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  1. I am selling my Sachtler/ARRI Artemis Spring Arm The arm is compatible with all vests using the industry-standard socket block, as well as with all gimbals using a 5/8” arm post. The springs are designed for a max. load capacity of 19kg (41.8lbs). During an inspection by ARRI the ARRI stickers were attached. It comes with a Sachtler soft bag located in Germany Asking price 3400 Euro (vat not included , delivery not included). if you are interested or have any questions you can also send me an e-mail: mail@jonashauser.de
  2. I am selling my Sachtler/Arri Cine HD Pro Top Stage and Lower Sled. The internal cabling has been extended for an HD signal. Included is: - 1x Sachtler/ARRI Cine HD Pro Top Stage - 1x Sachtler/ARRI Cine HD Pro Lower Sled - 1x Lemo connector internal cabling - 3x adjustable Battery Mount for V-Mount - 2x Docking Bracket located in Germany Asking price 3000 Euro (vat not included , delivery not included). if you are interested or have any questions you can also send me an e-mail: mail@jonashauser.de
  3. Looking for an 1.5" Artemis Docking Bracket from Sachtler/Arri with a tilt function. I hope someone can help. Thank you
  4. Hi chaps, I’ve been the sole owner of everything listed, and can vouch that every last screw has been lovingly looked after and is ready to shoot. Would love everything to go as one. £16,000 OBO. Based in London - you’re very welcome to come check it out on set or in my living room. Email emilio dot film at gmail dot com. Cheers for looking! 1) Sachtler Artemis Sled (1.8” post, HD-SDI, 12/24V, great condition) 2) Betz Wave 1 (boxed as new, with sled cables) 3) Transvideo RainbowHD 7” High-Brightness Monitor hybrid bracket (scuffs on the casing, a few scratches that disappear once the screen is on) 4) Transvideo Starlite 5” low-mode Monitor (boxed as new, with sled cables, low-mode bracket) 5) Sachtler Artemis docking bracket - frankly awful design, replace with Hill bracket ASAP :/ 6) 6 x IDX 146Wh batteries + 4-way Charger 7) Peli Sled Case (iM3100) 8) Cables, dovetail plates, brackets etc.
  5. Hi guys, I am looking for a medium sized (low-end professional rig). Anything along the lines of the Arri Artemis systems, Archer 2 or similar. I do not mind sensible hybrid rigs aswell. I am happy with anything that can carry atleast 15kg. If anyone has anything to offer or knows someone I could contact that would be great. Thank You! :)
  6. Hi, I'm looking for a rig, with a monitor and dock. Sachtler, or a medium sized Tiffen rig like a Clipper would be ideal. Preferably UK based. Thanks
  7. Take 10% off listed prices until November 30th! https://www.dropbox.com/s/hlx5hoimqx009m3/Black Friday Sale 181123.pdf?dl=0 Power Pods Preston FIZs Sachtler 20 Pro Surface Mounts Batteries Road Cases 3D Printer
  8. Sachtler 20 Plus Head and Tripod – good condition US$4,200.00 OBO Recently serviced by I.J.E.S. Camera Support Systems – “Production Ready” Sachtler Video 20 Plus Head SN/20P3395 Pan Arm Carbon Fiber Legs Spreader Hard Case See complete description - mention Black Friday sale https://www.dropbox.com/s/hlx5hoimqx009m3/Black%20Friday%20Sale%20181123.pdf?dl=0
  9. Selling Sachtler Act2 Vest - it's in superb condition. Super comfortable and easily adjustable, I've just decided the exovest is a better fit for me. Comes with an additional larger back pad section and a carrying bag. Asking $3250 obo, includes free shipping within the US. Cheers!
