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Steve Fracol SOC

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Posts posted by Steve Fracol SOC

  1. I know everyone has been waiting for the release of the Landing Pad 2.0 (lighter version) of the Original Landing Pad made to fit the PRO 2 sleds. I hear that this latest run was coming out of the machine shop this week and then it is off to anodizing. I am guessing delivery within 2 weeks if all goes well.


    I finally have a web site that is up and running and we can now take orders online. You can go to www.flyitlevel.com for a look at our products and a new classified section for another source for advertising your gear for sale. If your interested in posting something for sale email me directly about it. steve@fracol.com


    News of the deadline for delivery of the Landing Pad 2.0 should be confirmed this week. Thanks to everyone that has expressed interest and those already on the Pre-Order list. I will get them out the door as soon as possible.




    Steve Fracol, SOC



  2. Your all making good points. I think time will tell what will happen with the name, the price, compatibility, etc.


    I just think it is awesome that we have a new device to work with. Once again GB was thinking outside the box. Man...we all owe this guy a lot...don't we!!! What would we all be doing if we did not operate a Steadicam? What if the original was never invented? Thank You Mr. Brown!!!


    I have yet to see the Tango (Steadicam) in person but look forward to trying it out. I have been out of the loop with Tiffen for a while since being so busy. I did not see this one coming other than a hint that something was coming from last CineGear. I hope it opens another new door for us creativity as operators. As long as it works and works well I can easily see it playing on some of the shows I work on.


    We actually used a DSLR as an insert camera for a few shots intercutting with the Sony F-23 last fall on a movie in Louisiana. The reason was that the F-23 even without the deck was to large to literally fit where it needed to fit to get the shot. The DP had a DSLR on set so we shot it with that and it worked fine. Inserts that is, no panning, etc. As those cameras fix all the movement issues they have I believe they will be used more often as "C" cameras and FX units and such on larger budget shows. It makes me a bit sick in some ways to see it happening...but also I am embracing it (and learning all I can learn about it) as it is obviously going to be a part of all of our futures.


    Steve Fracol

  3. Iain-


    I was already working on a different way to put the arm in the same spot you ended up in. I did not think your way would be so easy (so I was going an easier route) but now that Walter has done the hard part... that sure makes it easier for us. I Love the mod.


    I totally see Erwin's point as well but I am not so worried about my warranty either. I am more worried about a crack during a shot (which seems very possible with this config)...but as I always say...make it work for you...


    Please keep us posted as to how well things hold up. Its sort of fun being the Chuck Yeager for new parts. Saves everyone else the trouble....LOL!


    Good for you and for all of us (assuming it holds up)!





  4. I have a patent pending on a "motorized stage" that will move the actors past us, thus obviating the need to rise from a chair. It will revolutionize Steadicam, and render Lisigav a thing of the past.


    LOL! I wish someone would invent a motor device that would assure that actors hit their marks. LOL!


    I started with no motors and no tilt stage and had a very basic sled. I was able to do some very fine work with just basic tools. No doubt technique is everything.


    I have had motors and a tilting top stage for about the past 6 years or so. I can say without a doubt that I am a better operator with these tools. I am not saying they make me better than other operators I am saying that basically it makes the job of operating easier but it comes with a few trade offs. My motors in my top stages have not stopped working thus far and I have never had any interference problems. Probably because I take good care of my sled and I get it serviced routinely between shows...just clean up and such, nothing major.


    As for the tilting top stage there is a huge trade off and some ops will not be willing to go there. I use mine daily so that my post remains as vertical as possible for the majority of any given shot. The benefit of doing that should be obvious to any operator that understands dynamic balance. Necessary? No. But does it make operating easier? Yes! I know many operators don't seem to care about it however this tilting top stage thing works and it works well. Now the trade off for having that tilting top stage is that your gimbal is about 5.5" down from the top of the sled thus creating a longer post. This is caused from a combination of the arc and the aluminum post mounting/clamping hardware. I am working on moving my Hill docking ring up 1 full inch to allow my gimbal to go up about 3/4"-1" which will help dramatically. It is funny but my entire weight system was pretty much created because of this gap problem and the Ultra2 having such a light weight bottom thus creating a long post even with average weight cameras. As most of us hate long post operating, I am also a fan of a shorter post 90% of the time depending on the type of shot.


