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Brandon Thompson

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Everything posted by Brandon Thompson

  1. Just wanted to inform the masses. I was recently asked to camera op with the hvx200 for a concert in ATL. Being a flyer owner I told "the guy" that I was steadicam owner/op as well. He was interested asked for a rate and I told him $500 rig rental $50/hr. Now I think we can all agree this is a fair rate. He tells me "no thats ok brandon, i cant afford to pay that much for it, especially when its more than the LA rate for a steadicam" I ask him what is the LA rate and am told: i can get a steadicam op for $400-900/day depending on experience. but no hourly cost after that. its usually a flat. He also gave me the name of an his friend that is an operator, who looks to be experienced after looking at his imdb page, and owns a big rig. Now I'm not one to throw anyone under the bus, but I am tempted to give this operator a call and ask for rates. Any thoughts???
  2. Hey Kevin, Don't know how long you have had the flyer, but I use a weight plate with the smaller cameras. Don't know the weight off the top of my head on the ex3, but i flew the ex1 and I used the plate with that. My 2 cents, Brandon
  3. I just shot a music video with the Red and my Flyer. Like Charles said it was Stripped Down! But I will say I still had some wiggle room with my arm. Camera consisted of the master primes, camera body, red handle with one rod on the compact flash card side of the camera (this is where I mounted my m-one motor), Bartech was attached with velcro on the same side, the aja converter was velcro/wedged under the handle along with the wireless mic receiver. I have a lemo power spliter that powered the bartech and the camera from the top stage. The aja power cable was run outside of the post down to the p-tap on my anton bauer battery. I also used a ab to vmount adapter plate so I could use the red batteries on my rig. Oh, was able to fly a clip on matte box as well. Oh and we shot with the compact flash cards. Wish I would have snapped off a few pics. Maybe I'll go back to the rental house and prep it again if anyone would like to see it.
  4. Camera prep went fine. Just want to make sure that my power cable is wired correctly: 4pin xlr- pin 1 is ground pin 2,3 nothing, and pin 4 is 12volt? If anyone can confirm that would be great. Thanks, Brandon
  5. Erwin and all, Thanks for all the information. I am still waiting to meet with the camera owner. So I will let you guys know how it all goes down. Thanks, Brandon
  6. Hi, I got a call to fly film for the first time and the camera is a BL 2. I am planning on using a mk-v lite sled with 3a arm(gold springs). Will this sled and arm hold up a BL 2? If so anyone know what cables I need for video and to power the camera? I am meeting with the camera owner this week, but was looking for a heads up from you guys. Thanks, Brandon
  7. Peter, I believe you may be searching for Lemo part # FTG.0B.302.PLFG Ramon Engle found and ordered one of these for me when i needed a way to power a video transmitter and BFD. It is a molded jack. That has (1)male 2 pin on one side and (2) female 2 pin on the other side. Page 29 shows a picture: http://www.lemo.com/pdfs/catalog/ROW/UK_En...e_multipole.pdf Hope this helps, Brandon
  8. wow i fell like an idiot. I bought a $500 transmitter by Shotwatcher when i first started. That Supercircuits is the same device inside the plastic housing. Looks like i paid about $400 for a 9v battery and a plastic box. oh well
  9. Tony, 5k will get you a BFD and an M-One and that will work nicely. From there it just gets more expensive. Check zoe/bebob for the zoom control. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/4971...oom_Remote.html this might be what you are looking for. P.S. you can easily spend what you spent for the rig in EXTRAS! Good luck finding what you need.
  10. Tony, I would search the forum, most of your answers can be found under the sub topics. Here is what I would look at: Bartech Follow Focus=http://bartechengineering.com/ (Do I get a free Iris tx/rx for this plug, Jim?) Wireless video= www.crampedattic.com maybe modulus 4000 if it is available Low mode: if money is an option Flip the rig upside down and flip image in post I would get the first two before buying low mode Vehicle: never used one so can't say, but I would search the forum. Good Luck, BT
  11. i got a link for those who missed it, http://www.bigsteinproductions.com/CP01.mov enjoy!
  12. I would like to hear from Mike and any others on the size. I flew Brain Hall's rig (a mk-v with a Boland) and the monitor size definately made me more cautious. I was afraid of running the monitor into something and knocking it off. It may just be b/c I fly a Flyer and everything on my rig is smaller in comparison. But like you said WOW what a nice image! Brandon
  13. It appears as though Mr. Papert was credited under the alias "Guillame Delouche" interesting...
  14. First, welcome to the site. Second, Please change your screen name to your REAL NAME. It is what we do on this forum. Third, I own the HVX, M2 and use 35mm still lenses, and have bartech focus and have had no problems with my flyer handling the weight. I have also flown the hvx, p&s 35 with primes and bartech and flew the rig with no problems. I would unofficially say the rig is capable of 20lbs. But if you want to fly any of the bigger 2/3 inch cameras ie: sony xd cam or panasonic hdx900, you probably want to go will archer or clipper.
