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Brian Freesh

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Everything posted by Brian Freesh

  1. I know a jib op as well who has expressed much interest in the (stil?) upcoming 12", and I passed that along to Chris who already had it in the works for I believe that very reason. So I imagine that will be on the way.
  2. I'm no fan of REDs, but sheesh, I think one of 'em must've shot Alan's Pa. ;)
  3. No one found at least 4? Probably too busy playing with the movi.
  4. Well, it's generated quite the buzz regardless of opinion. We hit page 7 within a week.
  5. I've no doubt they were honest about waiting on parts, my concern was that you said you were not informed of what you described as a delay until you called to check. Now you're saying it might not have been a delay. That's great to hear. My impression from your first post was that Teradek admitted it was taking longer than you were originally told.
  6. As a prospective buyer, it's good to see these reports of satisfaction. But I can't help my take-away being that there was a delay and you were not informed until contacting them to ask. I've seen the unit, I've seen it work, and I'm overall pleased with its size and performance. With their presence on the forum and with some comments from owners I really do believe they are trying to provide good customer service, and I appreciate and am encouraged by that. But based on some reports (including yours) and witnessing a debacle another operator had to deal with, I'm concerned that perhaps they are not equipped to handle the volume of orders/service they are dealing with. That's speculation to be sure. I'm just trying to rationalize the good reports with the bad. Whatever is causing the delays and mixups I hope it gets resolved. Knowing my luck I'd be one of the customers hit with problems.
  7. Ah, the difference is the subtraction of a power cable and a couple hundred dollars. Impressed with the price point! Will the crossbow ultimately have an HDSDI pass thru?
  8. How many converter boxes would you have, don't you only need one? I've never used the Arrow, how is this different from using one with a Decimator 2?
  9. So the crossbow and the sling are just HDSDI to HDMI converters?
  10. A quick google search clarified. You can carry unlimited spare batteries for "small" lithium ion batteries which are defined as below 8 grams of lithium, or approximately 100 WH. A powercube is 110 WH so it's on the line. But I'd bet the guy at the Atlanta airport was assuming they were small enough, or simply unaware of the "large" lithium ion batteries rule. "large" batteries are defined as having 8-25 grams of lithium or approximately 100-300WH of capacity. So over 140WH is allowed. You are indeed allowed only 2 spare batteries, but that's per carry on, so if you are traveling alone you could get up to 4 (theoretically 5 if you had a camera or device to put one on) or more if it's towards the smaller end and the TSA peeps aren't strict. Dionic 90s should fall in the "small" battery category. In fact, another quick google search turned up the Dionic 90 manual in which Anton Bauer asserts that the Dionic 90 contains less than 8 grams of lithium and is a non-hazardous article for air travel.
  11. How badly cracked is it? Does it still work? Why not just repair it?
  12. Yeah, it's been asked before, though on the scale of things that get asked too much, I'm not sure it registers! The hole pattern is the same, easy swap, done it myself a few times.
  13. Here is the same video with an short article as well: http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=17734
  14. I've always liked Afton's enthusiasm. http://www.slashfilm.com/votd-a-supercut-dedicated-to-the-art-of-steadicam/
  15. Dunno what IMDB you're looking at Ron. I see 4 names for Steadicam: Richard Stoddard (8 eps 2011) Xandy Sahla (6 eps 2010) Adam Gillham (6 eps 2011-2012) Jeremy Hiles (2 eps 2010) Which would make either Xandy or Jeremy the op on the first ep I assume.
  16. IIRC, Dolle's minimum coverage is $25k, with a minimum annual premium of $500. When I had only $12k to cover they gave me the lowest deductible of $500 with no increase on the premium. I don't think there's any reason to look elsewhere.
  17. That was Alan's suggestion. I support it. James, I had exactly what I described done to my Flyer and I love it, though I've never had the occasion to use the 24v (and do not expect to). Terry didn't do it, but he did all new electronics for my Ultra and he did a fantastic job.
  18. Yes, gray arm is 1st gen, functionally 1st and 2nd gen are the same. No need for a coil, the post is fixed length. Even if you plan to stay 12v, going with the 3 pin makes you more compatible with others. But you could also add a 12/24 switch into your system. The likelihood of ever needing the 24v side is supremely low, but you're already re-wiring so if the idea appeals it's easy to add. You can also add a splitter box under the top stage, you could probably go straight to P-Tap if that's what you're gonna use, I'd just make 'em all 3pin Lemos. You can get 4 extra connectors and a 12/24v switch if ya like (Keep most connectors 12v only for accessories). You'll never need that many, but it's nice to have so that you can power the camera, BFD, transmitter, downconverter, and have a spare, and not all off one Lemo with a splitter. And then you don't have to have those cables for every camera you might get, many of which won't have power output anyway.