    I personally don't mind carrying the extra "dead weight". The sled flies sweet at about 55-60lbs total. That said I believe Charles has hit the nail on the head regarding the weight of the cameras getting lighter. It is coming and coming fast. It is much harder to operate a nimble light weight sled than a sled that is 60+lbs. I am not talking about the physical effort I am talking about technique. You absolutly must have excellent technique when flying a little light weight sled or all your problems will surface and surface fast.


    Anyone that questions a motorized top stage and a tilting top stage should take a look at Larry McConkey's work. Granted he could probably take an old Model One and do amazing work with it today. However he uses motorized top stage and a tilting top stage and he has and is doing absolutely solid amazing work and refuses to work with any other sled. The reason is that it makes the job easier. His technique is probably the best of any of us however...he will not work without motors or a tilting top stage and he is using a modified version of the original Tiffen UltraCine sled. Yes he has modified it a bunch but the motors and the tilting top stage remain pretty much in tact. And by the way he has also done all that fine work with an original Ultra gimbal and an original Ultra arm which is pretty much the same as or slightly improved version from the Masters series. My point is that if Larry (arguably one of the best at our craft) is using this stuff...don't you think there might be something to it? Arguably there are many other GREAT operators not using this stuff so...it goes back to the same old thing...use what works for you!


    Just my .02



  5. Just an FYI-


    The production run will also have rounded over edges to make them look a little sexier (and not sharp)... especially for when the Lisagav is added. I am still checking when this next run will be ready but I am guessing 30-45 days as of now. Any direct questions please feel free to email me or call.








  6. Thanks for all your answers Mr. Keaton. Again I am impressed with your answers. I look forward to your advances with the nanoFlash as you progress. The most important to me are the tally light record trigger and the ability to delete not wanted individual files while in the middle of shooting.


    Her are some questions..., are you researching a new on/off button as a replacement or are all the new units going out without one? Should I assume that pulling the hirose on and off the unit 20 times a day will not do any damage to the unit other than the overuse of the connector or should I just leave it powered up in that low power mode and let it cook at the lower temp all day? I guess I could install a switch in-line on the power cord going to the unit. That would probably be best for now. Your thoughts?


    Thanks again.


    Steve Fracol

  7. Dear Fracol,


    As it is very late, I hope you do not mind me answering you post, in detail, in the morning.

    No worries Dan. I just want to congratulate you for working for such a great company. Not vary many companies respond to our wishes the way yours has and in such a timely manner. I am very impressed and look forward to many years of using your products and hopefully improving them all along the way with input from many of the great operators on this forum! Keep up the good work and thanks for listening.



  8. Sorry for the long post but this is worth sharing...


    I managed to get a demo nanoFlash drive last month on a movie I did with the F23 in Baton Rouge. I found it to be a great asset for the most part for instant HD playback. Most excellent for double checking focus if we thought there was an issue and easy playback of rehearsals, etc. It does fall short in a few areas but not many. I decided to email them and let them know about my issues for our applications and I was so happy to get such a great response from Tommy one of their staff. He answered all of my questions immediately and also said they were already in the process of a firmware upgrade that fixed most of what I was not happy about.


    I am happy to report that I ordered my nanoFlash this past Monday from Abel Cine and it arrived yesterday to my set while on location in the midwest. So far all is pretty good. There are still some minor issues that I am dealing with but I truly believe that you MUST have the recommended cards for their system and I believe that makes all the difference. Since it arrived on location I did not have time to get the exact cards specified (New cards are on order). Because of that I am having a few little hiccups from time to time but nothing major at all.


