi thing is so cheap and the ops will work for scale so its going to destroy the steadi cam rentals and rates

    its fucked up

    my boy on the other (cable network) show with a ton of money got a movi guy

    his gear and him at scale

    Michael Fuchs:

    I'm gonna cry in the middle of a supermarket

    So yea the shit storm seems pretty real and I have lost out on an episodic "A" camera position because I don't own and operate a Movi basically. Of course who is to say I should be talking the gig in the first place with its limited funds and scale rate even with Movi involved. I'm just afraid it's already too late to control the downward spiral but I'm also known to be a negative Nancy at times. I don't think this is a helpful post and more just me wanting to share my disappointment with the way some things are looking/trending at this time. A place to vent and mope a little. I really had no interest in buying one of these gimbal devices but yea--umm. Fuck.


    Thanks for listening,


    • Upvote 1
  6. My brother notified me that steadicam ops are flying around in the new FIFA game, which is pretty amusing and funny. He took a vid of some of the pregame. I think they overdid the steadicam op coverage for the anthems as its usually just one op doing that part. Four steadicams is hilarious, all shooting each other.


    • Upvote 1
  7. I've got one for a Bartech if that works for you. Happy to lend it. Also, I'm off to Haiti for my eighth time on Saturday. If you want to chat about things down there, shooting or otherwise, let me know.





    OMG you're going down there again. Just the thought of it brings back VIVID memories. Afton can answer any and all Steadi/Haiti questions and if I can donate some piece of gear you might end up needing feel free to reach out. I have the bartech wired gimbal control thing too among other things like a Viewfactor cage that works for 5D--good for holding camera rigidly in place on top of a weight plate.


    Afton, feel free to stay down there and let Alec and I tag in and out for Kill Your Darlings. Think about it.

  8. Looking to see what kind of interest there is in a Rob Luna arm that can carry the lightest to the heaviest. Absolutely great arm with no trouble at all since I bought my whole steadi package in 2008. I will be out in LA the week of Nov 14-20 when Rob plans to give it any touchups that it needs since it hasn't been serviced by him in quite some time.


    Anyone in LA looking for a great workhorse of an arm? If anyone is (in any location) please email me at mbfuchs@gmail.com to discuss prices/options. Would be nice to leave it in LA and not come back to NY with it if someone is interested there. However the arm can go anywhere its wanted obviously.




  9. In Pro 2 land now and have two Pro 1 Batt modules and many PAG batteries sitting around. Both modules are modified in different ways. The most useful for me was the one that had an Anton Bauer Plate that could attach to the module and provide power to all jacks except for the Auxiliary one. For a few projects it was really nice to be able to throw a high watt batt down there and not have to deal with the chocolate bars.


    Pics and more details available if anyone is interested, but I'm thinking this is going to be a tough sell...


    mbfuchs@gmail.com or the forum is good



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