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Kevin Kisling

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Posts posted by Kevin Kisling

  1. Hi Rob! I have the Aero 30. I like it, at times I wish I had the Zephyr. 3lbs doesn't sound like much, but, it can be very handy. It sounds like you know exactly what you want to fly, Canon/mini with canon lenses. It might be a good idea to build your typical camera package and then weigh it. I didn't see anything about a FIZ or teradek, so you might want to throw that on your build as well to see the added weight. That will give you a good idea of which rig would be best for you.

    Some advice I got in regarding to camera package/weight, you don't want to aways fly a camera package on the max end of your payload capacity, its good to be a little under. So if you are pushing it weight wise on the Aero 30, then the Zephyr might be a good idea.

    I would recommend going with Gold Mount over the Canon battery for the sled. 

    And I think either the Aero 30 or Zephyr would be great for beginners. The Steadicam silver workshop uses both for new ops!

    Hope this helps!

  2. Thanks! Yeah, like, I'd like to start looking down the road for upgrades! And picking a place to start, and if the arms/sled don't work with the vest, then I know I'd have to start at the vest. but if I could get a new/used arm and sled that could fly over 23lbs, that the zephyr is rated for, then I'd do that and upgrade the vest later.


    I just don't know if flying a G-70x arm and shadow sled with a zephyr vest would be a bit ridiculous? And could cause failure from the vest... is that a thing?


    I might have answered my own question. I might just start with the vest.

  3. Hey Everyone!


    I've done some looking around, but didn't find what I was looking for.


    I was wondering how far you can upgrade arms and sleds while still using the zephyr vest? I understand you'd probably have to get a larger socket block.


    Could you pair the vest with a G-50x/G-70x/pro arm and a Shadow/Archer/pro sled?



  4. Well that makes alot of sense! I think I see what you mean. Oh I could most def do upgrades for my rig, I'm on the Aero30 system now. A lightweight matte box would be nice, and maybe a new monitor that also records would be great too. Those are "little" items that would make a difference now. And then start saving for a PRO rig or big Tiffen rig!

  5. I'd like to follow up on this!


    I have the rig now, carrying cases, 4x batteries, 2x dual chargers (which has been enough to power my monitor and sled), various cables as needed.


    What should be next?


    Lightweight matte box? I'd love an option to bring to cut weight if needed.


    Or should my own FIZ, wireless video/1st AC monitor? Many gigs I am currently going out for are such low budget that they don't always have FIZ, wireless video/1st AC monitor are available to us. And then more batteries for power



  6. Great dude! Be sure to watch how to videos online and importantly, don't get discouraged if you don't get it down right away. You just have to put in your time and practice, practice, practice! I'm working on this all the time, I'm still so green.


    Another tip, take care of yourself physically, stretch and work out. I don't know how active you are, but take care of your lower back, core, legs, glutes. I've been trying to be better about this myself.


    Best of luck!!!!!

  7. Sounds good man! Glad you found a nice deal. Yes I believe the new Zephyr kits comes with the A30 arm, so you should be able to pair the zephyr sled with the steadimate 30 rig. But once you do, listen and feel out the arm, I'm sure you'll be fine, just don't want to go over the payload. Best of luck! Be sure to be on the lookout for classes in your area, they make such a big difference and will help with your Oping. Have fun!

  8. Hey Greg!


    Yeah I don't think I would rent out my rig by itself like that. I've seen a few people rent out themselves with their rig, I was just curious if anyone could talk to their experiences. I suppose I could always try and see what happens! Very true, if I do, I'll be careful about the rates.

  9. Hey Wil!


    You know what, I don't know if it applies, since you haven't been able to get hands on experience. I took a couple of one on one lessons and then the steadicam 2 day bronze class before I knew I wanted to buy. If you can, meet up with local ops and see if you can test our their rigs or see if steadicam is putting on any classes in your area, that way you can get some experience before paying alot of money! I think this is really important, so that you know how the gear works and how to use it.


    Yeah the aero 30 new is quite a bit of money and all the batteries, cables, cases really add up. Loans can sometimes be an option, but not always. Also I got gear insurance, which is also smart, but costs money as well.


    Getting a used Zephyr vest, used arm and used solo sled could be a decent start. and then getting the zephyr sled later on would make a nice rig!


    but also just getting a used solo rig might be nice to start. and after a while doing a full upgrade once you feel you are ready. Looks like you could get a solo system on ebay used for under $1,000 usd.


    And if you are just starting, getting 2x batters and a charger, 2x sdi cables, won't cost too much, (but I realize they do still cost.)


    I got the black magic HDMI to SDI converter and paired it with a micro HDMI to HDMI. to power the converter I bought a p tap to micro usb, that way I can power the converter via the sled.


    I kinda wish I had been able to get the a Zephyr rig, but it was a bit out of my budget, the additional 3 lbs would be nice.


    I hope I answered your questions!



  10. Hi Wilkie! Welcome to steadicam! I am also quite new, and I am positive others can chime in with more knowledge and expertise, but I'll talk about my experiences so far getting my first rig.


    I bought the Aero 30 rig, my practice camera is a GH4 with tokina 11-16 and various Nikon primes, hdmi to sdi converter for my monitor. At the time I thought the aero 30 was going to be more than enough, but I'm already bumping up against the weight limit of 20lbs when I go out on gigs. Once you add follow focus, wireless video, matte box, the weight really adds up.


    Like everyone said when I was buying my first rig, if you can, get the biggest rig you can afford. Its amazing how fast you progress and want to go out on gigs. I already want to upgrade lol. I hope this was helpful! Can't wait to see what you get!!!

  11. Welcome! I'm super new to steadicam as well and also wished I started at your age. Save up for a legit rig, its worth it. Take the steadicam workshops and lessons. Then practice, practice, practice! I bought my first rig, Aero 30 recently and very happy I didn't buy a knock off, I've already had to get it checked out by Tiffen and their customer service is wonderful. There are many good used options on the forum and facebook groups.

  12. Hey everyone!


    I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in doing a meet-up and practice? I'm still a newbie, so I'm trying to get more time in the rig practicing with other ops to help give/get tips, advice, network, etc... I want this to be mutually beneficially for everyone!


    I'm located in Los Angeles. Please let me know!


    Have a great day!!


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