    Here is the skinny of what I have been experiencing:


    First of all you must realize that this device does not work in standard def. It is for HD use only. It will not take an NTSC composite feed (major bummer) which is what most of us are used to. So if your working with film it will only work if you have one of the new Panavision or Arri HD video assist systems (which I have not seen yet-but sounds cool). So obviously you must have an HDSDI monitor on your sled to use with it. I typically use my Tiffen-HDSDI/SD monitor in composite mode because I prefer to use my on screen level and frame-lines all the time. I hate not having my on screen level and I loose that when I am in HDSDI mode. But...having the ability to have instant playback in HD to check focus is very nice. My monitor actually has hot buttons so I can do the scene in NTSC composite with my on screen level and frame-lines then switch one button to HDSDI and look at playback instantly. It works pretty well. I have been impressed with the system although a bit much to digest at first. Once I got the hang of everything it was pretty easy.


    As for the nanoFlash drive "good and bad" ... here is my opinion:


    It is a simple single button record and single button playback for the last take you shot. It is fairly small and fits directly on my monitor rods in front of my monitor. (I will try to post a photo) It is fairly easy (but confusing at first) to scroll through the previous takes and once at the take you want you simply highlight it and hit the play button. Originally they did not have fast forward and pause but all that is good now with the latest firmware upgrade. It will take any HD signal it sees and you can record them as QT files which is really, really cool. Very simple indeed. Easy to move files from the cards to a hard drive, etc. The menu is quite easy to scroll through and navigate. Many, many options exist (way more than we need for our application) however I have already had some DIT's wanting to rent it for backup recordings... so I believe it will find a way to pay itself off eventually. One of the coolest things about this little device is that it has a hot trigger which means when time code is in record run and your assistant hits the record button on the Preston/Scorpio/Bartech, it instantly starts and stops this device. HOW FREAKING COOL IS THAT!!! I am truly bummed that it will not do that with time of day record which is what most of my HD work is all about...but I intend to speak with them about that as well. I am betting that one will not be resolved because of how TC works. Regardless, it is still a really cool feature to build into the system. I have heard that it locks out the panel as well but have not had time to test that yet. If it does that will be very unfortunate thus making that feature pointless to us for the most part as we need instant playback of course. That is the whole point of using this product. If sound is attached to the camera then the sound also makes it through the HDSDI to the cards. Pretty cool but not really necessary for our application. This unit cost just under 3 grand with a couple of Dtap to Hirose cables for power. I intend to also keep a tape based recorder around and an Archos 604 for NTSC film jobs. Good backup stuff as well.


    The nanoFlash does have some issues as well...hopefully they will fix or address them for us.


    First of all they shipped it to me with a note that said the on/off button was disabled. I am not sure why so the only way to power it off is to unplug it. Of course it is not a huge issue but I forget to unplug it when I am not working and during lunch so the unit ends up being on all day. It has a very low power draw...but I am sure that is just adding hours to it for no reason and that can't be good. I will be emailing them to find out what is up with that this week. One thing to be careful about is that you can't push to many buttons to fast, it freaks this thing out. They explain in the manual that it needs a few seconds (up to 5) to buffer or complete its record, etc. So I have found that if I am slow and patient the machine works very well. If I get in a hurry then I have to power down and re-start which takes a few seconds anyway. So it is best to just take a few seconds and push stop....then play. I still find this unit to be faster and better than a tape based system and way better than the Archos (especially for speed-although the Archos is pretty cool). The other issue is it would be really, really nice to have the ability to delete any highlighted take (file) as you go along. As of now the only way to delete files is to format the cards which removes everything. This is a ton of info going to the cards and for our application I don't need to keep any of the rehearsals, etc. I would rather just keep the buys and dump the rest of the takes, etc. But because that is not an option (yet anyway) you can fill your cards up pretty fast and that is a bunch of storage for no reason (for our application anyway). I typically managed to get a full day of shooting on 2-32 gig cards and 2-8 gig cards as backup. On this Sprint job I am currently on I have been able to get through both days only on 2-8 gig cards. Were not doing the typical volume of Steadicam that I am used to. The other bonehead thing that they did (not sure why yet) (sorry to call it a bonehead thing but at first glance that is what it seems like) was they decided to not use standard power pin config for the 4 pin hirose. They combine the wires and make a 2 wire connector out of the 4 wire but they did not use the traditional + and - pins, etc. A really bad idea I think. I am sure they will give me a good reason and I will feel like and idiot soon for saying this... Soooo - Sorry in advance...! They did make a big point of letting you know with the literature so that you don't damage this device or any other...but it is really easy for an assistant to plug the wrong hirose into this thing and blow it up or use this power cable for something else. That I think is unfortunate because some of us have many accessories that use the 4 pin hirose.


