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Posts posted by HudsonMStafford

  1. Hello All! As an OP on the newer side, I have been trying to figure out what rates are appropriate to charge rental/operating. I have read a ton of forums and there are a bunch of mixed answers. I also see that it is a topic that we are not supposed to disclose amounts and rates. However there is a great deal of fuss that goes on about steady-newbies and Lowballing rates. While I personally do not want to lowball my rates on accident where it effects other ops, I also feel the need to respect the experienced ops out there, who have many more years of experience than I do, and not charge the rates they/you do.

    That all being said, does anyone have good input on what is appropriate and what lowballing is? I understand we can't discuss numbers, however I don't understand what a "lowball rate" or a Disrespectful high rate even is because theres no definition, guideline, or range.

    I have seen some people say you have to kinda fish around and see what rates you can charge, However if you're relying on producers to tell you what you're worth, I feel like thats cutting yourself short and in essence, lowballing.


    For some context lets say you own a 50k "big-rig" with ff, transmitter, and accessories.


    As a Side Note: I also see that location, and equipment can shape rates. However, I've seen where years or experience doesn't affect the price sometimes for example Ive seen an OP going on 26years with an 8hr rate that is the same as a guy who's going on 2years.


    If anyone has any input please feel free to post responses or PM me.

    Thank you for your time!

  2. I've always used AB-Gold mount. Typically it seems like rental houses carry those rather than V-mount.

    But my question is what you you guys as Steadicam Ops typically run into using? I see a lot of sleds in the market place being sold that are V-mount and it just got me curious because Every rental house I've rented from ((Able Cine, Adorama, (ID) Illumination Dynamics,)) all seem to rent out Gold-Mount for Alexa's, Amira's, REDs.

  3. I am a new steadicam op looking for a decent (complete) rig that I can start out with, yet can carry good weight like Alexa, alexa mini with heavy Primes.


    I'm looking out for either:

    Steadicam: archer 2 / g70 arm.

    Steadicam: shadow / g70 arm

    GPI PRO: sled (live electrical top/bottom, bottom plate gen III) with either g/70 or Pro 2blue/2black.



    I'm Just trying to get started for a reasonable price.


    Pm, or

    Email: Hudsonmstafford@gmail.com

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