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Found 5 results

  1. I'm selling my Scorpio lens control FIZ. Private Owner . very litle used, Like NEW Price 5.500.-€ (Shiping not included) SCORPIO WIRELESS F+I+Z SYSTEM: Last Software v5.30 – ready for 3D NEW radio 1x F+I+Z handunit + spare antennas 2x+ focus marking discs 1x F+I+Z motor controller + spare antennas + mounting brackets from SVS 1x Sony charger ACSQ-950D for NPF-NPQ batteries 2x Sony batteries NPFM-50 1x long Bar 19mm 1X long Bar 15mm 1x SCORPIO V-42 motors 3x 3 Scorpio motor brackets (19mm with 15 and PV adapters) 1x motor cables – 0,8m 1x power cable XLR-4 SPLIT (12v) 1x pelicase #1520 I can ship worldwide, using FedEx, please ask for your quote, depending on your final destination. Please contact on info@joanmorato.com 00 34 607228812
  2. Im selling my beloved Preston FIZ System. Its in very good shape and working condition. It was my backup on most shoots and beiing honest to myself, I don't need it. It's still 3G and works great as a system. I never had any problems... its Preston, what else to expect. Should you want to upgrade to 4G, Pretson can do the HU3 for about $.300. However you would need to find a new/used G4 MDR Unit. Some of the parts have never left the case. The package contains... Pelcian Case #4060 Hand Unit 3 [w/6xRings, 2xLi Batteries, Charger, Grip #4102 MDR-2 Motor Driver w/ Tranceiver Lid, Antenna, 24v #4200 DM-1 Digital Motor [with 15mm rod & .80m output gear #4201 DM-2 Digital Motor [with 15mm rod & .80m output gear #4221 0.80M output gear .50" wide 2x #4240 0.50M gear Canon Video - Focus, Iris, Zoom #4241 0.60M gear Fuji Video - Focus, Zoom #4242 0.40M gear Fuji Video - Iris #4301 Arri 19mm Swing Arm [side rod #4302 Arri/Panavision 19mm Swing Arm [top rod 3x #4320 Step Down Bushing 19mm/15mm Arri #4333 Moviecam/ Arri Bracket #4400 Main Command Cable 30' 2x #4410 Motor Cable [w/straight Lemo connectors 24“ 2x Motor Cable [w/right angle Lemo connectors 24“ #4435 Camera Cable: Sony Hi Def (MDR-2) #4499 Motor Driver Power from Arri 24Volt/Moviecam #4521 Camera Cable: Arriflex 435/535/SR3/ Mvcm 3 pin (MDR Not on Pics but included: 2x GPI PRO Power 9“ for MDR GPI PRO H-Bracket for MDR asking 10.000€ or best offer buyer pays shipping & transaction fee / additional 19% VAT apply for european buyers
  3. SCORPIO WIRELESS F+I+Z SYSTEM: Software v5.30 – ready for 3D NEW radio 1x F+I+Z handunit + spare antennas 15+ focus marking discs 1x F+I+Z motor controller + spare antennas + mounting brackets from SVS 1x Sony charger ACSQ-950D for NPF-NPQ batteries 2x Sony batteries NPFM-50 2x Sony battery NPQM-71 2x SCORPIO V-42 motors 1x SCOPRIO V-24 motor (lighter & smaller version from V-42, ideal for Iris motor) 3x Jerry Hill motor brackets (19mm with 15 and PV adapters) 4x gear rings for each motor 4x motor cables – 0,8m 2x motor cables – 1m 1x motor cable (cross wired) for 3D – 1m 1x 3D rig commande cable for RED 1x RED EPIC remote on/off cable 2x RED ONE/MX remote on/off cable 2x ARRIFLEX remote on/off cable (RS-3) 1x power cable 24v XLR-3/ARRI (RS-2) and Scorpio (T connected) 2x power cables D/Tap 1x power cable XLR-4 SPLIT (12v) 1x power cable XLR-4 1x power cable XLR-3 (24v) 2x power cable (open end) 1x power cable AATON (lemo-6 +split) 2x power cable PANAVISION (lemo-10) 1x power cable MOVIECAM (fischer-2 +split) 2x power cables for ARRI cameras (RS-3 connector) 2x command cables ARRI cameras (RS-3) 2x command cables ARRICAM (RS-3) 2x command cables ARRI (Fischer-11) 2x command cables ARRI 435-535-SR3-416 (fischer-9) 1x command cables AATON (lemo-8) 1x command cable AATON (lemo-6) 2x command cable PANAVISION (lemo-2) 1x command cable MOVIECAM (fischer-5 “sync” + fischer-2) 1x command cable MOVIECAM (fischer-5 “sync” + fischer-3) 1x command cable HD-CAM (Hirose-12) 1x command cable PRO-35 1x 10m remote command cable (back up cable if