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Batteries -Keep on charge?


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Hi Guys,


Let me try and clear things up. NiCad and NiMH are different than li ion, but the general practice is the same. Remember, a NiCad or NiMH battery will return to 100% of charge, after it has been left off charge and then returned to a charger. Technically, and the cell manufacturers will tell you the same, if you leave a lithium ion battery off of charge, it will lose approximately 1% of its capacity, which is then "irrecoverable". This is true with all lithium ion batteries, not just a select few. By keeping a lithium ion battery on the charger, it will actually slow down the self-discharge, as there is no "LifeSaver mode" or "pulse charge" that can be applied to lithium ion batteries. This is due to safety reasons.....As opposed to NiCad or NiMH cells which you can put a pulse charge or lifesaver charge on to keep them at 100%.


The manufacturers of lithium ion somehow came up with the 40% number as to where to leave a battery off of charge. I don't know how or why, but obviously there is some type of scientific proof that indicates that it will slow down the self-discharge if left around 40%. But, as mentioned above, most of the capacity that it will lose by self-discharge is irrecoverable.


Hope this helps.....



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