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Gus Trivino

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Posts posted by Gus Trivino

  1. Hi Thomas


    I usually use Kettlebells depends what kind of exercice we are doing.


    9kg (20 lb)

    12 (26 lb)

    16 (35 lb)

    21 (46 lb)

    24 (52 lb)

    30 (66 lb)

    34 (75 lb)


    You can train hard as far you can.

    Kettlebell is a very aerobic routine too, not only an anaerobic train as you can do at the Gym.

    If you have a Kettlebells gym on your area, go to see a class and ask the professor.

    You will feel more flexible and strong, not only for your (our) work, for your day by day.

    Just try it :P




  2. I was seeing about P90X Workouts, and it look great, but for me this kind of routine doesn´t work.

    I am a little bit lazy and I always need a profesor pushing me to finish my routine.

    I actually train amateur MMA and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu during 11 years, and 1 year ago I started "Funcional Training" & "Crossfit" with Kettlebells.

    After knowing Kettlebell training I didn`t go to a gym anymore.

    I found it very motivating, all classes are different and a new challenge day after day.

    Im enjoying it a lot.

    I think MMA or Jiu Jitsu is not for all the people, but try Kettebells once.

    I think you`ll be love it.


    Here a link of kettlebells:



    Best to all,



  3. years ago I worked with the Spintex.

    I didnt know it and Was a great experience, very light and silent but I remember I tried to power the spintex from the camera aux power 12V and it wasn´t posibble. (the gyros was very slow and didnt work)

    Finally I powered from the sled and not problem at all.

    Remember to bring rain cover for you, camera and sled, and a big towell.

    I usually have on my pelican case a dryer hair in order to eliminate the humidity if I have any problem with the Follow focus or video sender.

    Best to all,



  4. Hi Mark


    Mr Ben Fisher is still doing the anodizing of my Benz 5000 that I paid 7 years ago.

    He is working very hard during all this time, and when he finish this work will send me the equipment.

    I dont think he has a time to made another FF equipment...

    Best to all,



  5. Hi Justin


    I have a catgriller, and it`s a great tool, but untill now I`ve never used the tilt plate.

    I use a lot the catgriller in order to go to tripod and return to steadicam in 1 or 2 minutes.


    Anyway, the catgriller only fit in my Baer-Bel topstage, but not on the Artemis or EFP (and I dont know if there is a Catgriller designed for other company, I mean Steadicam, MK-V, PRO, ultimate, etc etc etc)

    Ask Markus in order to know: baer-bel@gmx.net


    Best to all,



  6. Hi Guys


    I just wanna share this news with you.

    Since a finished my studies on the Cinema School, 15 years ago, I always thought some day became a Director.

    In all this time, I wrote the scrips of 4 movies, but always was knocking doors but nothing happenned.


    Years ago, tired for not film nothing as director I wrote a script thinking in to film it with some friends and only during the weekeends.

    Not too much actors, not to much locations and only 7 peoples crew behind the camera.

    I wrote the script thinking in the only thing I have not to pay: The steadicam.

    All the movie was thinking in steadicam shots.

    but before start the pre production, I decided last year sent the script in a contest


    Well, I sent the script at the contest, almost 600 scripts looking for 2 places, and...

    I won the contest!

    Now, The Institute of Cinema will give me almost $400,000 in order to do the film (in Argentina that is possible)

    Im very happy guys, I hope to do a good film and that let me open some doors to became a Director in the future.

    Best to all,



  7. Hi Forum


    I tried to search but I couldnt find nothing about.

    Im filming during some days at the beach.

    Today I was shooting a girl going into the sea with her kite surf.

    The water arrived untill my knees and I had very carefull about the distance between the lower sled and water, but shit happens.

    A little wave covered the battery and the lower sled for a while.

    Fortunally not arrived the monitor and cables.

    I cleaned with bottles of water a lot of times the battery and sled, also cleaned with isoprophlic alcohol and try to dry the equipment with air. Any other advice?


    Best to all,



  8. Hi Peter


    My brother is 120kg (264,5 libras) and I almost 110 kg (242Libras) and our Walter Klassen is a lot heavier than a Sachtler Artemis Vest.

    I never tried a Pro vest, but it seem lighter than the an Artemis.


    Best to all,



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