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Fred Davis

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Posts posted by Fred Davis

  1. HOAX :huh:


    From snopes.com:


    You can look up anyone's driver's license or police records for free on the Internet.


    Status: False.


    Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2002]


    This is really scary..... Now you can see anyone's Drivers License on the Internet,

    including your own! I just searched for mine and there it was, picture and all.


    I don't think this is a good idea at all !!! I think we should write our congressperson!


    Origins: The

    message above is not a real warning from a concerned and outraged citizen; it's an invitation that solicits "victims" for yet another Internet prank. In this case the joke is one of several hoax web sites bearing names such as National Driver's License Records Bureau or the FBI Criminal Records Search, sites that purport to show users information taken from state driver's license or police [Monkey's uncle!] records databases. The punchline is always the same: after the user is led on a merry chase, the site displays a photograph from his "official" government record, and it's a picture of a chimp or an orangutan. Yuk, yuk.


    Perhaps more amusing than this old joke (I had a circus clown take my "photograph" with a prop camera when I was six years old, and that one turned out to be a picture of a monkey, too!) is the amount of mail forwarded to us by alarmed readers who have received similar messages and are worried that they're genuine but are afraid to check for themselves. Simply visiting one of these sites and attempting to look up a "record" is sufficient to dispel the concern that they might be real (if for no other reason than that they don't ask for nearly enough information to uniquely identify a person), but many viewers are hesitant to try for fear that the information they enter will be collected by someone who might use it for illegitimate (or even illegal) purposes. To this dilemma we offer a handy solution: You can lie to a computer!


    If you're unsure whether a site that collects personal information (and displays even more personal information in response) is legitimate, just enter some fictititious but properly-formatted input and see what happens. If it's a joke, you'll soon find out; if the results are inconclusive, you are no worse off than you were before (and you haven't revealed anything useful in trying). If the site rejects your information (even though it's properly formatted), that may be an indication the site is indeed tied into a database that can access personal information and merits further investigation. The simplest answer is usually the correct one, however: someone's having one over on you!


    (Driver's license and police record information is available over the Internet from various sources such as PublicData.com, but these sites are not accessible to everyone for free, nor do they offer information from every state.)


    Last updated: 24 June 2002


    The URL for this page is http://www.snopes.com/humor/iftrue/license.htm

  2. It's a different pin configuration for the SR-II, Arri-III, etc. than the SR-III. I don't know what the pin conf. is off hand, but Jim Bartell would definitely know.

    Fischer 11-pin on ARRI 3/BL/SR2 cameras


    7 = Run

    9 = Grnd

    11= 12VDC out


    Start/stop with the 11-pin is disabled on the 435/535,etc. (24V cameras)

  3. Did you ever get the correct pin out for the Fuji Jumper on the J-7





    1 ----------- VTR ----------- 10

    2 ----------- POT neg ------ 5

    3 ----------- POT pos ------ 3

    4 ---------- VTR ---------- 9

    5 ---------- Wiper ---------- 7

    6 ----- don'tknow/don'tcare---


    Cheers! B)

  4. Mission accomplished.


    Cables delivered, met briefly with Mark, watched the cast rehearse, his two ACs gave me a quick tour of the set and discussed the show's cooler aspects.


    I been smilin' all day.

  5. I was in Vegas for a college expo, and one of the people in my group and her husband used to drive transpo for rock shows. GENESIS was in town,so on a whim, we drove out to the UNLV stadium to visit the drivers, look for old colleagues.

    Everyone of them were old friends of Patty's, and we all hung out, drinking craft services beer and telling VH1-style stories. All the drivers gave us their comps! They weren't going to the show.... they were in Vegas, fer crissakes. Got to meet Tony Banks backstage, a big thrill for a prog-head like me.

    The driver comps were extreme stage-right, right next to the speakers, and my ears rang for a week. Good times..... :rolleyes:

  6. Assist from George Paddock? I gave Mark your number, dude.

    Thanks for passing my number to Mark. The assist clearly includes you as well as GPI. XiéXie! B)


    GPI had already placed an order with me for Mark. There was some misunderstanding about turnaround. When AC called, I setthe record straight, and I convinced them to keep their order with GPI, that I would fulfill. That way I make money, GPI maintains their order, Mark gets his cables, and through the magic of serendipitous action, I get to visit the set and attain fan-boy bliss. Everybody makes out. Dong Ma?


    Therefor, my prayers of gratitude and ritual sacrifices to Mark, GPI, lkarman, and a list of tangential others too numerous to list here.

  7. For what it's worth, Nathan Fillion is from Edmonton. I've met him before and he's a very nice guy. He's also friends with the guys from The Arrogant Worms (a musical comedy group). I know it's not directly related to Firefly, but Fred, you should look up their music.)


    I checked out the band.... funny. :)


    As of today, Mark Moore has taken the position of short-term, personal savior, with an assist from George Paddock.


    I am to deliver cables to stage on Tue.


    I am 14 years old, the WHO are coming to town, and I've got tickets.



  8. Got to say I love your mini Triax cable.


    Glad it's working for you, Ramon.


    "The J7 cables list at $250."


    Yikes.  Just bought two of these from Fred for less than $100/each.


    Thanks for the mention, Alec


    Some interesting notes on the J-7 though.


    So, I will now rewire the J-7 back to the way all others are and reverse my Fujinon cable.


    Mercy! Please forward your findings. I'll follow up with The Jim, and adjust my records accordingly.


    That's me.....keeper of the Holy Book of Pinouts........ B)

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