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Matt Burton

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Everything posted by Matt Burton

  1. Just what are you saying is a manipulated fact ? Do you work for the goverment Afton :lol: It seems like you had already made up your mind before you even watched the doc. Lets debate the doc not politics my friend.
  2. Have you watched terrorstorm Afton ? I'm currently researching for a short film about Jean Charles de Menezes who executed by special police on the london underground, belived to be a terrorist but he was really an electrician. The Facts and miss information are shocking, and certainly not grounds for ridicule.
  3. Thats awsome news and i'm sure the implications for this will be wide spread. Do you have any details on setup for us (camera type, uplink method etc) ?
  4. Theirs also the very good 3day Tiffen Workshop at BBC wood norton contact Robin Thwaites Tiffen Europe Ltd. robin.thwaites@tiffen.com +44 1869 34 38 35
  5. . I was a Total sceptic before I watched this film however most conspiracy theories are based on conjecture. Terrorstorm is based on fact and declassified documents that you just can't argue with ! Watch the first 20 mins and i'm sure you will watch the rest. Otherwise you can download the movie via bittorrent, I can also send you it on DVD if you like ! I really want people to watch this, however the goverment certainly doesn't !
  6. Click to watch :o Your thoughts ? :o
  7. Now all you gota do is stop Liz posting :lol: Neat idea bud, you should market it !
  8. Thats pretty dark Charles :lol: Where did you live in the the UK ?
  9. This has been talked about before here Tell me you watched the video :o OMG
  10. Wow Looks like you are sinking in the gravel their conbined with looking through the plastic on the monitor, was it as tricky as it looks ?
  11. i'm sorry you got a faulty camera but i'm dam glad pana wasted their codec on the mini varicam. Variable frame rates (2-60 fps) combined with any shutter angle you like make the HVX a winner alone. I could rant all day about the amazing benifits of tapless workflow but if you aint got it you don't know what your missing. You can keep your flimsy 25mbps mpeg codec and i'll keep my 100mbps "wasted" DVCproHD bomb proof codec. :P
  12. Their is no way your are going to fly a 900 with the flyer or even a 750 for that matter. I've tryed the 750 (without viewfinder and battery) and it bottoms out the arm as soon as you start to add weigth to the bottom of the sled to counter ballance the camera. Of course this is all with a standered zoom lens, you might have some luck with a mini35 and a light wide angle prime but I doubt it. Also the gimble on the flyer just inst up to flying heavy cameras, that combined with the small post all adds up to a pretty unpleasent experience I can tell you first hand. Good luck with it and don't be shy to hire a bigger rig if you need it.
  13. P2 is the most solid format i've ever worked with, i'm shocked you guys had problems as would anybody be who works with P2 regular. Empty cards showing full is un herd of ( although ejecting a card and dumping it off then putting the card back in without deleting the card is quite common) as with cards having no image i'd have to know more about your workflow before commenting. Sounds like you had a rough time but are you sure it was the cards that were at fault ? I've had the HVX since it's release and know hundreds of others (online and in person) who use this camera and P2 every day with zero problems what so ever. Please don't take this the wrong way Erwin I have massive respect for you and your experience i'm just quite honestly shocked by your findings.
  14. What problems did you have with P2 cards Erwin ? :o
  15. Probably because he's fighting to keep the arm down with only a HVX as weight :lol:
  16. Nope it's out on official dvd to rent release here in the uk (I sore it advertised on TV) :P
  17. Just letting people know who haven't seen the film yet, it's out on DVD now ! -matt
  18. Everybody has valid points, personaly I loved the music however it's a personal choice and not something you want to put on your reel. The idea being your reel has to appeal to as many people as possible and as you've found this isn't the case. For the equipment you have i'd say you have greate potential so when you move up to a better rig your gona blitz it ! -matt
  19. I think that it's disgusting that they won't sell you the new ultra topstage separately, sounds like corporate madness. -matt
  20. You should post some pictures Jeff :D
  21. It will be interesting to see what the next generation flyer will be like, taking advantage of the new arm progressions and feedback from the sled design. Perhaps we will see a flyer 2 or ultra flyer not before long ?
  22. Does the HVX & M2 need extra weight to fly on the V25 ? (just curious)
  23. The workshop you are talking about is the very top end of workshops even a seasoned pro would attend. All you need is a basic introduction to steadicam workshop of whitch theire are many in europe and from as little as £500 for a 3day course that will teach you everthing you need to know and more. Also you might contact a local steadicam pro in your area who would i'm sure give you a one day course for a reasonable price !
  24. This is sloppy advertising from Glidecam and "NO" you should not operate like this ! The v25 seems like a greate system and you should not be put off by shoddy marketing. The obviouse problem being the operator using a death grip on the post and gimble thus rendering the arm useless. both hands sould only have finger tip contact with both the gimble and post but more on this when you take the workshop ! -matt
  25. Fantastic picture Kareem. Steadicam and handheld all at the same time :D
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