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Nikk Hearn-Sutton SOC

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Posts posted by Nikk Hearn-Sutton SOC

  1. Well w the SK2 the max you can top off is 19-20LBS. Now when it comes to say a Arri SRII you would have to go yhe next model up or upgrade your arm,post and gimbal, which can be PRETTY expensive.

    The XL1-1s youa can add a 35mm lens on it you just have to make sure that you ballance it properly since its going to be top heavy,and make sure that you have enough wieght on the bottom, that depends on either having the sk2 with the NP1's or the Anton Mount and when using the antons, you have to playwith it depending on size of the brick,full size or trim packs. But a majority of the part from Steadicam ARE interchangable,just depends on what model and or series your going with.

    I hope any of this helps you out.



  2. Well I decided weighing out all the opinions

    (NO PUN INTENDED!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: ) I'm going to have to go with a dual arm. Now here's were it's going to get tricky... What,where and who can I rent one from and who has it. Going to lookin the forum itself to see. any leads would be great. If not.... NO FLY ZONE !!! :( for the benefit of me first and far most and the production.


    Nikk" I'm in between a rock and a hard place" Sutton

  3. Charles,


    Basically I'm flying blind!!!!! :huh: The DP doesn't know what he's going to have on it including the wireless FF and the shoot is the 1st of next month, luckily, I'm not needed till the 14th-20th and if this keeps up I'm a little skeptical on doing this. I would ATLEASE like to know what they want me to do but instead .... NOTHING

  4. With everything mentioned, I not exactly sure on what filters,matte box,ectwill be added. Depending on what is all added, if it is safe for me to fly...I'M NOT there is no need to showboat just because I have the rig!!!! If I can fly I'll fly safe if not then I'm grounded. I'll have to talk to the DP just to get an idea of what all he has planned to put on it before I even make an attempt to do so.

  5. [

    I would say a big no to film school - you will learn more in one week on a set than a year in film school.


    I'd agree with Howard on this quote I have friends who went to Florida St for film and they got screwd on everything,[/b] they said they were going to do and didn't but myself everything I learned was in the field itself and it would be great to see a female steadi op. I asked in one of the general discussions about female ops and there wasn't many but that would be great if you became one. Meg, Check out the Newbie Forum there are alot of insightfull posts there.


    Fly safe, No Worries!!



  6. Thanks I'll be testing it out tomorrow with a Pro 35 lens just to get the feel of it before the actual shoot. BTW does any know or have Robert Luna's ph# I want to see how much he would charge for a modified arm

  7. Well here we are are...THE NEW GENERATION OF STEADI OPS....

    At first I was pissed because we "THE NEWBIES" was given a separate forum from the vets, like we were being singled out for our questions and lack of knowledge of operating!!!!!! :angry: Then I begain to think this is pretty cool that the one that have little experence to the ones with none get a chance to talk and see how many of the new ones there actually are so I'm down with that and I've been operating for about 9mos, I'm still alittle green but I'm rippening up.THANKS :D


    Now question at hand... when it come to scale for a half day or full rate what should I charge cause at this moment I'm getting noticed and I wanted to know what standard scale is so I can base my rate on that.



    Nikk "Proud to be a NEWBIE" Sutton

  8. aslo when dealing with drop time you want it between 2 to 3 secs depending on smoothness and experence 2 sec is for me the standard DT(drop time) but the 3 sec one is for when you want the movements like BUTTA,smooth like a womans legs fresh after shaving :D ANYWAY you have to make sure that the rig doesnt feel sluggish to movement so that everything about the rigs balance is equally distributed thru out. Hope this helped also.



