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Nathan Cole

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Posts posted by Nathan Cole

  1. Hi, and thanks already for so many helpful threads. I've shot violin instructional videos for a while in my garage studio, which is small enough that I can't use anything wider than 50mm. So right now that's my only lens.

    I got a used Zephyr rig (and a nice tutorial from the member here who sold it to me), and it looks like I should be able to make a Bronze workshop this summer in LA (luckily I live here, so plenty of resources). But I have to say, my attempts so far look... not even close to acceptable.

    I know that in theory wider lenses should be easier, so I'm just wondering whether it's nuts to expect anything usable with a medium lens until I get more training? If I had a 25mm lens or similar to put on, would I likely have more fun until my workshop, or would it not be that dramatic a difference?

    Thanks for your thoughts!

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