    I was on the verge of buying a different brand standard def flashcard based recorder last year that cost 2,600. So far I am glad I waited for this thing to come out. This unit is about 2,850 + cables and I feel it is well worth it (down side is no ability to record composite video). You will spend another 500-700 on cards and probably another 300 or so on G-Raid drives or whatever your flavor of drive is (if you choose to store ftg) so it does add up quick.


    Sorry for the long post (and any typos and spelling issues) but I really like this thing for the most part and I felt it was info worth sharing.







  9. Hi Mr. Fracol,


    Sorry about the miscommunication. Leave it up to the new guy to stir things up....


    -Ben C.


    Mr. Fracol is my DAD...I go by Steve...LOL


    No worries Ben just wanted to clear things up. Your asking good questions...its a big decision...keep it up.



  10. Hello All,


    Steve Fracol here...


    I am very sorry that Ben took what I said about the Flyer the way he did. What I meant and should have clarified is that your not likely going to end up on a big feature or TV show with a Flyer thus not making that level of money. When I said no money I just meant not at the level a big rig rents for, etc. My bad. I know you can make a living with a Flyer as many, many people are. I am sorry if any of you were offended. That was not my intention at all. Poor choice of words on my part. I forget how people that are not so familiar with our equipment take things so literal. I also agree the Flyer is a decent rig to learn and train on but because I prefer larger rigs and larger cameras it was my opinion and preference to suggest an EFP. Something a little larger, etc. I have found that the smaller rigs overall to be much harder to do quality work with...at least for me and probably because I rarely fly a small rig with a little camera.


    And to further the EFP thing, I have always felt that as a starter rig it is a decent choice. Can handle small or larger cameras and easily modified. Yeah...I know all about what everyone stated here about the EFP but dollar for dollar you can still do some nice work with an EFP for the price. I modified mine for not much money at all back in the day and it served me very well. Is a PRO 1 or 2 a better choice...sure if you have the money. Money is an issue to the new guys...thus making my choice for a suggestion an EFP then modify it. I guess it was cheaper and easier for me to modify because I can do about 80% of it myself and I also did not really factor that into the equation.


    Sorry to disturb the force...did not mean to.


    Best intentions intended...



  11. Lars,


    I have had an original Ultra2 (not the c model) for nearly 4 years and have never had a single issue with mine. In fact mine has been totally bulletproof. Interesting. I wonder if it is a different gimbal than the original U2?


    Your video link would not link for me for some reason. Can you email that link directly to me? steve@fracol.com


    Hum...you say a fore and aft issue not a side to side...very interesting.

  12. rates here on the north are getting ridiculous when it comes to "low budget". I usually don't go under 800 on a day-call and 2400 for a weekly rate (that is RENTAL alone)


    Actually that's low. Day Call rental is at least $1000 and $3000 week Most of the time we try to get more than that since we are not full time.




    ...and we all should be working to get that back to at least 3,500 - 4,500 per week (3 for 5) for rental (day call 1,200-2,500-depending on your gear/type of job)...and 100 per hour labor/min. I recently had this conversation with a long, long, long, longer time in the rig operating person than I and we agree (all of us collectively-not laying blame on anyone in particular-and not excluding myself) have allowed our rates to get this low. We gotta think about that other campaign...what was it...I think it was....JUST SAY NO!


    We have many very good operators out there today thus making the competitive nature and rate structure to be challenged by producers at all levels. They just feel they will find someone to do it. They often get burned but also get lucky sometimes with a new operator that is good but charging lower rates trying to build a reel. Those are the people hurting our business. Try to build your reel on student films and other stuff like music videos. Lots of opportunities for that out there...