  19. Techically no, not "just" because. But the added inertia makes things easier on you, so you may well see an improvement, or at least feel it. It's easier to go from a lighter rig to a heavier rig for control, it's easier to go from a heavier rig to a lighter rig for endurance. Honestly, it sounds like you already know what's best for you.
  20. This. As my 2nd gen Flyer (15lb max) could carry and balance (no telescoping post) 24lbs worth of camera, I've no doubt your LE arm springs are up to the task. And I sympathize with your thought process and willingness to max the rig out. I usually kept my camera weight down to 20lbs max (5 over spec), once or twice went a pound or so over. That was a Red One, Zeiss prime, clip on mattebox, motor and BFD Rx, Modulus Tx, and cables. I also had upgraded to 14g wire in my sled, so powering wasn't an issue. My Flyer has some observable wear from those experiences. And the times I went over 20lbs were because something went wrong and we had to add a piece of gear to make things work again (several days with a raid drive for example) so I saved myself from failure by having room to breathe on the arm. But unless you're gonna be steadi all day it's not really worth the extra time to turn it over. And I'd practiced the set-up before I ever offered it to a client so I could do it fast on set. And I was very clear ahead of time, via email (for proof I'd warned 'em) about the limitations of the camera set-up. And believe me when I say you can't trust them to be happy about issues that you made them aware of when it's slowing things down on set. Maybe it's technically not your fault (maybe it is), but they'll put it on you. All in all it was a pain the ass, and overly stressful. And that's when I had my ducks in a row. Imagine if you go in unprepared. Everyone is right, you're setting yourself up for failure. Either rent a larger rig, pass on the gig, or pass the gig to someone else. If you decide on the later, I'm avail :) If you do it (DON'T), I'd love to see pics, the total weight, and hear how the battle went. I have an accurate scale if you need :)
  21. I just want to be the first to say: NO. But since you're probably gonna do it anyway: Good Luck!
  22. Eric, Those were exactly my concerns, that it was possibly an op trying to steal gigs or a producer trying to preemptively lowball operators. And really, so long as the only ops it lists are ops that wish to be on the list, I think the site is perfectly fine. Just don't want them misleading people. I personally believe it is a genuine attempt at something positive that is simply unfinished. The list of ops is the only thing that got my attention enough to post about it here. And as Jens pointed out, Mike O'Shea's reel seemed to represent an association with him (though maybe there is?). Take away those two things and I wouldn't have even noticed the site. Bill, I hope everything gets sorted and your site gets back on track. I'm glad you spotted this thread and contacted us. I was planning on contacting the site if no one here vouched for it, but you were on the ball and approached us. That gives me some faith, but I'm a long way from being convinced to be a part of it. Best of luck! :)
  23. Bill, (check your font size, it's small and hard to read) Thanks for your quick responses to Alan, myself, and the forum. Good to hear you are trying to do a good thing for Ops and productions. As Will said, your service is effectively that of an Agent. A costless and less involved agent, but still an agent. The reason Alan (and others) is upset is because you have chosen to represent him without his permission, and without establishing a relationship. He doesn't know you, neither do ~44 ops on your list on the site. That means you are using their names falsely. You don't represent them, but producers think you do, making them more likely to contact you. At that point 1 of your 6 operators gets the job, not 1 of 50. You were hoping for suggestions of how to make it work. I suggest you remove all the operators who did not submit a form, rather than waiting for them to ask to be removed from a site they never asked to be on. Then if you want you can contact them all with an invitation. Your qualifications for listing an operator include a level of professionalism. I'm not sure how you can know their level of professionalism without even knowing them, but I do know it was unprofessional to list them without contacting them. I understand the site is not finished and was published prematurely. So that makes it easy to rectify the oversight and remove the names now. Another suggestion would be transparency. Who are you? Why did you get involved with this project? Where are you marketing to productions and operators? How do you match operators to projects, particularly without knowing the operators? Why she we be confident relying on you to make these matches? Any other information you can provide? Steadicam-ops.com provides a list of operators, and links to their websites and reels and information about their experience and gear. While it's not perfect and is not LA specific, I feel it essentially serves the purpose steadicam-la.com without the "matchmaking" which makes me nervous. Since you don't know the ops or the DPs and Directors, I don't see how you can effectively manage a matchmaking service that is of any use. It would take too much time and effort to do for free. Ask any agent! EDIT: I just noticed the list of names has been removed, before I posted this Thanks again, Brian :)
  24. Has anyone seen this website? http://steadicam-la.com/ I know at least one op who is on the list but didn't even know of the website, and I suspect none of the ops on the list are aware. It may be that the website is still in progress and isn't supposed to be public and all ops will be contacted before officially included. Of course, looking at the operator submission form it could also be a phishing scam either by producers or even a frustrated op with time on their hands. The WhoIS: http://www.networkso...teadicam-la.com Jerome appears to just be the designer and/or site manager. Domain was purchased just under 2 months ago. Anyone know anything about this?
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