  10. For Sale: Oconnor Ultimate 120EX Fluid Head Price 9600.00 Mint condition only used in studio environment. Accessories Included: - Two Piece Handle - Camera Plate - Tie-Down - Innerspace case (retractable handle & wheels)
  11. Used Sachtler Video 14 fluid head. It's Missing the Pan handle and the camera plate. Great for small 16mm cameras and video/dv cameras: 75mm Bowl. Weight: 6.4 pounds Payload: 33 pounds Counterbalance: 15.4 - 33 pounds (3) levels of drag (tilt & pan) Tilt range +90° / -75° Asking Price $1150. Thank you
  12. Used Sachtler Video 20 fluid head Missing the pan handle and the leveling bubble, other than that in great working condition. 100mm ball mount Sliding top-plate (3) counterweight springs (5-55 lbs capacity) Touch-and-go wedge plate I am including a set of carbon fiber legs for parts, the one leg is not locking well. Asking Price $3950 Thank You
  13. Hey there i´m looking for an used ACT2 Vest or maybe an ACT. regards
  14. MK-V Evolution Sled, Sachtler Gimbal, Marell Green Screen Monitor & TV Logic Selling some of my old gear today. NOTE: This is NOT a complete sled! But it’s close. Technically all you’d need are a few cables and a top stage and you would have a fully functional sled. On with the show... Here’s what I’ve got for sale: MK-V Evolution battery rack, 1.5” two-stage center post and top/bottom SD electronics. Originally the battery plate was PAG-Lok but I had an AB battery plate mounted to it. It’s not a perfect fit but it worked for me for a year and a half. There is some wear and tear on the center post and on the battery rack extension rods. Doesn’t affect the functionality of the rig. Included with the MK-V sled is my Marell green screen and MK-V telescoping monitor mount. Everything is in good working order. Very little wear. Works like a charm. This is the bare-bones version that Marell made so the only built in features are adjustable frame lines and brightness/contrast control (unfortunately you cannot flip the image for easy low-mode; the only major problem I ever had with the monitor). I’m also including a little smorgasbord of extra brackets and rods for the Evolution battery base. $6,500 OBO Sachtler Gimbal for 1.5” center post with gimbal wrench. Gimbal is in good working shape though the stickers on the yoke have come off but other than that everything else seems to be in great condition though for the record I am the second owner and it hasn’t been serviced in the time that I have owned it. That being said, I never had any problems with the gimbal. $2,000 OBO TV Logic LVM-071W monitor with V-mount battery plate on the back. It also comes with a case/sun shade setup, strap included, as well as a rack mount for the monitor. $850 OBO If you're interested in combining some of the items or looking to purchase the whole lot at once I'm willing to work out a discount. Buyer pays shipping. Pick-ups are welcome (located in LA near Silver Lake/Echo Park). If you have any questions, feel free to email me: aaron.gantt@gmail.com Cheers! ~Aaron
  15. I've decided to sell off a considerable amount of excess film equipment that i have clogging up the shelves. Almost every item is in perfect condition. All reasonable offers considered! Photos of every item available on request via email (sorry too many images to post here) Sachtler 7+7 Studio II Head: Sale Price $3200.00 AUD (plus GST) RRP: $3500.00 USD (via Alan Gordon or Visual Products) Good conidition, typical signs of use but the head works perfectly and looks great. Comes with Aerolyte style flight case, Pan Handle, Front Box Mount/Adapter. Digital 2 Channel Bartech Handunit (BFD Systems) w/ Heden M26VE and F Stop 2.1 Digital Transmitter: Sale Price: $5,800.00 AUD (plus GST) RRP: $7,850,000 AUD (plus GST) Almost brand new condition, barely used. Iris Slider installed comes with 2x Lemo Power Motor Cables, 2 x Dtap Receiver Motor Cables and Red Epic/Dragon Rec/Run cable (RRP: $350). All complete in a custom Pelican Storm laser cut case. Miller 100mm DS30 Bowl Tripod Head and 2 Stage Legs (Mid Level Spreader) w/ Flight Tube. Sale Price: $2000.00 AUD (plus GST) RRP: $4000.00 AUD (plus GST) Great condition head and legs, everything working perfectly. Included in the sale is, 1x 100mm 2 Stage Legs w/ Mid level spreader, 1x Miller DS30 Head (100mm bowl), 1x Tie Down, 1x Camera Snap Plate, 1x Pan Handle, 1x Miller Flight Tube. Blackmagic Design HDMI - SDI signal converter - Built in battery model w/ Dtap Power cable. Sale Price: $100.00 (plus GST) RRP: Over $250.00 (plus GST) Great condition HDMI to SDI Signal converter w a Dtap Power Cable included. Chrosziel MB840 3 Stage Swingaway Mattebox (Can be configured as LW15mm, Studio15mm or Studio 19mm w/ adapter) Sale Price: $1500.00 (plus GST) RRP: $3000:00 (plus GST) Perfect condition, very minor signs of use. 2 x PV size (4.565) trays and 1x138mm Circular Rear stage. This mattebox can be fitted with additional accessories to run from either studio15mm or studio 19mm rails. The mattebox swings away from the lens for easy lens changes. This is definitely the most professional mattebox Chrosziel have released in my opinion. Redmote (Suitable for Red Epic/Dragon/Scarlet) Sale Price: $275.00 (plus GST) RRP: $650.00 (plus GST) Perfect condition, almost never used, comes in hard 'Red' black plastic case. Note: GST or Goods and Services tax is set at 10% of the purchase price and is applicable only if sold within Australia. Note: All items are based in Melbourne, Australia and are available for pickup. Shipping can be arranged. Thanks for viewing, any enquiries can be made here or to liamgilmour@gmail.com Cheers
