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The New CineAlta

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So that's the new CineAlta?


The RGB 4:4:4 (F-1000 maybe???)


(Mini me ?), A shrunken down Genesis that still sports a 2/3 inch chip, like the F-900. Here on the picture with a Digi Prime. Heavy Panavision influence... and the deck on the back. What do you think?


I'm just baffled, separate the deck in a Magazine look-a-like and house the chip in a box that resembles a film camera and there we go, all the film guys will be fouled... but the view finder is still the same as on the ENG cameras. Just the Anton Bauer mount is missing, I guess that a good old Hytron will not do the trick as that is the same Deck that makes the Genesis so power hungry...


Funny thing was that a banner above the camera stated compatible with all Arri accessories... great step into the right direction... I still like the D-20 better.


(BTW: There are still Sound inputs on the Deck... Why?)


Fly safe,


Erwin "Want be fouled again..."Landau








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We've spent the last 5 years complaining about the form factor of HD cameras being Betacam-based, now we are complaining that they look like film cameras??


If there is a good reason for making the deck look-a-like and at an angle... then I won´t complain.

To me it looks silly and as bad design.


Mikael Kern

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This new design smacks of the old Ikegami EC-35 system from the 1980s. Boxy, blocky components with little thought to actual field ergonomics.


I would like to drag some of those "designer" folks out into the field and try to live with their work while working in today's workflow.


How about some serious effort to make things power efficient and ergonomic for operator comfort.


How about making something that makes sense for those who have to actually "use" the item.




Brant "What does that button do?" Fagan

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Yes, I know I'm new to the forum, but I had dinner at NAB with the Sony liason who works with all of the directors, and his job is basically to ask what they want to see in a camera. The topic of that camera came up. His response was, that camera is basically the road down which the "Big Wigs" want to travel, namely the 2/3" chip. He named some big names, George Lucas, Michael Mann, and Robert Rodriguez, among others... He claims this camera was developed with what they wanted in mind... He said that in his experience, these directors do not want to use the film cameras of old, or even something that resembles them. They feel that the 2/3" chip model is the wave of the future, so the previous comment as to the resemblance to the Beta camera is apt. I did mention the fact that there are many other designs out there with those HUGE 1 chip CMOS sensors, (The Phantom has a 65mm sensor) but his response was that the directors Sony has dealt with do not want to use that technology at this time... Again, this is from the Sony rep, not me!

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I really think that Arri has the right idea, the 35mm CMOS is by far our best shot at real digi-cinema depth of field, modularity and unlimited scalability (future proofing). I love the thought of keeping my Zeiss set for a few more years too! Dig the 435/Steadi friendly form factor.


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but his response was that the directors Sony has dealt with do not want to use that technology at this time...



Sorry but since when are the directors THE authority on cameras... did I miss something? They are telling a story and to tell the story with pictures, they still hire DP's... right? So shouldn't the DP have a saying in that?


Oh, sorry I forgot Soderberg and Rodriguez are calling them selfs DP's now... And Lucas doesn't need anybody to make a movie, he just needs a green screen...






Erwin"I'll call Spielberg and tell him how to direct"Landau

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Wow, that Red One is going to be a monster, PL mount, 7 pounds with 160G HDD onboard, full modularity and the choice of formats. Sign me up!!!







RED's looking good to me



On a lighter note,

Erwin I beat your score on balloon bomber over at steadiforum B)


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I know this is getting off subject a little, but has anyone used the Phantom 65? http://www.visiblesolutions.com/ (The link to the Phantom 65 is a PDF) Their booth was across the aisle from the MK-V booth at NAB... It's only 9 pounds, has a native Nikon mount as well as optional PL. I had a couple of Nikon lenses with me, and the rep let me put my 16mm on the camera... It worked just fine! The camera alone would fit into both your palms put together. It has similar specs to the Red, but it's a working model, not a CAD drawing.... On paper, it outspecs the Viper, and uses the Venom flash pack, records in Raw... It has 11 f-stops... 65mm sensor, 120 fps at 4k, very impressive, but no press... Does it work/do what they say it can do? Does it really compare in the real world? They have another model that does 1000 fps in HD... a friend of mine used it to shoot a spec commercial, it looked very good in slo mo, but I only saw the video on a computer monitor...

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