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david desio

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david desio last won the day on March 21

david desio had the most liked content!


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  • Location
    Los Angeles
  • Rig
    Pro gen 1 w/volt

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  1. Hey gang! After having countless discussions on set about how to train for what we do, I decided to put together an article which outlines in detail; how to train and condition our bodies for the demands we face on set as Camera and Steadicam Operators! Please take a moment to check it out. Share it with fellow Ops! https://www.daviddesiocinematography.com/blog
  2. I have an old 3a sled which has a failing center post clamp and was wondering if anyone has ever encountered this. Is there a possible fix or should I look at a replacement? Also where might I find a replacement? Located in LA
  3. Looking for a practice cage. Preferably in the Los Angeles area I anyone is unloading one.
  4. Just did a 360 shot on the beach. Not super fun. I was in deep sand and kept bouncing headroom trudging through the uneven dips and divets. Any one have tips for beach work?
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