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Rob Vuona SOC

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Rob Vuona SOC last won the day on December 11 2016

Rob Vuona SOC had the most liked content!


119 Excellent

1 Follower

About Rob Vuona SOC

  • Birthday 05/17/1967

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  • Location
    Los Angeles
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  1. -urgent - 2/11/20 any operators in the Tucson/ Phoenix area willing to rent me a RF focus system or know where I can rent one ? need it for 2/12/20 - 2/13/20 text or call me at 310-993-0667 thanks
  2. Like Jerry said, try at least 4 vests with a decent size load on them each one will have a different feel. The Klassen back mount , the Exo vest , the tiffen vest and the Pro vest They are all very different
  3. Im interested, how much you want for just the sled?
  4. Dam that Jim . . . . . so stuck in his ways over there at Jimmy Jib . . . . LOL I don't know anyone in AZ who has one.
  5. If you live in AZ, go by Stanton and ask to borrow one to try out for the day. if your in LA, I may have one for you
  6. ---------------------------------Hi Hugo, Thanks for the phone call , I can fix my bottom section so if the other guy needs it please help him out, if that falls through let me know Thanks again for reaching out You da man
  7. Hey Taj, I'll take the stand , tray and the bag Give me a call or Text at 310-993-0667 Let me know where to send the money and/ or drop it off to you and pick up the stand
  8. http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=18997 Cable Wallet I designed for Jerry Hill $25
  9. Hi Peeps, I'm looking for a bottom section for an old EFP, anyone have an old EFP or parts they may want to part with? Thanks Hit me at +1 310-993-0667. USA or RobVski@aol.com Thanks Peace Out Rob Vuona
  10. I think with that little rig you could customize a storm case 2950 and fit almost everything in one case.
  11. I always try to make it at least one day,, not sure about this year yet
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