  15. T Barr, I also have a flyer and yes it does fly better with more weight. I had a weight plate made from a scrap peice of steel about 1/4 inch thick by 5 inch by 8 inch. I think mine weighed in at 8lbs. plus my 4.5lbs dvx100 =12.5 lbs and that flew very nicely. Now I have the HVX200 with M2 lens adapter with BFD follow focus so it weighs in just over 15 and flies awesome. Which AB batteries are you using? Oh, I don't know your medical history, but the more you wear the rig the more your back gets use to the weight. good luck, Brandon
  16. Peter, I did a search and came up with this: http://www.aja.com/html/products_converters_HD10A.html It is a AJA HD10A. Says it has RGB inputs with HD-SDI output. Hope this is what you are looking for. Brandon
  17. Robert, I found this: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/2789...Rod_System.html it is for panasonic, but maybe they have one for sony.
  18. There could be light at then end of the 4000 mile long tunnel. I emailed CIT 7/20/07 asking if the 4000 was shipping yet and was told "We will not be shipping the Modulus 4000 until about mid-October". That was cut and paste from an email Phil sent me. So I hope they make good and start shipping, cause $2195 still sounds better than $4k, that is if it works. Brandon "can't wait to transmit affordable wireless video" Thompson
  19. Ramon, You beat me to the post. When you showed me that picture I almost died. I do love his quote in the item discription: "I do not have the original set up manual or VHS tape (the documentation was very poor, and I had to figure it out for myself anyway). " Looks like he got the hang of it.
  20. Steve, I bought the low mode kit for my DVX, but after spending a day with another operator he suggested that I just flip the rig upside down. We did it with my dvx100 and the M2. So I actually didn't have to flip that footage in post. If i remember correctly I had to move the gimbal like you said then adjust the fore/aft. Oh, but before all that I also took the monitor screw out and flipped that piece also, it helps for viewing. I think you souldn't have a problem if you do this. Oh Kyle from tiffen told me that you can always leave the low mode bracket on the handle of the camera, and if you want you could buy another dovetail plate and have it attached as well. But I still think flying the camera upside down is easiest. Brandon "my .02" Thompson
  21. I have to admit that I was suprised to see so many ops on professional sets having to deal with people grabbing their rig. I think some of these people have some balls grabing an operators rig. Its like they don't know that your rig w/ accesories is more expensive than the camera. Maybe "do not touch" stickers are needed?
  22. Benji, I would just give the guys at Steadicam a call. I am sure the accessory sheet isn't up to date on a few items. if not you could just take one of the weights to a machine shop and see if they can make something for you.
  23. Elliot, I was on a set monday shooting a low budget music video and the dir/dp was very green, I don't think he had ever worked with a "real" steadicam. He also thought it was a good idea to grab the rig and yank me around. I just asked him politely not to grab the rig and if he would just tell me what he wanted I could make it happen. As for being in the rig as long as you were, wow. I would like to hear from the other veteran ops. I haven't been on a set that big yet, but I ask for breaks on the indie sets and usually get them when I need them.
  24. I was not really thinking about putting it on one of their arms, but more like mounted flat to one of their plates in some fashion; a bit like you'd mount a focus motor control box. Raising the height of the camera with the cage is what I was referring to. They (Zacuto) have a booth at CineGear so I'll drop by there today and see what they recommend. cool...let me know what they say. The firestore one I believe has a screw hole on the back of it so it would be laying flat above the camera handle in the cradle...how rock solid it is though is anybody's guess. here's a pic of the back of the firestore cradle http://store.zacuto.com/product.php?produc...at=0&page=1 I was hoping that somebody may have used this set-up. Well- keep me posted. Steve Steve, I would agree with Robert and try to mount on the back of the camera. Here is another alternative to Zacuto. The Micro Accessory Pod from the guys at Redrock Micro. It has 1/4 and 3/8 mounting holes. So I would get a 1/2'' or 3/4'' screw and come up from the bottom of that plate and mount that firestore cradle to the Micro Accessory Pod. I also agree with roberts point on the CG if you mount on top/bottom of camera. Good Luck. Brandon
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