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Jiayu Li

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About Jiayu Li

  • Birthday 10/20/1999

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    Los Angles
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  1. Hi Gus, Thank you for motioning that to me. I talked to Arri's staff to make sure the build is doable. I personally really like Arri docking design, what's the reason you changed to Tiffen's docking? Is that better for the gimbal? Or should I get a Volt Rester from Koon, https://www.kineticw.com/shop/volt-rester-for-m2-gimbal Do you think this is a good idea? Or I should go for the Tiffen docking directly. Best, Jiayu Li
  2. Hi Gus, Thank you so much for sharing your opinion with me! That's really helpful. Yes, I may jump to a Trinity2 in the future, and that's the main reason why I want to choose a Artemis2. And the resale power is a really great point. Have you met any problem when you using the Artemis with a Volt? I asked Tiffen, they are providing the warranty if I put a m2 gimbal w/volt on a Artemis2 sled. Bests, Jiayu Li
  3. Hi everyone, I'm currently plan to purchase a new sled, I have the Artemis Vest and Smartsystem x1 Arm I'm tangling between [Artemis 2 w/Volt] and [M2 w/volt], It will be great if I can hear any suggestions. Please share your idea and thought with me, thank you so mcuh. Best regards, Jiayu Li
  4. Hi I'm interested in the sled and Inovativ Wheels, Please let me know if you would like to sell them separately. ;)
  5. Hi James, I'm selling my gear, Archer2 w/volt. + g50x + lx vest let me know if you interested in it! Thank you ;)
  6. For sale: used Pelican iM3075 w/ customized foam cut For Trinity2 set and arm from various brand My arm is is GPI Pro Titan Bought on November 2023, only used for a 40-day gig Ask for $600 plus shipping
  7. Hi everyone, I'm selling my [Tiffen Steadicam Package]: in excellent condition 1.Archer2 w/Volt $18,500 Just changed a new bearing from Tiffen, with maintenance and clean Brand new 702 touch Low mode monitor bucket + Ninja 5 w/ CONECT Volt rain cover 2.G50x Arm $7,500 My back up arm, never used since last time got the maintained and clean from tiffen. Rain Cover 3.Lx vest $2,000 Only used for few times. Located at Los Angeles, prefer local buyer There will be a small discount if you buy the whole package jiayulifilm@gmail.com Thank you all Jiayu Li
  8. Hi Tim I just upgraded the membership. Please let me know when I can start posting. Thank you so much. Jiayu LI
  9. Morning Keith,

    Is your m2 still available?


    Jiayu Li

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jiayu Li

      Jiayu Li

      Thank you for reaching out to me, 
      yes please, let me know,

    3. Keith Peters

      Keith Peters

      I’m selling it to an operator out of the country if your serious I would rather sell it so someone in Los Angeles… please feel free to stop by to take a look at it , I’m in Pasadena 

    4. Jiayu Li

      Jiayu Li

      Yeah, I would love to do so. Are you free tomorrow after 4p.m.? You can contact me through text 415-490-6009 or email, jiayulifilm@gmail.com 

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