    All I know is every long format job I do it seems that I end up spending 3-6,000 on new accessories/stuff for that particular job. It seems our spending for gear to do a better job is never ending...but I am not complaining. Well sort of complaining...it's just that if they try to pay lower rates I would not buy the new gear to make the job better or easier thus making the job not as high quality, etc.


    They (producers) in the end get what they pay for.


    My point...charge a respectable rate.


    thats my .02



  13. Jens,


    I know this will sound strange but iPhone's and specifically the 3G version of the iPhone causes some major issues with my signal if it gets to close to my bottom electronics case. Not just the NTSC signal either, it messes up the HDSDI as well. Is it possible that the problem is caused an iPhone being to close? Do you have one on you when your working sometimes? Test that theory. When you test it make the phone do a Data Search for email or send a text...that is when it causes the most grief for me. I no longer allow any assistants to have them around when im flying the rig. Yes that makes me a bit less popular but life goes on. It is worth not having the headache of tracking down gremlins.


    I have never had any issues with my CanaTrans and I have had it for a long time. I think mine is SN # 43. The only time I would ever expect the CanaTrans to cause any issues is if your power and gain are cranked up. Is your pwer over 1/2 w? Typically things begin to go bad over 1/2 watt unless your outdoors. Less is more with that tool most of the time as far as pwr goes. Now on the opposite end I have had lots of interference with my Modulus over the years.


    Good luck!


    Steve Fracol

  14. Ramon,


    I bought my Klassen Deluxe back in 2005. It came in while I was in the middle of a movie and I did not use it right away. I worked with it through lunch a few days to try to get used to how different it was. After about a week of demoing it between shots and at lunch I decided to start using it on some shots. I had great success right off the bat however I had one shot that was a lock off that was about 2 pages (steadi-sticks). The rig was built, they were in a hurry as usual, etc. It was one of those lock off shots where I had to put the rig on my opposite side of my body for better eye line. Still flying the rig from normal but swinging the sled to the right side. I felt a strange feeling in my legs toward the end of the shot but just thought it was because I don't normally have the rig on that side of my body,etc. As they cut the scene and I moved the rig to my other side (normal side) my legs totally collapsed under the weight of the rig as the blood began to flow again. Thankfully the Gaffer of all people happened to be standing next to me and he caught me before I hit the ground. Scared the crap out of me.


    From that day forward I raised the bottom of my Klassen Harness with the shoulder straps above my belt line and I have never had that problem again. I love my Klassen Harness and I use it for 95% of my work. I still use a traditional vest for tight quarters when the Klassen is to wide. I know many operators started with the Klassen but had this issue then went back with the PRO and TIffen vests. I suggest raising the harness before giving it up. I am one of the believers that this harness helps me be a better operator. I also keep my traditional vest around for tight quarters and running shots and just a back up in general.


    I have done lots and lots of long shots that ended in several pages locked off with no problem since that day. I am not saying my way is the perfect way but it certainly works for me.


    Here is a somewhat recent photo of me in the rig and you can see how high I keep it. Hope this helps.


    Good luck!




    • Upvote 1
  15. I am making some changes to my cart system and I am going to offer my old cases for sale for 1,800.00 for both. (Cart is not for sale, cases only) These are about 3 years old and in good condition but showing some cosmetic scratches, etc. They take up a foot print of 40" X 25" when they are side by side and they are 27 1/2" tall. I was able to download 2 full Pelican 1650 cases and my entire Preston case into these drawers as well as have room for other stuff. It is basically a knocked off version of Erwin Landau's cart/case (with his permission ha-ha). I designed mine slightly different from his. I am making a few modifications on my new system based on the type of work I am doing, etc.


    If your interested email me directly to steve@fracol.com and I will send you some current photos. Here is a link to the system when it was new.




    2 Cases for sale, 1 with 4 drawers and one that is made to fit a Klassen Harness and a Tiffen G-70 Arm (I am not sure if a PRO arm will fit but I will find out).


















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