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Zak Draskovich

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  1. Well from my not so humble opinion - the world runs on bullying. My friends and I bully each other about everything. Drinking too much or not drinking enuf. Working too hard or not working enuf. If some ones says or posts something abrasive that you don't like, why take it personally? Why not take it the same as if one of your friends said it? Why does there seem to need to be some much control and censorship? I personally tell people everytime I hear "there needs to be a law" that there are too many laws already out there! Even our President epitomizes bullying! Every country has to be just like the U.S.A. or we withold aid. It is a world wide way of getting people to do things. I don't see it going away anywhere anytime soon! Best regards, Zak Draskovich
  2. Hello Bobby. You might find some useful info on John Brune's Handheld Steadicam Workshop on the web. Scroll down and click on the links too. Obviously you can find a wealth of info right here on this site by using the search bar and typing in Merlin or Merlin2. As as a last resort for balancing you can do a web search for the "magic formula". Best regards, Zak
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