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Mikko Wilson

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Posts posted by Mikko Wilson

  1. I just recived an interesting article in my e-mail about a major impromvement to Li-Ion batteries.

    It's called "a123", and it's basicaly more power, with longer runtime at lighter wieght. Supposedly safer too. Sounds prety good doesn't it? It might just be true!


    Here's a link to the article: http://broadcastengineering.com/newsletter...stems-20060106/

    And to the product website: http://www.a123systems.com/html/home.html


    Supposedly Some companies like DeWalt have allready started using this.


    My only question is: how much does it cost, and when do we get a Steadicam friendly battery that uses it?


    - Mikko

  2. 3) I read the "Manual of Style", and I'm still trying to figure out what is humor and what is real advice!


    It's all real. :P



    Seriously though, I'll agree with Afton, Read all you know, the more you study up before the more you can concentrate on the actual operating at the workshop.


    One other tip is to remember to practice regular camera work too. It must be 2nd nature before working with the added complications of Steadicam.


    The best thing you have done, is signed up for the workshop :)


    Welcome to the Forum and Steadicam!


    - Mikko

  3. Yeah, I agree with your coments.


    I'v also shot quite a bit of HDV.. and never had any trouble with it *nocks on wood* I'v heard the dropouts can be prety narly - be sure ot dub onto 2 tapes (at least the tapes are cheap).


    Just pointing out the risks <_<


    - Mikko

  4. A small caution:

    Be sure to find out what flavor of "HDV" they provide.


    HDV has some, what I would call "issues", with compatibilty, and therefore also longevity.

    Basically non of the "HDV" formats in use are compatible between themselves. The Sony, JVC ('ProHD') and Canon HDV cameras all record to slightly different variations of the format - and non are directly compatible with each other.


    As a result, I personally for would certainly not call HDV "future-proof" ...it apears to be having enough trouble beeing "present-proof" right now.


    Quality asside, I think that the most future proof format at this time is DV.. with a copy on MiniDV tape, and another on a computer hard drive.

    8mm film is often compared to standard DV in terms of quality.. I doubt you would gain much in terms of resolution by going HD(V) with it (though it would cost you other factors in quality as HDV is of course highly compressed).


    Just something to be warey of.


    - Mikko

  5. Robert, i've oftern wandered the same thing...

    I know Garrett has mentioned that skies arn't the best operating platform, but it does tweak teh interest doesn't it?

    I've been tempted to give it a go sometime with a handheld rig, JR or something...


    Those pictures are crazy.. are they actually shots form in the movie? That doens't look like a dummy rig at all, it apears to be a fulled decked out Steadicam Master - unless it's just an empty camera, batery and monitor casing.. but i somehow doubt it.

    I ran an IMDB search and the operators name for the movie from there is: Christian Duguay


    Anyone know any more abotu this?


    I'm gald to see a helmet on him :-)


    - Mikko

  6. I think Steadicam should be considered an honorary Olympic sport..


    One of the most amazing things I ever saw watching (american) football on TV was; a player cought a pass and made a run for it, like 30 or 40 yards, outran everyone and made the touchdown.

    Didn't click untill aftwards that the camera had tracked him all the way down a good 30 of those yards to the line..

    Then of course came the slow-mo replays, complete with a reverse angle.. and with the Steadicam op KEEPING PACE in the background. Actually looked slightly comical as the op's feet did those cartoon backwards circles as he skidded to a stop.

    Good job to whomever that was..


    - Mikko

  7. As Eric pointed out, first things first: We use our real names around here. So close down your curent account, and create a NEW ACCOUNT, with your REAL NAME as your username, not a couple of O's. I logged in, saw your username and though "great, another kid who found a new forum to 'hang' out at".


    Then take some time to read throguh the forum, it is well categorized, it wont' take you long. If you are really dilligant you can read the entire curent forum in about 4 hours, and a few more hours and you can get throguh most of the archives in a couple more hours. That's a HUGE wealth of information.

    Don't have 4 hours? the use the SEARCH tool, that's why it's there.


    As your other topic hopes, no one will "give" you anything in this business, or life in general for the most part, you will have to do a bit of legwork yourself to get started. No one is going to just serve you the information for free. Many operators here get paid hundereds of dollars an hour (these are normally the best and can give you the best advice), so for them to spend time here answering questions shouldn't be taken lightly. Make your questions worth our time and we will answer them.


    Now as for your question: which is better? well guess what.. it's been asked MANY times before. So READ through, I'd sugest the Newbies and General sections (in that order) you will find what you want to know much faster than waiting for a reply.


    If you do have any questions, then ask youself first: where can you find the answer, then ask the forum (with the search tool) and only if you can't FIND your answer, then post it up, because if it's something that hasn't been asked others may also need the information and it'll be adding to the forum, not cluttering it up.


    No apologies for this rant, it's nothing personal (how could it be, we don't know who you are). We are actually quite friendly here if you take a moment to introduce yourself to us.


    - Mikko

  8. The company you are after is "The Boxx" - www.the-boxx.tv


    I was talking of another one actually... - So there's definatly a few coming out.


    But The Boxx kit worked really well too -one of them spent most of the show on a Clipper2 at Tiffen hooked up to a nice big plasma TV.. very nice. lag time was .5 sec tho.


    Chris, does that thign come with an accesory that lights up your tally light when there's a new post on the forum? ;)


    - Mikko

  9. There was some company at IBC ... damned if I can remeber the name now.. that was demoing wireless video over WiFi. .. looked prety good, and I was actually supprized how small lag time it had.

    Not sure on the range and netwrok requirements tho. - would be cool if it woudl run on any WiFi network, and hop from AP to AP..

    Sorry, not much help I know, I don't even know if it's the same company, but it's an oppinion :)


    Pretty sad actaully if you ask me, that soon we will be able to read our e-mail (and the forum!) from our sled ... though that is one less reason to have to dock! :blink:


    - Mikko

  10. Jenn,

    Welcome to the forum.


    Nice to have somone on here with a realistic budget looking for a rig :)


    The main basic factor in choosing a rig is the weight of the camera.


    And belive it or not, if those are the only cameras that you are flying, I'd be enclined to sugest a Steadicam Merlin! - It'll fly a range of cameras from 0.5 to 5lbs - which both the PDX10 and the PD170 fall into.

    It's a handheld rig, but it performs very well. And doesn't take very long to get the hang of. - Good for students. *A good rig if your main focus is the shots.

    The only real downside is that it will get heavy with the PD150 on it after a while.

    Ready... it's $850! ..for that price you could afford a couple. ;)


    However also applicable is the Steadicam Flyer. Which will fly cameras up to 15lbs .. and actually a PDX10 will be too light for it without some extra weight. (that can even be a metal plate under the camera). It'll work great with a PD150. and biger cameras too.. bascially anything DV or HDV. The Flyer does take a bit more training to learn and time to master. *A good rig if the main focus is on operating Steadicam (as well as the shots of course).

    It's $8000 with batteries and a chager. $7000 without.


    For learning to operate, I'd STRONGLY sugest attending a workshop. ..Especially if you are planning on teaching the skill to others. - A full-rig workshop will be aplicable for a flyer, however you'd want to look into a JR/Merlin workshop if you get the Merlin.

    Workshops run up to about $2200 for a week.

    More info on workshops: http://www.steadicam-ops.com ..if you are really fast, there is one next week!


    Also, something else you may be interested in: http://www.on-campus-steadicam-workshops.com ...would fit in well with a Flyer in your budget.


    Good luck with your program!



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