wireless fails to work) 1x SCORPIO adapter kit to read CineTape measured distance « on-screen » 1x SCORPIO MOTION GENERATOR kit : encoder + reader + belts (4m and 15m) + command cables (4m & 10m)​(*)​ 1x pelicase #1520 MANY SPARES AND BITS & PIECES WILL ALSO BE ADDED, all my stock PRICE: € 9000 ​(*) motion generator gives you this unique possibility to achieve "transtrav" shots, where you have to combine a zoom IN or OUT with a track OUT or IN, so that the background changes perspective while the foreground keeps exactly the same​. This is a UNIQUE item, the only other way to make this kind of shot possible is to use Motion Control rigs. I can ship worldwide, using FedEx, please ask for your quote, depending on your final destination. please contact direct my colleague: philpiron@gmail.com or realtoreel@skynet.be
  4. complete kit, 3 motors, cinetape interface, motion generator + belts and encoder MINT conditions. private owned and recently serviced by SVS PRICE: € 8,500, excl. shipment (depends on final destination, please inquire) Listed items: Software v5.30 – ready for 3D NEW radio 1x F+I+Z handunit + spare antennas 15+ focus marking discs 1x F+I+Z motor controller + spare antennas + mounting brackets from SVS 2x TRAVEL chargers 110-220vAC, for NPF-NPQ batteries 2x Sony batteries NPFM-50 2x Sony battery NPQM-71 2x SCORPIO V-42 motors 1x SCOPRIO V-24 motor (lighter & smaller version from V-42, ideal for Iris motor) 3x Jerry Hill motor brackets (19mm with 15 and PV adapters) 4x gear rings for each motor 5x motor cables – 0,8m 1x power cables D/tap 1x power cable XLR-4 (12v) 1x power cable XLR-3 (24v) 1x power cable (open end) 1x power cable AATON (lemo-6 +split) 2x power cable PANAVISION (lemo-10) 1x power cable MOVIECAM (fischer-2 +split) 1x power cable STEADICAM PRO or RIG 2x power cable STEADICAM MASTER 2x power cables for ARRI cameras (RS-3 connector) 2x command cables ARRI cameras (RS-3) 2x command cable ARRI Alexa (RS-3- 2x command cables ARRICAM (RS-3) 2x command cables ARRI (Fischer-11) 2x command cables ARRI 435-535-SR3-416 (fischer-9) 1x command cables AATON (lemo-8) 1x command cable AATON (lemo-6) 2x command cable PANAVISION (lemo-2) 1x command cable MOVIECAM (fischer-5 “sync” + fischer-2) 1x command cable MOVIECAM (fischer-5 “sync” + fischer-3) 1x command cable HD-CAM (Hirose-12) 2x command cable RED-ONE 1x command cable for RED-ONE/MX on 3D rig 1x commande cable RED-EPIC and + generation (mini lemo OOB - 4 pins) 1x command cable PRO-35 1x 10m remote command cable (back up cable if wireless fails to work) 1x SCORPIO adapter kit to read CineTape measured distance « on-screen » 1x SCORPIO MOTION GENERATOR kit : encoder + reader + belts (4m and 15m) + command cables (4m & 10m) IF YOU WISH TO PURCHASE THIS UNIT WITH ONLY TWO MOTORS (V42) PLEASE CONTACT ME DIRECT AND WE CAN MAKE A DEAL realtoreel@skynet.be SHIPPING COST MAY VARY DEPENDING ON YOUR LOCATION IN THE WORLD ! PLEASE INQUIRE PRIOR TO BIDDING, THANKS ! realtoreel@skynet.be
  5. Timm Stemann, product specialist from Chrosziel HQ in Germany exclusively presents the newest products in Atlanta, Chicago and New York. - First time in the USA: the new MagNum Mini – one of the world’s smallest motor controller perfectly suited for Gimbal, Handheld, Drone and Steadicam shots. - Learn more about the entire product portfolio of the Chrosziel Wireless FIZ Systems. - Hands-on products with Timm: come and test Chrosziel. Please note: Due to limited space, RSVP to timm.stemann@chrosziel.de or your local contact at SIM Digital and AbelCine. Further meeting options during this week in Atlanta, Chicago and New York upon request. Venues: SIM Digital November 12th (2-5 pm) @ Atlanta AbelCine November 16th (10am – 4pm) @ Chicago November 18th (10am – 4pm) @ New York See you there. Timm USA open house tour Nov 2016_final.pdf
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