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Found 12 results

  1. Hi Guys! After working with some gimbals (Ronin 1 & 2, as well as the RS2) and other stabilisation systems such as ready rig, I recently got myself a Steadicam package, consisting of a Zephyr Vest, the A30 arm as well as the Steadicam Steadimate (for the Ronin’s). Although this works well, I nevertheless wanted to assemble some sort of the “poor man’s Trinity” and got a sled as well. Unfortunately, I decided to not go with the Aero Sled, because I was a bit shocked about its price when purchased solo (roundabout 3K USD here in my central European home) – compared to the very attractive package prices (my complete 3-part package was cheaper than the Aero sled alone). Anyways, so I bought a sled from another brand and quality-wise I am satisfied so far, but as a complete Steadicam-newbie, I am struggling – not a big surprise you might say - with a very basic challenge. As you might know, the A 30 arm has a ½ - do you call it pin? – which shall settle the sled, but my sled (differently to the Steadymate) has a 5/8 hole on its (arm)end, which I thought can`t be the biggest problem, but it is… I can`t find any adapter which has on its one end a ½ hole and on the other end a 5/8 pin anywhere in the net. Without it I am not even able to give the system a first try. For security reasons I checked with a “baby-pin” from a light stand and yes, exactly this pin size would be needed to hook up the sled. So now my question is: does anybody here can help me with a link to such an adapter please?
  2. Is anyone out there adapting their post to be able to use various sleds with the same arm without replacing the arm post itself?
  3. Looking for a bridge plate adapter for the Alexa and Alexa Mini. Please PM. Thank you! - Greg
  4. Friends! In a bit of a pinch right now. Im looking to buy a V lock male plate for my Intersex plate to mount my recorder to an empty v lock battery spot. Attached a photo of what I need. I can buy them online, but they take weeks and I have a job coming up in a week. My email is rtoussieng@gmail.com Thank you so much!
  5. Bebob Engineering ML-120 Rouge Hot Swap Adapter for Red One Camera In good working condition. 430 eur. + shipping. Haven't tried it, but I've been told that it can work with Red Epic or Scarlet too with a D-tap to 4pin adapter like this one for 45usd (http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/261923454027?lpid=82&chn=ps&ul_noapp=true). Located in Europe.
  6. Ladies and Gents--If you are seeking a method for charging your phone or other mobile device on set without using show or house power, the answer is here! I offer you The Zappler! My own version of an adapter to keep your stuff charged close by and handy. This adapter allows you to plug into any XLR4 12 volt source and provide a female power socket to accept your car or 12 volt charger. Just connect your USB cable and Voila! You can charge all day and night using the dolly battery or any battery with an adapter to XLR4. We always have thousands of dollars worth of batteries surrounding us so why not use one to keep in touch no matter the hours or location demands. Why not keep your phone charged right there on set, on a cart, or connected to your rig instead of buried back on a camera truck. Hand made using the best components here in New Hampshire. Proven design used for the past ten years all over the country on all types of jobs. Cost is normally US$50 but to my fellow Steadicam community members it is US$45. plus shipping. PayPal is OK with the fee added. For international shipping, please contact me for details. brant <at> brantsfagan.com
  7. Looking for arm post adapter. 3a arm to archer gimbal 5/8 inch to 1/2 inch anybody make them?
  8. I'm looking for a 'Harley Bar' 19mm to XCS plate adapter. http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=13233 http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=10264&page=1
  9. This is an extra plate I made when making a few of these recently - it's a plate to mount Decimator MD-HX converters (as well as MD-CROSS and similarly shaped "new" Decimators) to the back of Cinetronic and other monitors using their AB Battery mount. Bolt it to your converter and snap it on, and you don't have to worry about PSF issues or compatibility anymore (no Velcro necessary!). Comes in a beautiful chalkboard black anodized finish. Likely to be the last one I have of these for a few weeks. Asking $200 shipped via USPS Priority (2 days inside the US). Email me at willsvideo@gmail.com. See picture of it in use here: http://www.steadicamforum.com/index.php?showtopic=22727&p=111922
  10. I've just put my Flyer on the marketplace for sale and realised some of you may find the mod i did interesting. I had the arm adapted to be able to fly big sleds as well as be used with big vests. It allowed me to use lightweight cameras on my bigger sled as my big arm was too strong. I also much preferred my master vest to the flyer vest. The mod is reversible so the arm can be used with the original Flyer sled and vest. Cheers.
  11. Basically thoughts and possible difficulties of this? Cinemilled offers an adapter which forgoes the need for a sled, just DJI Ronin with its stabilization straight to the armpost adapter. Pictures and video from the Cinemilled Site. http://vimeo.com/105086034 From: Cinemilled It seems to have lowmode ability as well. Looks like a good idea to me. For the more advanced operators. Would this work with a cheaper vest and armpost setup something offbrand. Any manufacturing deficiencies or precision due to not being Tiffen Steadicam should easily be compensated by the DJI Ronin itself I would think. *edit - nevermind that, they have recommended weight restrictions either way the X-10 looks to be the best bet. Looking to use this instead of a typical steadicam rig for more versatility. Thanks in advance! --- Alternately to save money I can get different weight springs. Thoughts on taking out existing springs from the merlin steadicam arm and vest and putting new ones in for heavier weight. ---
  12. hey yall looking to pick up AB to V mount plates so that i can mount IDX batteries on existing AB plates. Id like 2 in total. Im in los angeles and can pick up this week! brett. 404.408.5951 12@brettmayfield.com
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