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Daniel Stilling DFF

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Posts posted by Daniel Stilling DFF

  1. I shot with the Epic last week and used my CamWave with no issues. I tested 1080 mode and 720 and it worked flawlessly with both. The only thing I can think of is that my CamWave got serviced a few months back and got all new guts. Maybe the newer system is more accepting of "tougher" signals...

  2. I have to, unfortunately, add one name to the list.

    Do not accept work from Animatic media from NY. They have burned me and another op in FL that I know of.

    My account is now with collections, and they have still not paid the bill.

    When collections contacted the guy, he screamed on the phone saying that he doesn't steal services. Well, it has been over a year....

  3. Hey Guys,


    As an update to this issue, I ended up purchasing an Atomos Ninja, since I shoot a lot of my AF100, So it turned out to be a multi use device.

    Capturing footage from my DVR was a breeze. I was concerned about copyright blocking, but there was no issue, and I got all the footage in my hard drive. Now on to cutting new reels...

  4. This goes to show how varied and colorful this community is.

    The only reason I haven't gotten a Cinetronic yet, is that the 7" is too small for me.

    I use a not very bright 9" Manhattan monitor and I love the large picture and a chance to scan for bogies in the shot.

    I have no issue scanning the monitor. It's just personal preference...

    I remember how helish it was to see anything on my postage stamp sized 3A monitor, so I'm grateful for the color and the size.



  5. Hey guys,


    I was hoping someone has some expertise on post side of things.

    I have a bunch HD footage that I shot, recorded on my DVR from some features and TV shows. The DVR has HDMI out. How do I get it from the box to my MacBook pro in full HD resolution?





  6. Hey,


    Just trying to help here, I don't know these guys,

    I just know the Basson guy's face, and it's the same person it the pictures for the ad.

    Maybe the Basson guy bought the chinese stuff and now is selling it, who knows?

  7. Talking about powering stuff from the Alexa,

    Why is it that Arri chose to not include a P-tap on the gold mount? The lack of it is just so inconvenient!

    After doing so many RED shoots, I have a lot of P-tap cables that are useless on Alexa jobs.

    I know I can just make a cable from my sled to female P-tap, i just don't understand why they would not have that option.

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