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Eric Fletcher S.O.C.

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Everything posted by Eric Fletcher S.O.C.

  1. Talk to to Brad Hruboska he bought Lynn Nicholsen's India Mount
  2. Ari you made a choice and that's great but it's one thing if it's your gear and a totally different thing if it's a loaner. And what Alec said
  3. I'm sure that Preston, Tiffen, GPI and every other equipment manufacture is happy to hear that you don't care about the loaners after all it's "Nobodys"
  4. Because Mark, there is great hate for the Movi and unfortunately both of those videos could have been shot equally as well (and possibly better) with a Movi
  5. Hate to say it but could have been done with a Movi
  6. In a poll of 20 operators working on various shows NONE of us have ever heard "Frame" EVER
  7. Yup, I have mine, it's not on my rig though since my rig traveled ahead of me. I'll put it up on the rig in prep tomorrow
  8. Really? there are THOUSANDS of sites that have reviews on luggage, you might want to look there
  9. I'm with Alec on this. All the AD's I've had the pleasure to work with all understand the process and defer to my "Set" call. It's done that way for a reason, as the operator we are the last to sign off on the readiness of the set even to the point of the holding until the actor lets me know they are ready to go then I'll call it.
  10. Dave, Next time raise the difficulty factor with the unpredictable modifier of FOOD POISONING. Yes that's right will that wet burrito be dry? Will picking the rig off the dock be a code brown moment? This is a game that Baldwin has us all beat at.
  11. Duh, jerry has posted. Duh jerry is wrong again Batteries with dead cells can read full voltage when not under a load like when you use a voltmeter on them. You need to learn how batteries work and how to properly test them. Take for instance a Arri 435 on Anton Bauer hytron 50's. A battery chemistry that was suited for low current constant draw. Hit them with a 435 and it's high amp draw and batteries that tested at 15 volts each would sag under the current draw and only deliver 9 volts. Were the cells bad? No they exhibited Droop under load because that chemistry was not stiff enough. (These words Droop, Sag, Stiffness, load, amps and volts are all real words as opposed to some of the terms you like to banter around) Again if you'd like to discuss this more, I'm your huckleberry
  12. Seeing 28.8 off the charger means nothing and is a misleading answer Jerry
  13. I don't know, should you? It only a question you can answer Might want to go back and read my previous answer a few thousand times....
  14. Get a bunch of experience in the business first, then in a few years worry about buying a rig Until you have a deep background in what's what, we might as we'll be speaking a foreign language to you
  15. Now how do street and road signs look if you do that, how about other cars....
  16. Since Victor offered me up I'll test it. Brad message me and we can work out the details
  17. ummmm. balance the sled once and never have to dick with it again
  18. BWAHAAHAHAHAAH in the world of steadicam unfortunately that's not "So High"
  19. the Inovativ takes about 30 seconds and that's going slow
  20. Honestly a stabilized head like a libra is a better choice
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