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Monitor Options for Red Scarlett X and Video SK combo

Samuel Angus Campbell

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Hey all,

steadi-newbie here, and I'm wondering if anyone can please help out with this question. I will be shooting with the red scarlett x on a video sk rig. I was told by a friend that the monitor on the rig will not support the hd video of the camera. He suggested an adapter for an LCD monitor to be gaffed onto the rig. Any other ideas or possible solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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You may want to be more descriptive. I've never heard of a "video sk rig", so it may be hard for me (or others for that matter) to give proper insight. If you're just looking for a downconverter to change the HD-SDI signal into composite or SD-SDI, try looking into buying a Decimator or a Blackmagic Design Mini Converter.


Downconverters have been discussed many times over the years on this forum, so don't be afraid of the search function!


Good luck!

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Hi Samuel ,


The video SK is an old rig . If you still have the green screen working , i would also suggest the decimator . It will downconvert your hd signal to an sd signal your monitor will ingest. Make sure you have the ability to power the decimator from the sled or the camera .

Good luck


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Alan, your Google-Fu is weak! And plenty of ops are aware of it anyway.


Since your point was that you couldn't easily give proper insight without more info, and then immediately you easily gave proper insight, I'm not sure what your argument is or why you are still making it. :P

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The SK doesn't have much connections to help your cause, a decimator may be the answer but you have to figure out how to power it from the rig. Adapting and splitting the power cable to allow you to use a P-Tap could work or just getting an HD battery operated Monitor and replacing whats currently on the rig could work as well. Either way your going to have to get creative to get the signal to your monitor


Hope that helps

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+1 for the Decimator. Black magic also makes some downconverters if you're strapped for cash, but you have to be VERY careful with the voltage you feed it. They will die if you give it 16V from a fresh Dionic. Trust me, it happened to me they day before a big job and made me look like a dumbass unprepared. Decimator all the way.

Also, Velcro! Get a big roll of industrial strength Velcro and cover your rig with it. You'll never need to use gaffer's tape again.

On the topic of the powering question, you will need to have a separate battery or a cable with in in line voltage regulator if you want to power the downconverter from your rig. I've only ever seen an SK at glance, but it looked similar to the Flyer topstage. Not a lot of room for more connectors, but not impossible to mod.

Hope this helps

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You can use a down converter (Decimator, Black Magic or Atomos Connect) and get a composite signal that your sled should be able to deal with.

You can power those down converters assuming you have a battery plate on the back of the camera that's either V mount or Anton Bauer, from the Ptap connector.

Alternatively you can get a long (4ft) monitor cable from RED and attach the touchscreen on the bottom of your sled, and just run the cable externally. This will work best indoors, as the touchscreen is not amazing out in the sun.

If you get a regular HDSDI monitor, make sure it's daylight viewable. You will probably need an external cable as your sled most likely wont be able to support and SDI signal going through it.

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