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My Situation

Benjamin Joseph Corwin

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Hi all,


I would like to ask some advice. I recently attended a Steadicam Workshop under the supervision of an SOC member named Steve Fracol and am now highly considering it as a future career choice particularly in the film industry. From what I gather, the next best step for me to take is purchasing a Steadicam rig. Unfortunately, since I am a recent college graduate, I am neck deep in school loans and will not be able to purchase a Steadicam for awhile. In the meantime, that leaves me plenty of time for research. Realistically, I feel that my price range maxes out around $30,000. Mr. Facol suggested that I should consider looking into an old EFP rig. I have also looked into a Master Series rig as a possibility as well.... ----> http://cgi.ebay.com/STEADICAM-MASTER-SERIE...=item35a52c8d58


My question for everyone is if you think I could break into the film industry starting off with a rig in this price range or if these rigs would even support the film cameras that are necessary. I also wanted to make clear that I would be starting off working on independent films because that is where I have connections. All in all I am just trying to find the most efficient way to get me going in a Steadicam career in film. Thanks!


-Ben Corwin

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I don't have time for a more insightful reply at the moment, but I just met an op the other day who is thinking of selling his EFP, and that it would be a great rig to start with. Keep an eye on the marketplace here on the forums as well.


And, I'm jealous that you are just out of school and have a limit of $30k! I'm 4 years out and have a limit right now of... well, I could trade my Flyer (That Steve sold me) I s'pose.


I'll PM you that ops info tonight when I have a minute.

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I don't have time for a more insightful reply at the moment, but I just met an op the other day who is thinking of selling his EFP, and that it would be a great rig to start with. Keep an eye on the marketplace here on the forums as well.


And, I'm jealous that you are just out of school and have a limit of $30k! I'm 4 years out and have a limit right now of... well, I could trade my Flyer (That Steve sold me) I s'pose.


I'll PM you that ops info tonight when I have a minute.



Thanks man. But like I said, it is going to take awhile yet for me to afford it. I feel that 30K is the best estimate for the time being.

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The simple fact is that until you have $30k cash lying around, you are going to be financing your rig. You'll probably finance most equipment in this industry, and by that I mean everything down to what you put on your credit card. There is an elite club among this community, members of which are fully paid off. I think you can count them on 2 hands :P


You can support most independent film work with a Flyer or an Archer. Both of those rigs support 12/24v for Film, and can carry the common Mini35 packages no problem. By the time you're ready to purchase, I bet you could get a nice Archer2 on the used market! Keep $5k-10K in your budget for accessories and cables too!


I thought about going big right away, and I'm glad I didn't. Like Brian, I started small with a rig that could support the bread and butter commercial clients. Until you build up a strong client base, there will be many periods of time where your gear doesn't work. It would be pretty hard to justify a $750 monthly payment over a $230 monthly payment when you work 1-2 days per month starting up.


Having said all that, I really want an EFP! The upgrade options thru PRO are really attractive. I might be doing some shopping pretty soon..

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I have seen a couple of Master rigs beeing sold for something around 25000 USD.


My first rig was an EFP and I would not consider one anymore. From head to toe the topstage is weak and not accurate. Had an upgrade with a Chrosziel topstage which is very sturdy. Post is made of carbon. My choice would be titan. Gimbal is weak I replaced it with a 3a one already made by GPI at that time. Battery cage is weak. Electronics don´t have 24 Volts. The arm is a 3a with reduced capacity, got that replaced with gold springs and the vest is true horror. Weak front broke and had to be replaced. Having said that you do your math and see that you can buy a good sturdy rig for that investment. Plus the rig will be at least well over 10 years old. Some folks may correct me, it may even be older.


Just my 2c.








Hi all,


I would like to ask some advice. I recently attended a Steadicam Workshop under the supervision of an SOC member named Steve Fracol and am now highly considering it as a future career choice particularly in the film industry. From what I gather, the next best step for me to take is purchasing a Steadicam rig. Unfortunately, since I am a recent college graduate, I am neck deep in school loans and will not be able to purchase a Steadicam for awhile. In the meantime, that leaves me plenty of time for research. Realistically, I feel that my price range maxes out around $30,000. Mr. Facol suggested that I should consider looking into an old EFP rig. I have also looked into a Master Series rig as a possibility as well.... ----> http://cgi.ebay.com/STEADICAM-MASTER-SERIE...=item35a52c8d58


My question for everyone is if you think I could break into the film industry starting off with a rig in this price range or if these rigs would even support the film cameras that are necessary. I also wanted to make clear that I would be starting off working on independent films because that is where I have connections. All in all I am just trying to find the most efficient way to get me going in a Steadicam career in film. Thanks!


-Ben Corwin

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Having said all that, I really want an EFP! The upgrade options thru PRO are really attractive. I might be doing some shopping pretty soon..



I currently use an EFP with a sled that has been modified a bit. I found it to be the right choice dollars wise, because like Mike said, the payments are bigger than what you will make when starting out if you get the new and expensive rig. And most of the components from PRO are plug and play with the EFP.


Anyone can buy the biggest and baddest gear, but it takes real skill and experience to find the jobs.

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And to piggy back of of Kevin's last point..


You're almost better off starting with something like a Flyer LE. I think that the Pilot and Flyer rigs are the "great revealer" solution that you can pour on any operator and see what their true skill and fundamentals look like. You can hide bad operating in the inertia of a larger rig, but the Flyer leaves nothing to hide. If you get good on a Flyer, you WILL be good on a bigger rig. Not to mention run a lesser risk of injury down the road.

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The particular EFP I mentioned is 12/24 capable, and I believe has some other improvements. But that's that particular rig.


Eric makes a great point on what to look for and who to talk to. When you're closer to purchase time, go talk Erwin, he'll steer you right.

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The particular EFP I mentioned is 12/24 capable, and I believe has some other improvements. But that's that particular rig.


Eric makes a great point on what to look for and who to talk to. When you're closer to purchase time, go talk Erwin, he'll steer you right.


But it's still an EFP with all that's bad about it.


There is better out there, Much better

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