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MV on D5mk2 and Pilot


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So today I did a quick music video, mainly as experiment to see how we can work with the Canon D5mk2.


I found several issues with it, but must admit that once you get the focus on the right place, it definitely looks good!

No assistant available, so I had to focus on my own, while operating.

Of course I tried to make the moves parallel, with minimal distance change, but that becomes boring after a while.

So I wore the Bartech on my belly and pulled focus while holding the Pilot with my other hand.

This worked not always, but after some practice surprisingly well. Also smooth focus pulls from background people to the singer in the foreground were possible.

I used a HDM! monitor, which give me just enough focus indication to pull with some confidence and looking back later after downloading, I was really pleased with several shots!


I also did some on a Handheld rig, that someone had quickly build. But that did not gave me a really good feeling, to bumpy and when using stabilizing I noticed that the lens sometimes "jumps".


Another problem is that I tend to use the end of the lens mostly, it becomes pretty from 45mm up! So this zoomlens did not give me much, only 70 mm, which is probably like a 35-40 mm compared with 35mm academy filming...

So when I thought I would have a nice out of focus background on a 70-200mm zoomlens on 200mm, I was disappointed. It needed to be like a 400 mm.... but you can imagine the focus difficulties once you start with these lenses.


I have to go through all the material, to see how I really did, because there was hardly any time to playback and check.


Here are a few pics.



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