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Mia H Quayle

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Posts posted by Mia H Quayle

  1. This is where the tumbleweed blows by in the movie.


    You spoke my mind, Mr Sainthill... !!



    I, too, have been waiting to hear his answers to either Jess or Job - thought I'd give it a few days though, to allow for server / email / gravity / anti-gravity / alien abduction issues ... Seems you are used to waiting to be disappointed too, having dealt with 'Mr Mojo' even only once...


    I'm really so sorry you had such a disastrous experience, and in such a time of need too, never a good feeling, but I'm not even a little bit surprised he let you down. Howard consistently (since we first met 2 years ago) disregarded, belittled and insulted any Op who wasn't completely kitted out from head to toe in MK-V gear. He apparently doesn't understand the concept of customer service - it's as if he believes we should all be grateful to him for bestowing upon us such wondrous products, that we should accept any c**p that falls from his mouth and humbly apologise for buying anything from anyone else.


    Yes, Howard, it's a great gimbal....

    Yes, Howard, the Nexus is a great rig...

    Yes, Howard, the AR has proved to be a fantastic tool for some of the pioneers who have made it their 'weapon of choice'...


    But it's not worth the pain, or at least, that's the message I've been getting from your would-have-been customers this past week.

    The pain of dealing with your lousy service and lousy attitude.


    For the benefit of those who do not know, I was his Business Manager and fielded his c**p for about a year until last May and what was my reward?


    I got sacked for being human, and succumbing (for the first time in my whole life) to stress. I took him to court for it (the sacking, not the stress). Incidentally, at my mockery of a disciplinary meeting, his current PA described my diagnosed illness as 'strong evidence of emotional instability' and stated it was grounds for dismissal. We have a saying in the UK, that the pot is calling the kettle black... Ask a Brit friend to translate! :)


    Then he put MK-V into liquidation the day before the court had instructed him to pay me, so I couldn't get what he owes me. (And if he objects to me posting this again, as he did to Anthony's post, I have a copy of the document he signed ready to go up in lights with all the gory details of how he sank MK-V Modular Systems for less than $85K and declared assets of ZERO to the liquidator. He has officially declared MK-V had no money left).


    This is not the 'streamlining' of a flourishing business, this is the extreme solution to an unsolvable debt problem due to poor trading figures - it confirms it as such in the Administrator's document in so many words, a definition agreed to by Howard Smith. His signature on the notice confirms his agreement. (again, copies at the ready, so don't bother shouting 'It's BS' and stamping your feet, your name is on the dotted line, Howard, and your lies are blown wide open.... )


    Howard tries to bluff and lie his way out of corners all the time, corners often of his own making, and usually because others involved are understandably reluctant to alienate (forgive the pun) themselves by denouncing him.


    I however, have nothing more to lose. Howard has seen to that.


    By winding up MK-V Modular Systems the day before the deadline to pay me my compensation for unfair dismissal, and by declaring that the company has no assets to liquidate in order to satisfy my debt, he has effectively denied me any opportunity of recovering what he agreed in court to pay me. And he did so with a self-satisfied grin, believing himself to be beyond retribution.


    However..... I don't own a Nexus or an AR, so I don't have to keep 'on the right side of him' for fear of product support being withdrawn, nor am I seeking to get myself introduced on set, which is his PA's openly declared sole reason for sticking with him (yes, I have that in writing too, and on tape...). I am merely another victim of his selfish, callous and childish behaviour, along with a growing number of ex-friends and customers. He is a man with, it would seem, no integrity whatsoever, and I fear he will never change.




    Try CautionARy

    or DelusionARy

    or BurglARy....


    Every comment made here regarding the winding up of a bankrupt MK-V can be substantiated (at a moment's notice) by legal documentation. Indeed, the Liquidation process, once complete, will confirm all the same details his Adminstrator has provided to me as a creditor.


    The rest is just my opinion. Take it or leave it.


    But spend your hard-earned money wisely, guys.


    Over and out.



  2. If anyone would care for the FACTS - please contact me direct -



    Meeting over.


    And if anyone would care for the REAL FACTS - you can email me.

    You know how it is - us Brits, dirty linen in public, yah da yah da yah da...


    I have kept my enormous tin of beans sealed for almost a year and will continue to avoid spilling them for a wee while longer.


    But not much longer.




    Apologies for hogging space on your forum, chaps, but I'm sure you would want to know if one of your number were letting the side down badly. And thanks for the encouragement, all, much appreciated. You know who you are....


    Thanks for your indulgence.


    Happy Flying... :)

  3. or when a company is trying to get rid of its debt by not paying it.... The morality and legality of doing the later but continuing to operate under another name always seems questionable to me.


    Well as there was only one owner of MK-V modular systems. Ding Ding Ding I think we have a winning answer!!!


    Why dump a whole company who's name people knows to lose modular systems and to add europe instead when you can change a company name no problem......






    Apologies for the reek of righteous indignation but I am (yet another) ex-employee of the great HJ Smith empire (actually the disgruntled ex-employee taking him to court mentioned earlier, to be precise.)


    Suffice to say I, along with a number of other aggrieved parties, will be attending the meeting of creditors this week to see what excuses he can come up with for defaulting on his payments to us all. I doubt that growth, expansion and reorganisation will be the phrases he uses. Nor will I, nor any other MK-V creditor, be inclined to believe his spin. Not no more, H.


    If anyone's interested in (an unspun version of) the outcome of the meeting, you know where to find me....



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