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arm efficiency?

Josip Pavelic

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Hello everybody,


Could somebody out there answer an question with which I'm in doubt for some time? As we know, everything constructed by man is everything but absolutely perfect, and also a steadicam arm. That means it performs it's task (to totally eliminate the operators body movement) a bit less than perfect. The question is that is it possible to say how much in per cent an first state arm is capable of doing it's isolating effect? Just curious..



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Hello Josip,


make an easy test... walk without touching the rig and you'll see how perfect an arm can be in isolating the operator' steps. For example problems arise when you start wanting the lens somewhere and you've to touch the rig, then you introduce sollecitations and you loose that perfect feeling.



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Well, in fact, that is a combination of arm plus sled/gimbal ratio of stabilising. As we know, sled is taking a important role in stabilising movements as well. For example, if we take a steadicam JR in hand (and it's nothing but sled too) the result is a pure steadicam effect, and the one without spring arm. If we could hold our heavy rigs in our hands and fly..

Well is it possible to know a general hi end arm stabilising efficiency or not? Anybody?



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Hello Josip,


make an easy test... walk without touching the rig and you'll see how perfect an arm can be in isolating the operator' steps. For example problems arise when you start wanting the lens somewhere and you've to touch the rig, then you introduce sollecitations and you loose that perfect feeling.



The simple explanation I read.... Oka Matteo.

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