  9. Well my friend, @ 19 I was still in college and didnt know where or what I'd be doin but I wish I would of gotten into it then instead of noe but as they always say.... BETTER LATE THAN NEVER but atleast your doing it some 19 yr olds are only trying to get into one thing and so am I but the difference is with ALOT of practice and asking question and as Karlo said there's no such thing as a stupid question.

    when it come with experience all that come in time so take your OWN pace not someone elses and HAVE FUN :D!!! And by the way....I've only been a op for about 10months so I'm a NEWBIE also but from what I've learn from my mistakes and errors and talking to the guys here I've bettered myself as an operator.



    Nikk "Hope I redeemed myself" Sutton

  10. POINT TAKEN Peter and Karlo!!!! Petrified, MY APOLOGIES SINCERLY!!! It was just I did'nt even think about it not coming with a tape or manual especailly if its used.Is it?

    Any way now that I got the crap kicked out of me by fellow Ops!?! :unsure: , For ME it's hard to expain the process you do just in letters to balance the rig out. Now if I was expaining it while I'm doing it, that would be a different story, but there are and I forgot what it's called and I'm looking right at it, CYBERCAM that it I had a Jessica Simpson moment, maybe myself or other Ops could do that for you to help you out. Again sorry about my first post. I can admit when I've done wrong and especially to a fellow Steadi Op. Good luck and keep flying!!!!!!


    NikK"IM A A$%HOLE"Sutton


    NO WORRIES!!!!! :D

  11. I'm heading out to LA sometime in the next couple weeks and 2 question evolve.... 1 where is area code 310 and 2nd who can I contact there to get some pointers to my operation of my rig. Just calle me SPONGEBOB cuz I'm going to soak it up anything would be good since I stand alone here in cincinnati as the ONLY op :( which is good and bad good cause they have to come to me bad is that IM IT. I need someone to play with!!!!!! :wub:

  12. I feel that I'm getting close to that and I've only had the rig for 9mo and I'm being asked if I can fly HD cams and SR16's loaded. I should of went with the pro vid+2 but....I got the rig. what advice can you give me on this one <_<

  13. Well it all depends on a couple things 1) The market that your in as in how many productions are going on in your area e.i. city L.A., NY, Chicago, ect,ect,ect Dot dot dot com, 2) your experience can you fly a 35mm,16mm,DVC PRO and how long you've been an operator and what type of rig do you have. Myself I've been "IN PRATICE" for about 8 to 9 months and I've done small productions as in independent films,sporting events and music videos but when I can I always try to get a camera from my good friends @ The Camera Dept. here in Cincinnati,Ohio and try on different cameras on my SK2. Needless to say I can only fly certain rigs. On my rig I can fly DVC PRO,BetaCams,XL1-1s and tried to fly a HD rig but it was too heavy for those type of cameras I need a Dual arm for the weight. And speaking of which for anyone who is reading this and could tell me where I could find a dual arm and the $ let me know. But back at the matter at hand, I'm the only Op in my area that I know of and word has been speading around even though I'm in small market I'm making the best of it so if I do happen to move or get a call to fly a rig in another city or state I have the experience from where I was and though where I am the circle may be small working with crews I've worked with before,I gets bigger cause they know someone who knows someone else that could possibly get you the next big gig. So I hope all this was informative for you but as you will see that 9 months is nothing compared to the rest of the Ops who have been flying for years as in Garret Brown,Jerry Holway, Eric Landau just to name a few but what ever the veterans say or tell you listen cause there old and you should respect your elders :D. Seriously, any info they give take heed of it,it will make you a better operator and with the trade that were into as I like to call "THE BROTHERHOOD (not to discriminate to the SISTERS that are flying also)" but you get the jist of it cause not everyone can do what we do so in a sence that makes us SPECIAL not to be confused with the small yellow bus even though some should be on that bus but I digress. Hope I helped and KEEP FLYIN"



  14. I had my monitor for my sk2 repaired and I had o send it to L.A. to the manufacturing Co. it would of cost me about 800 but since it was still under warranty it was 380 the guys name is Kyle Young and he could tell you roughly what it will be his number is 310-645-4568 ext 17. Hope this helps and keep flying.




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