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BJMcDonnell SOC

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Everything posted by BJMcDonnell SOC

  1. Long live the Mohawk!!!! Long live Punk Rock!! Now....who is gonna bring back the mullet on set?
  2. Yes, Sorry I can't go. I had my lines down and everything for the campfire play. I am working until mid June in New Mexico so you guys have a blast. Hopefully Geoff can pull off the part. He is my understudy for the play so good luck dude. Just remember to shave. I will see you guys this summer. I am all in for a early July hike if that is a option. BJ McD.
  3. The case Dan built is pretty cool. I have to agree with Alec about using a hard case for the arm on a daily basis. I use a pelican to ship my Klassen Harness and PRO arm. When I am on set I just use the bag the arm is in. Having too many cases gets crazy. I don't think a bag comes with the rig enginering arm when you buy it though. BJ McDonnell As for all the hard cases for the arm???? I have a Pelican vault for shipping my Klassen vest & PRO arm (in its padded bag), but to use a hard case on a daily basis for your arm, seems like overkill. Yes, its 20K, but that is all the more reason that it should be bulletproof! Relax, its a very tuff hunk of metal!
  4. Hey Brad, Ya dude, can you shoot me over his info? I don't really want to send my modulus to Maine. That sounds like a better way to go to get my modulus fixed. BJ
  5. Hey Dan, I have both a modulus 3000 and a canatrans. My modulus is acting up so I bought the canatrans because I knew customer service with them (canatrans / lentiquip) would be key. Modulus go down and you have to wait forever to get it back. The Canatrans works like a champ. I am very impressed with it. My modulus is good to but I need to get it serviced. I also own a hermes reciever. The cool thing about the canatrans is that you can reduce the signal power. Check it out. Emery at lentiquip rocks. BJ McDonnell
  6. Hey Alec, I also am working. I will also toast up some booze to you guys since I can't be there. Have fun homies! BJ
  7. Yep! Ron has the best bar of all! Dude I can't stop laughing!!!!! I will totally see you there!!!
  8. Hey Alec, I am working on a feature right now so when we wrap I am all about bustin out some drink time. Keep me informed to where you guys are gonna plan to meet. Tell David Ellis to get his ass out here too! BJ McDonnell
  9. I also stand ready to photo-document BJ's learning experience for the entertainment of all. Jim "shutterbug/barfly" Bartell Yes, It should be a hoot as I am being dragged across chicks in bikinis on the beach. Geoff do you snowboard? If not, You Will! BJ ( Take one for the team) McDonnell
  10. OK OK OK!!! When you go next time Geoff, give me a call. I will go with ya. No problem! But when I learn, then we are making a trip up to mammoth and kite snowboarding up the mountains in bishop! That sounds killer!!! BJ (no excuses) McDonnell
  11. aside from b.j. who keeps pretending he's gonna try to learn to kite, Oh Man! Yo Geoff I want to learn. I just got bad Attention Defecit Disorder. Let me know when you want to bust out some lessons. I got some good recipies on cooking up small kids! BJ ( Hyperactive A.D.D.) McDonnell
  12. YO! I am in as long as I can bring my snowboard. I just got back from Mammoth and the snow was killer!! I will bring my rambo blade. It has a compass, waterproof matches, and explosive tip arrows like in Rambo Part II. BJ McDonnell
  13. DAMN IT RON!!!!!!!! Man, Primus is slowing down right now I have to clean pools! I heard you were mowing lawns with your hummer. We got to get the band back together. BJ claypool
  14. Hey Matt, I actually did not shoot the behind the scenes footage. The guy who did was pretty cool. I will still take the double pay for Christmas like you said :lol: . My wording made it sound like I shot the behind the scenes......My bad!
  15. Rig Engineerings silver spring arm rocks! I had nothing but great results with my old silver spring arm. Well worth the price and great customer service. BJ McDonnell
  16. OH man, I am sorry you guys saw that film! I was a little bummed out because it seems as though they zoomed in a bit in DI and never corrected back to the original framing. I got the DVD and I cringed the whole way through the film. Yes the supermarket scene was a bit crazy with all the blood and everything. Pretty gross. I guess they mispelled the steadicam credit. OH well, I have seen that before on the credits "steady cam". Hey Matias, Sarge the gaffer in Portland told me to tell you "Hello". BJ McDonnell
  17. So I just got back the day before Christmas from a feature in Portland, Oregon. It was wet, windy, cold, icy, and all the worst conditions you could imagine. Exteriors were hell due to constant winds. I just wanted to say that the crew in Portland was top notch! These guys were always there when I needed anything. Before I could request two 4X4 doubles for the wind, they were right next to me. Everyone on the crew really rocked! Greg Schmitt came to my set for a visit and he is a cool cat. Greg, when your in LA and want to hit the surf give me a call. So even though the weather conditions were insane there, the crew made me and the other LA crew feel comfortable and for that Thank You. If you want to check out some behind the scenes footage of the film I just shot check out www.spiralthemovie.com. BJ McDonnell steadicam op. / owner Malibu, Ca.
  18. Happy Birthday Jim, OK so the drinks are on me now!!! BJ McDonnell
  19. Here is a pic with the BL4. I never have posted a pic so I hope it works. BJ McDonnell
  20. Well my FBX box just took a crud! I guess there is no reason to send it back since I will never get it back. This sucks! It worked really well. I am afraid to even send it back. I guess I can make it a refrigerator magnet or a chinese throwing star. BUMMER. BJ McDonnell
  21. I did a full 5 week feature and three of the weeks I flew the BL4. It really sucks! I have to add here that I never flew the camera in low mode. I made it a point to the DP that low mode was a no go deal with that camera. I finally convinced production to get me a moviecam compact. The funny thing was after a week of flying the camera I got use to it. I don't prefer this camera obviously, but the shots came out nice. Jason, eat your wheaties. I hope you don't have to do any running shots. Use a doorway or western dolly. BJ McDonnell
  22. If anyone has antlers for sale, or can point me in the direction of someone who makes them that would be killer. BJ McDonnell
  23. Hey Dave, For me I use Pelican cases for almost everything. My sled is in a 1650 case. My arm, backup monitor, and a bunch of other things go in another 1650 case. Preston FF with motors all in a 1550 case. Modulus, reciever, cables, plates, brackets in a 1660 case. Batteries are in a anvil case. I was bringing my Klassen harness on as carry on with me but it barely fits in the overhead. Plus I took out peoples heads while walking down the rows to my seat. Now I just put it in a big tupperware like box and tape it up and ship it. I have sent gear to Spain, the Bahamas, Chicago, New Orleans, etc....., etc...... and never had a problem. BJ McDonnell
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