  16. Hi there, i'm searching a sachtler act /act2 vest. if you want to buy yours or you know somone who sell contact me ... please :) kind regards from germany
  17. Hello Steadicam Forum, Over the past few years, Teradek has found an appreciation for the community and individuals here in the SteadicamForum. Whether it be excellent technical discussions regarding our technology or feedback to create new products like the Bolt Sidekick! The value of direct client and user interaction has become one of our top priorities and we look forward to creating more opportunities to continue this type of synergy. That being said, we're excited to announce the Grand Opening of the new Creative Solutions Los Angeles (CSLA) showroom. The event will be on October 16th, 2015 5pm-10pm at 5329 West San Fernando Road Los Angeles, CA. We've been working together with the Paralinx crew to provide the next level of direct connection between manufacturer and client. Not only will CSLA be a hub for Teradek products, but also our sister companies Paralinx, SmallHD and other Vitec Videocom brands like Anton Bauer, Litepanels, O'Connor, Sachtler to name a few! Below you will find our "formal" invitation to the grand opening event. We will have all of the latest products from the previously mentioned brands, including all of our IBC announcements. And of course, food, beverages and goodies! I hope to see you all there and to finally meet you in person! And don't forget to RSVP: shopcreativesolutions.com/rsvp Cheers, Andrew Ng Director of Marketing, Teradek __________________________________________________________ CSLA Invite We are pleased to extend an invitation to the Grand Opening of the Creative Solutions Los Angeles showroom on Friday Oct.16 from 5-10pm. Vitec Videocom’s Creative Solutions unit consists of the Paralinx, SmallHD, and Teradek brands and the showroom opened last month as a way to help educate and support customers looking to learn more about emerging technology. In addition to the U.S. debut of the exciting new Creative Solutions products launched at IBC in Amsterdam, the Grand Opening will feature an open bar and gourmet tacos from Mexicali Taco & Co. Featured Products: Teradek Cube 600 Series, Vidiu Pro, Sidekick companion receiver for Bolt systems Teradek Connected Set featuring COLR, LOKR, and more SmallHD 702 Bright 7” monitor Paralinx Ace SDI or HDMI wireless system For safety reasons, guests planning to consume alcohol are encouraged to use Uber, Lyft, or a taxi for transportation to/from the event. RSVP is required. Please see the attached invite for event details. www.shopcreativesolutions.com/rsvp See you soon, The CSLA Team
  18. Hi all, I am new to the forums and keen to hear feedback from steadicam operators all over on something I produced this summer. I am a beta/product tester for Vitec Videocom and as part of a Kickstarter project I have launched I was lucky enough to have Curt Schaller operate the prototype SMX 20 'Artemis Trinity' on my pitch film. It has been getting some good and bad feedback, all of which I understand, but I wanted to hear from actual operators in the industry. As a DoP I have my issues with the end product that we created but I think it's still a really decent effort given the ambitious one-shot nature of it. The Artemis Trinity has actually now been adapted to iron out the imperfections that are visible on my pitch film, but I'd love to know what others think of the prototype's efforts. Any and all feedback is great, and I will actually pass it on to Sachtler. Please check out the pitch film here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/paulcook/magpie Thank you for your time.
  19. http://shop.artemis-hd.com/index.php?cl=details&anid=505685e3d7243a17db03585536869b4d&cnid=631a06159869374c414ea42328cf9e19 Artemis ACT 2 Arm in perfect condition. Can carry up to 53 pounds. asking: $10,000 or best offer. (over $14,000 new)
