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omg, got 3 seconds of decent footage

James Palanza II

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you do realize that this is a forum for professional operators that earn a living with this type of work?


This is like posting a video of your Chevy Aveo driving down the street on a race car forum....





Hm, I suggest then removing the "Steadi-newbies" section then, or maybe you should suggest it? lol, balking at the beginners, IN the beginners section. Sense is made, sir.


Edit: Oh, and more importantly, I'd suggest you make an effort to boycott the entire Merlin line as it seems to be priced and designed for beginning users such as myself.

Edited by James Palanza II
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you do realize that this is a forum for professional operators that earn a living with this type of work?


This is like posting a video of your Chevy Aveo driving down the street on a race car forum....





Hm, I suggest then removing the "Steadi-newbies" section then, or maybe you should suggest it? lol, balking at the beginners, IN the beginners section. Sense is made, sir.


Edit: Oh, and more importantly, I'd suggest you make an effort to boycott the entire Merlin line as it seems to be priced and designed for beginning users such as myself.



You are missing the point here.


Feel free to ask any questions you might have, but why are you posting those videos?


BTW, newbies, are usually people who operate for years and now adding the special "steadicam" to their skill-set

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okay, so there is a moment where it looked like i knew what i was doing.


this is hard. the biggest problem comes with managing the start/stop inertia, which gets even harder if u have the thing pointed to ur left for like a tracking shot.



Where is the 3 seconds of good footage?

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OK I didnt see the second video til now and its not great Im afraid ! Good subject to practice though. Were you walking forward and shooting sideways ? Seem like you were going up amd down a bit of a hill there so quite difficult to maintain constant distance. Easiest get out would to stop down the lens. Try marking out the circle you are travelling around the post. Try the opposite direction too and try to watch the camera postion rather than getting fixed on the monitor. Hope thats helpful


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For some reason I still feel compelled to defend my position here, though quite pointless.


Not sure why you "pro" operators have such a hard stance on talking to or seeing anyone who isn't skilled at this device. Are you angry that your once highly lucrative and invite only club has become open to anyone with a few hundred dollars to try and give a stab at?


I don't recall in my post ever acting like I knew what I was doing. I posted a video that I made to the appropriate section in a forum dedicated to the device that I purchased. I don't believe I even implied anything that could result in someone taking offense. Since when can't a person casually start a conversation? Are you all so jaded from people asking questions and encroaching into your "field" that you attack anyone who even begins to take any of this in a casual manner?


Let me tell you - I've approached masters of trades that take FAR longer to become "accomplished" in and never ran into something like this. You have no idea who I am, the type of person I am or how I see this work. Jump to conclusions much?


I suggest trying to relax - I never even asked for a critique. If you wanted to bash the video that wasn't intended to show any skill then feel free, but to jump someone for just starting a neutral conversation about the craft being a difficult process - seems rather stupid and childish.


Now, @ Joe Mcnally - there is a response that I figured I'd get. Yeah, the pole stuff I found to be rather difficult as its round so much easier to tell if you are off, also I was shooting sideways, which seems a lot more difficult to keep the horizon line stable. Also, I'm shooting with a merlin so no vest or arm, just the camera. Yeah I'd say a fixed pole would provide great practice, I'm looking forward to being able to get great results if I keep at it.

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I think we just don't know why you are posting this footage.


If you have no questions and you aren't requesting some sort of critique then what are you aiming to achieve?


Newer people are welcomed, but do understand that we are all full time operators, this isn't a DV video forum for hobbyists.


If you have a question then I'm very sure people would be more positive and supportive in response to your posts, but otherwise I suspect the majority of use don't really have any interest in watching your Merlin footage.



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You have no idea who I am, the type of person I am

you're right... all I see is someone being a dick online. That's all I know about you. Your posts are thick with butthurt. I see you found the white balance button by the second video, so you're learning. And that's a good thing.

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You have no idea who I am, the type of person I am

you're right... all I see is someone being a dick online. That's all I know about you. Your posts are thick with butthurt. I see you found the white balance button by the second video, so you're learning. And that's a good thing.



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