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Found 4 results

  1. Hey folks, I am selling my first Steadicam rig which I bought in 2021. Perfect as a beginner rig to learn and practice with. I added some extras like a HDMI line in the post, a 3D printed expansion for the gimbal to have a better grip and a Manfrotto quick release plate on the top stage. Selling as I no longer use it. Would be great to find someone who would use it to start their Steadicam journey. The package is located in Germany Bielefeld if you want to try it out or pick it up. But I am also willing to ship it. -Steadicam Pilot Sled with V-Mount power -Steadicam Pilot Arm -Steadicam Pilot Vest -2x big and 2x small counterweights -Pilot Docking/Balancing Bracket -Monitor Screw -Manfrotto Baseplate + Screws -5/32" T-Wrench -DC to D-Tap female Adapter for the Topstage There is no Monitor included Asking for 950€ + Shipping If you want to see the Rig in Action you can check out my Instagram on my Profile. There is a Steadicam Highlight Story.
  2. Professional Steadicam System, perfect as a beginners rig holds up to 14kg (ex. BM Ursa Mini Pro + Atlas Orion) Floatcam Pro FC12 Sled (incl V Mount plate, Monitor Mount, extra weights,) HD SDI Line, Lemo Power, Floatcam Pro Arm + Cover (protects the arm against dirt and rain) Floatcam Pro Backmount Vest FC12 Docking Bracket Soft case Low Mode Bracket Dovetail + Baseplate 15mm Lemo - D Tap cable Manfrotto Lightstand (+140€)(expensive Shipping!!) looking for 2000€ Buyer pays Shipping Located in Austria
  3. Just purchased my first steadicam rig (zephyr) and am in the market for a weighted practice cage (like one pictured below). If anyone knows where I would be able to get my hands on one it’d be greatly appreciated. also if you guys can tell me basic practices you do daily to better your technique thatd also be amazing as well. thank you
  4. Hi, Please pardon my english :3 Excuse for the boring life talk but I think I need to give a little bit of a context. I'm currently looking for an entry level steadicam, with a student budget to get me started in this world. I bought years ago those small 50€ gimbals and played around a lot with it. I currently work as a DP for small music videos. Since I want to pursue learning the steadicam, I would like to get a little bigger rig to operate in those music videos. The camera to fly would mostly be DSLRs (rigged with cage, wireless focus etc.) and for lovely occasions small camcorders like Fs7, Ursa Mini Pro (pray for me to get to work with the alexa mini). My production company is investing around 2 thousand bucks in video equipement, that we will have to pay in multiple times (we're just begining our 2nd year running don't laugh :p). SO It has to be bought on Amazon (for the multiple payment). So this budget includes around 700€ for a steadicam. (I said don't laugh) And with the amazon obligation, I can't get my hands on a second hand unit on ebay or else. I'm looking at those 2 models, but since there is close to 0 reviews on them I would like to have your advices, I'm sure some experienced people around here can tell if it is garbage or not just looking at it. "The Movo x100 ultimate steadycam" the tilte is not reassuring at all x) https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B07GRCD66X/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A2TL1YPR21P6VT&psc=1 There is also this one cheaper on wich I would mount a monitor, but I could not get the HDMI to go through the sled like with the movo https://www.amazon.fr/Flycam-Stabilisateur-Flcm-glxy-rk-stabilisation-professionnel/dp/B01H1JQOKM/ref=sr_1_2?__mk_fr_FR=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=2ZMZAS55F1HUD&keywords=flycam+galaxy&qid=1577727094&s=electronics&sprefix=flycam+gala%2Celectronics%2C149&sr=1-2 What do you think of these ?Wich one looks best ? Be honest, tell me if you think this is wasted money and I should be patient to gather enough money to buy a bigger rig. Or would it work and get me the possibility to keep improving. Thank you so much for taking your time to read and answer, Sincerly yours Antoine Dorseuil latribuproduction.fr
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