  20. Steadicam Flyer 24 LE with dual Anton Bauer mount for sale. Excellent condition. Bought brand new, still like new. Used sparingly. Asking $4699. Google Drive link to photos and manual here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_FUlurO9A2Ofk9RNDJKWWZPZzdDVWZfU0hSN2RrUDEzUDkzZUFlTXRJRi14cDJJQUZBN00&usp=sharing Please scroll down on the document to see all photos. --- For the operator looking to build your first kit from scratch, the following gear is also for sale, all purchased brand new specifically to fit the Flyer. Great package, and also in excellent, like new condition. Save $500 when you buy the entire bundle for $8795 (not including the Flyer). Google Drive link to photos here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_FUlurO9A2Ofk9RNDJKWWZPZzdDVWZfU0hSN2RrUDEzUDkzZUFlTXRJRi14cDJJQUZBN00&usp=sharing 1) JVC GY-HM700U ProHD Compact Shoulder Camcorder w/14x Canon Lens - $4399 http://pro.jvc.com/prof/attributes/features.jsp?model_id=MDL101851 2) Anton Bauer Dual Battery & Charging System - $999 2 x Anton Bauer Dionic 90 Digital Interactive Lithium-Ion Batteries 1 x Anton Bauer Titan Twin 2 Position 60w Battery Charger http://video.antonbauer.com/Products/TWIN 3) Sachtler 75 mm Fluid Head FSB 6 T Speed Lock 75 CF Tripod - $1999 http://www.sachtler.com/products/fluid-heads/75-mm/fsb-6-t-4/ http://www.sachtler.com/products/tripods/75-mm-tripods/speed-lock-75-cf-2/ 4) Lowel Blender LED Dual Light Bundle - $1199 2 x BLN-10 Lowel Blender LED Light BLN-10 1 x BL-83 Lowel Anton Bauer D Tap Battery Cable Power Adapter 1 x ViP-38 Lowel Stud Link ViP-38 5/8" Stud with 1/4-20 Screw 1 x LB-15 Lowel Blender Duo Carry Bag 1 x T1-25 Lowel Tota-Brella Silver T1-25 1 x T1-26 Lowel Tota Brella White T1-26 2 x UN-33 Lowel Uni Stand UN-33 1 x LL-LR1250 Lastolite EzyBalance Grey / White Card Small 12" LL LR12 http://lowel.tiffen.com/blender/ 5) Sennheiser ew 100 ENG G3 Dual Wireless Kit w/hard Pelican case - $699 Includes two wireless lavalier microphone receiver-transmitter sets and one handheld with transmitter. Not an exact match, but compares to… http://en-us.sennheiser.com/wireless-clip-on-lavalier-microphone-set-presentation-ew-100-eng-g3 ----- Soft cases, cords and standard accessories included for all. Items located in Los Angeles, CA. Can meet for inspection and purchase anywhere in SoCal. Final note - Steadicam Flyer and all gear listed above purchased brand new for approximately $19,680, not including shipping & handling and taxes. When you find good gear, definitely buy used when you can. Lesson learned. Thanks.
  21. Selling a Sactler ACT2 vest for producer friend. It's In great condition and does everything it should do. Comes with the carry bag and some replacement padding. I'll throw some better pictures up as soon as I get the chance and it's not midnight. $2700USD + shipping. Thanks for reading. (Justin in Sydney has one for sale with less scratches. Not trying to drive his price down, just changing to a Klassen and he needs to finance it soon.)
  22. I'm selling my artemis sled to get their new one! Here's the package; -System EFP HD 1.5" Anton Bauer -ACT2 1.5" -ACT2 Monitor Bracket 6", 1.5" -Red Cam Power 12V XLR -HiCap Cam power 12V XLR -Alexa Cam power HiCap 12V -Pelican case custom pre-cut that fits all the parts, your monitor (cut for a Transvideo CineHD 6") and even some of your tools! Asking 11 500$, shipping not included. Based in Montreal. Please visit the following link for more details: http://shop.artemis-hd.com/index.php?cl=alist&cnid=6472901d9853d414a54ff0159d382bd8&lang=1 I will NOT sell parts separately. Pics will come shortly, more likely Wednesday November 5th. Sled will be available from November 5th as well.
  23. I'm listing three tripods for which we have no use anymore. They're older with signs of significant use, but are functionally in great shape. Please contact me at lclements(at)hammondcg.com or PM me for more information and pictures. First is an O'Connor 1030-S (or -A, not sure which) with a mini-Euro QR plate adapter, and the original O'Connor sticks--I think they're aluminum or steel, but they are not carbon fiber. Both handles are included, and original plate without screws. The mini-Euro configuration is the exact same plate as Sachtler's top-load plate. I'm asking $2500 Second and third are Sachtler V20 II's with aluminum sticks. One of them is missing the big red knob for the tilt lock, as well as the lock at the front of the sliding top plate--if it's unlocked, it can potentially slide back off the head. But if it's locked, there are no issues--I've mounted a teleprompter with Sony F800 on the head and done all kinds of tilts with no problems. The other V20II has no problems (non-cosmetic, anyway.) Both sticks have floor spreaders. Because of the missing pieces, I'm asking only for $1800 for the first, and $2200 for the second. First: The replacement parts needed are 2501-07 (stop for the head adjustment) and 2500-090 (may be the whole assembly.) Second:
  24. Sachtler ACT2 Vest for sale! It has slight signs of wear and tear on it (backside, right), nothing substantial. Because of the modular construction it's possible to replace any pice (if you wish)! The Package includes: Sachtler, ACT2 Vest spare, big sized Vest-Butterfly and Back-Pads (never used) Vest-Bag The Vest is located in Germany Price asking, best offer (extra: shipping, fees and taxes) Cheers Joerg
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